
Long-Term Use of Ticagrelor in Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction

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dc.contributor.author Bonaca, MP
dc.contributor.author Bhatt, DL
dc.contributor.author Cohen, M
dc.contributor.author Steg, PG
dc.contributor.author Storey, RF
dc.contributor.author Jensen, EC
dc.contributor.author Magnani, G
dc.contributor.author Bansilal, S
dc.contributor.author Fish, MP
dc.contributor.author Im, K
dc.contributor.author Bengtsson, O
dc.contributor.author Ophuis, TO
dc.contributor.author Budaj, A
dc.contributor.author Theroux, P
dc.contributor.author Ruda, M
dc.contributor.author Hamm, C
dc.contributor.author Goto, S
dc.contributor.author Spinar, J
dc.contributor.author Nicolau, JC
dc.contributor.author Kiss, RG
dc.contributor.author Murphy, SA
dc.contributor.author Wiviott, SD
dc.contributor.author Held, P
dc.contributor.author Braunwald, E
dc.contributor.author Sabatine, MS
dc.contributor.author Morin, S
dc.contributor.author Dantzer, E
dc.contributor.author Acquilano, D
dc.contributor.author McGuire, RL
dc.contributor.author Gannon, JB
dc.contributor.author Gershman, E
dc.contributor.author Ahlbom, AM
dc.contributor.author Boberg, B
dc.contributor.author Abola, MT
dc.contributor.author Ardissino, D
dc.contributor.author Aylward, P
dc.contributor.author Corbalan, R
dc.contributor.author Dalby, A
dc.contributor.author Diaz, R
dc.contributor.author Hu, DY
dc.contributor.author Isaza, D
dc.contributor.author Kamensky, G
dc.contributor.author Kiss, R
dc.contributor.author Kontny, F
dc.contributor.author Lopez-Sendon, J
dc.contributor.author Medina, F
dc.contributor.author Montalescot, G
dc.contributor.author Nicolau, J
dc.contributor.author Paolasso, E
dc.contributor.author Parkhomenko, A
dc.contributor.author Van De Werf, F
dc.contributor.author Anderson, JL
dc.contributor.author White, HD
dc.contributor.author Verheugt, FWA
dc.contributor.author Pedersen, TR
dc.contributor.author DeMets, DL
dc.contributor.author Lowe, C
dc.contributor.author Arevalo, C
dc.contributor.author Awtry, E
dc.contributor.author Berger, C
dc.contributor.author Croce, K
dc.contributor.author Desai, A
dc.contributor.author Gelfand, E
dc.contributor.author Ho, C
dc.contributor.author Leeman, D
dc.contributor.author Link, M
dc.contributor.author Norden, A
dc.contributor.author Pande, A
dc.contributor.author Rost, N
dc.contributor.author Ruberg, F
dc.contributor.author Silverman, S
dc.contributor.author Singhal, A
dc.contributor.author Vita, J
dc.contributor.author Alvarisqueta, A
dc.contributor.author De Gennaro, N
dc.contributor.author Berli, M
dc.contributor.author Roude, AE
dc.contributor.author Di Gennaro, JA
dc.contributor.author Albisu, JF
dc.contributor.author Caccavo, A
dc.contributor.author Torres, M
dc.contributor.author Cuadrado, J
dc.contributor.author Bordoni, P
dc.contributor.author Cuello, J
dc.contributor.author Aviles, A
dc.contributor.author Glenny, A
dc.contributor.author Recoaro, R
dc.contributor.author Fernandez, R
dc.contributor.author Strada, BN
dc.contributor.author Fuentealba, V
dc.contributor.author Gallo, C
dc.contributor.author Duran, RG
dc.contributor.author Garcia, C
dc.contributor.author Hominal, M
dc.contributor.author Castoldi, M
dc.contributor.author Jure, H
dc.contributor.author Pacora, FF
dc.contributor.author Lorenzatti, A
dc.contributor.author Martinez, JM
dc.contributor.author Macin, S
dc.contributor.author Cocco, N
dc.contributor.author MacKinnon, I
dc.contributor.author Bagnato, MB
dc.contributor.author Marino, J
dc.contributor.author Cusimano, S
dc.contributor.author Arias, V
dc.contributor.author Focaccia, M
dc.contributor.author Muntaner, J
dc.contributor.author Mansilla, V
dc.contributor.author Poy, C
dc.contributor.author Prado, A
dc.contributor.author Paterlini, G
dc.contributor.author Montana, O
dc.contributor.author Camino, A
dc.contributor.author Sala, J
dc.contributor.author Luciani, C
dc.contributor.author Vico, M
dc.contributor.author Morell, Y
dc.contributor.author Dumont, C
dc.contributor.author Vottero, E
dc.contributor.author Zangroniz, P
dc.contributor.author Lescano, A
dc.contributor.author Morara, P
dc.contributor.author Marquez, LL
dc.contributor.author Patron, FR
dc.contributor.author Labarta, GB
dc.contributor.author Sivila, CD
dc.contributor.author Quiroga, AR
dc.contributor.author Maffei, L
dc.contributor.author Sassone, S
dc.contributor.author Rolandi, F
dc.contributor.author Vesentini, N
dc.contributor.author Carnero, G
dc.contributor.author Del Verme, S
dc.contributor.author Hershson, A
dc.contributor.author Figal, JC
dc.contributor.author Viso, ME
dc.contributor.author Hii, C
dc.contributor.author Smith, K
dc.contributor.author Singh, B
dc.contributor.author Acampo, M
dc.contributor.author Rogers, J
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-13T11:46:47Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-13T11:46:47Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/79630
dc.description.abstract BACKGROUND
dc.description.abstract The potential benefit of dual antiplatelet therapy beyond 1 year after a myocardial infarction has not been established. We investigated the efficacy and safety of ticagrelor, a P2Y(12) receptor antagonist with established efficacy after an acute coronary syndrome, in this context.
dc.title Long-Term Use of Ticagrelor in Patients with Prior Myocardial Infarction

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