Aktaş, AydınSansal, MüfitSağlam, KutaySümer, FatihKayaalp, Cüneyt2019-07-252019-07-252018Aktaş, A. Sansal, M. Sağlam, K. Sümer, F. Kayaalp, C. (2018). Recurrent gastric bezoar after roux-en-y gastric bypass for morbid obesity. Cilt:81 Sayı:3, 293-294 ss.https://hdl.handle.net/11616/12932In this paper, we described the first case of recurrent gastric bezoar after bariatric surgery. A 66-year-old patient, who had diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT) and had LRYGB operation 3years ago, underwent the first endoscopic bezoar evacuation 26months after the operation due to the diagnosis of gastric bezoar following the examination due to the nausea-vomiting and inability to eat. The patient applied again 36months after LRYGB with similar complaints. A 3-cm gastric bezoar, which was detected with the endoscopic examination at the anastomosis site, was evacuated after disintegration. The possibility of a bezoar formation should be kept in mind in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, who complain of nausea and vomiting. The removal of the bezoar leads to a dramatic improvement in the complications. These patients should follow strictly their diets, chew their food thoroughly, take vitamin supplements, and solve their psychological problems in the postoperative period. Otherwise, gastric bezoar may recur.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBariatric surgeryInterventional endoscopyPostoperative complicationsRecurrent gastric bezoar after roux-en-y gastric bypass for morbid obesityArticle81329329410.1007/s12262-018-1843-z