Erdem G.Karakaş M.H.U?ra-ces M.Alkan A.Altinok T.Do?anay S.2024-08-042024-08-0420071300-5804 Agenesia of the seminal vesicle is an uncommon cause of the male infertility. While unilateral agenesia of seminal vesicle is observed in 0.6-1% of male population, bilateral agenesia is extremely rare. These malformations may be associated with unilateral or bilateral agenesia of the vas deferens or unilateral renal agenesia. 70-80% of the cases with bilateral agenesia of the seminal vesicle have gene mutations related to cystic fibrosis. In his article we presented the ultrasenographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings of bilateral agenesia of the seminal vesicle and unilateral renal agenesia in primary infertile case who has not cystic fibrosis. Materials and Methods: Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and abdominal ultrasonography was utilized in 29 years old male patient with primary infertility. Results: Bilateral seminal vesicle agenesis was found in MRI. In spermiogram, neither live nor dead spermium was detected. Abdominal ultrasonography was yielded as unilateral renal agenesis and contralateral compensatris hypertrophy consecutively on left and right sides. Conclusion: Pelvic and transrectal ultrasonography gives valuable data on investigation of the etiology of primary infertility. Pelvic MRI is important to distinguish the hypoplasia and the agenesis of the seminal vesicle.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMagnetic resonance imagingPrimary infertilismRenal AgenesisSeminal vesicle agenesisUltrasonographyBilateral seminal vesicle and unilateral renal agenesis in case with primary infertilismPri?mer i?nferti?l olguda i?ki?tarafli semi?nal ve?ikül ve tek tarafli böbrek agenezi??iArticle3322282312-s2.0-34547676208N/A