
Midazolam in treatment of various types of seizures in children

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dc.contributor.author Yakinci, C.
dc.contributor.author Müngen, B.
dc.contributor.author Şahin, S.
dc.contributor.author Karabiber, H.
dc.contributor.author Durmaz, Y.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-06T09:37:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-06T09:37:19Z
dc.date.issued 1997
dc.identifier.issn 03877604 (ISSN)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/62960
dc.description.abstract Midazolam is a recently developed water-soluble benzodiazepine that shares anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, hypnotic and anticonvulsant actions with other members of this class. There are limited studies that midazolam can be used successfully to treat seizures in adults and children. In this study, 0.2 mg/kg intramuscular (IM) midazolam was administered to 11 children (eight boys and three girls), aged 3 days to 4 years (mean age 1.8 ± 1.4 years), with seizures of various types. In all but one child, seizures stopped in 15 s-5 min after injection. No side effects were observed. These results suggest that IM administration of midazolam may be useful in a variety of seizures during childhood, especially in case of intravenous (IV) line problem.
dc.source Brain and Development
dc.title Midazolam in treatment of various types of seizures in children

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