Çalık, SinanGüngör, MehmetÇolak, Cemil2018-01-162018-01-162010Calik, S., Gungor, M., Colak, C. (2010). On the moments of order statıstıcs from dıscrete dıstrıbutıons. Pak. J. Statist.2010 Vol. 26(2), 417-426.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238735832_On_the_moments_of_order_statistics_from_discrete_distributionshttps://hdl.handle.net/11616/7985Pakistan Journal of Statistics 417Pak. J. Statist.2010 Vol. 26(2), 417-426.This paper, the thmraw moments of order statistics from discrete distributions are obtained. By using the thmraw moments, a relation between the moments of sample maximum of order statistics from a discrete uniform distribution and the sum 1,S N nis obtained. It is shown that with the help of this relation, one can obtain all the moments for sample maximum of order statistics from a discrete uniform distribution. By using MATLAB, we compute the means and variances of the sample maximum order statistics for sample size N= 10(10)50(50)100 andn= 1(1)10. Further studies may focus on a software program computing the means and variances of sample maximum of order statistics from any discrete distributions.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOrder statisticsDiscrete distributionMomentSumUniform distributionOn the moments of order statıstıcs from dıscrete dıstrıbutıonsArticle262417426