
Replacement of the Vena Cava with Aortic Graft for Living Donor Liver

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dc.contributor.author Sakcak, I
dc.contributor.author Eris, C
dc.contributor.author Olmez, A
dc.contributor.author Kayaalp, C
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz, S
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-23T14:44:05Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-23T14:44:05Z
dc.date.issued 2012
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/57315
dc.description.abstract A 12-year-old girl, operated because of a hydatid cyst of the liver, with Budd-Chiari syndrome was evaluated for postoperative development of ascites and paraumbilical varicose veins. A vena caval stent was placed for the relief of inferior vena caval obstruction. The patient was admitted because of progressive deterioration in ascites and liver functions. Imaging techniques showed degeneration adjacent to the right hepatic vein in liver segments 7 to 8, a partially calcified 5-cm hydatid cyst, and a thrombosis in the inferior vena cava was that addressed with a 10-cm metal stent. A living donor segments 2 to 3 liver transplantation was obtained from the patient's mother. After completion of the donor operation without complications, the vena caval stent was removed following the recipient hepatectomy. Suprarenal flow continued after resection of the fibrotic vena cava and placement of a cadaveric cryopreserved aortic graft for the vena cava, anastomosed between the suprarenal and subdiaphragmatic segments of the vena cava. An end-to-side anastotnosis was performed between the left hepatic vein of the donor liver and the aortic graft. There was no complication and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 19. Follow-up Doppler ultrasonography showed the aortic vena caval graft to be open, along with the hepatic/portal vein and hepatic artery. This case demonstrated that operations for liver hydatid cyst surgeries can iatrogenically induce Budd-Chiari syndrome; a cryopreserved aortic graft can be an alternative to ensure the continuity of the vena cava in living donor liver transplantation.
dc.title Replacement of the Vena Cava with Aortic Graft for Living Donor Liver
dc.title Transplantation in Budd-Chiari Syndrome Associated with Hydatid Cyst
dc.title Surgery: A Case Report

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