
The therapeutic efficacy of dexpanthenol on sciatic nerve injury in a

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dc.contributor.author Korkmaz, MF
dc.contributor.author Parlakpinar, H
dc.contributor.author Erdem, MN
dc.contributor.author Ceylan, MF
dc.contributor.author Ediz, L
dc.contributor.author Samdanci, E
dc.contributor.author Kekilli, E
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-11T13:12:54Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-11T13:12:54Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/75457
dc.description.abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate histopathological, functional and bone densitometry examinations of the beneficial effects of dexpanthenol (DEX) on nerve regeneration in a rat model of peripheral nerve crush injury. Methods: Thirty adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided equally into three groups. A crush injury was simulated in all rats by clamping the right sciatic nerve for one minute. In group 1, one day before the surgical procedure, 500 mg/kg DEX administered via intraperitoneally (ip) was initiated and continued three times in a week during the experiment period as 28 days. In group 2, rats received a dose of 10 mg/kg DEX to investigate possible effects of DEX alone. Group 3 served as the control (sciatic nerve injury) and was not given any drugs. Results: Performance was significantly lower in group 3 compared to the drug treatment groups during the rotarod test (30 rpm and 40 rpm) (p < 0.05). After a while, the rats which were able to remain on the rod was significantly lower in group 3 during the acceleration test (p < 0.05). Hot plate latency test results in group 3 were significantly lower when compared to the other groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: DEX appears to be useful as a supportive clinical agent for the treatment of pain and nerve damage.
dc.title The therapeutic efficacy of dexpanthenol on sciatic nerve injury in a
dc.title rat model

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