Erdodan M.A.Çolak Y.Z.Kaçmaz O.Kolu M.Toprak H.I.2024-08-042024-08-0420171305-5550 venous catheterization is widely used in clinical practice. Thrombotic, stenotic and infectious complications of central venous catheterization are life threatening. It has been reported that in 5 to 50% of patients with chronic hemodialysis subclavian stenosis occurs. It is thought that since children have smaller caliber vessels when compared with adults, central catheters carry higher risk of venous stenosis. In this presentation; we aimed to present venous stenosis developed after transient central vetnous catheterization in a child with a normal internal jugular vein who had undergone liver transplantation approximately 30 days ago. We observed that venous stenosis which is an important complication of central venous cannulation can develop within a short time after temporary cannulation and shortly time, and it can not be easily detected with USG guidance.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCentral vein stenosisCentral Venous CatheterLiver transplantationVenous stenosis due to central venous catheter in a child who is liver transplant recipientKaraci?er Nakil Alicisi Bir Çocuk Olguda Santral Venöz Katetere Ba?li Gelişen Venöz StenozArticle23414614810.5222/GKDAD.2017.1462-s2.0-85041337045N/A