
Efficacy of tocilizumab therapy in severe COVID-19 pneumonia patients

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dc.contributor.author Delen, L
dc.contributor.author Kasapoglu, US
dc.contributor.author Gok, A
dc.contributor.author Cagasar, O
dc.contributor.author Tetik, B
dc.contributor.author Oksuz, E
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-02T08:52:54Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-02T08:52:54Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11616/86776
dc.description.abstract Objective: In coronavirus disease - 19 (COVID-19) patients, cytokine storm develops due to the increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Tocilizumab (TU.), has been used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and successful results have been obtained. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of TCZ and also investigate the prognostic factors affecting the success of treatment and mortality in COVID-19 patients treated with TCZ.
dc.description.abstract Patients and Methods: Between March 2020 and August 2021, a total of 326 confirmed severe COVID-19 pneumonia patients, treated in the intensive care unit, were included in the study.
dc.description.abstract Results: The mean age of the patients was 63.02 +/- 11.58 years, and 203 (62.3%) of the patients were male. Patients treated with TCZ had a longer survival time compared with the standard therapy (p=0.012). It was found that type of respiratory support (HR:2.19, CI:1.10-4.36, p=0.025) and hyperlactatemia on the day of TCZ therapy admission (HR:2.93 CI:1.53-5.64, p=0.001) were the significant and independent prognostic factors of survival in severe COVID-19 pneumonia patients treated with TCZ.
dc.description.abstract Conclusion: Tocilizumab therapy improved 30-days survival in critically ill COVID-19 pneumonia patients. Also, among the patients with TCZ, types of respiratory support and hyperlactatemia on the day of TCZ admission were the independent prognostic factors.
dc.title Efficacy of tocilizumab therapy in severe COVID-19 pneumonia patients
dc.title and determination of the prognostic factors affecting 30 days mortality

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