KAFKAS, ArmağanKAFKAS, MuhammedEKEN, ÖzgürYILMAZ, NurkanKızılay, FatmaKAYAPINAR, Murat2022-03-222022-03-222017Kafkas, M. E. , Çınarlı, F. S. , Yılmaz, N. , Eken, Ö. , Kızılay, F. , Kayapınar, M. & Kafkas, A. (2017). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SLEEP DURATION AND BODY COMPOSITION, BODY FAT RATIO AND WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE . Journal of Sport and Social Sciences , 4 (2) , 1-8 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jsss/issue/33675/368686https://hdl.handle.net/11616/56960It remains unclear how many hours of sleep are associated with obesity in children and adolescent in Turkey. The main purpose of this study was to determine the association between sleep and body mass index (BMI), body fat ratio (BFR), waist circumference (WC) in children and adolescents. Data were from a nationally representative sample of 23633 people whose ages are 7-18 males and females from the Turkish Health and Fitness Survey. The relationship between sleep duration and body composition values were resolved by "Pearson Correlation" analysis. In the total sample, there was a significant main effect across sleep duration categories (5-6, 7-8, 9-10) for BMI, BFR and WC. Compared to those sleeping durations, 9-10 sleepers have got lower BMI, BFR and WC and 5-6 hours sleepers have got biggest BMI, BFR and WC. In conclusion In children and adolescent reduced sleep durations are strongly associated with greater adiposity.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SLEEP DURATION AND BODY COMPOSITION, BODY FAT RATIO AND WAIST CIRCUMFERENCEArticle