Okumus, FatihKocamaz, Adnan Fatih2024-08-042024-08-042018978-1-5386-6878-8https://hdl.handle.net/11616/98695International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP) -- SEP 28-30, 2018 -- Inonu Univ, Malatya, TURKEYThe use of mobile robots in industrial applications is increasing day by day. As a result of this increase, efficiency in the use of mobile robots has also become important. In particular, path planning is a significant area of research to improve efficiency in mobile robot navigation. In path planning, it is aimed to find optimum and obstacle free paths to the starting and ending points to fulfill multiple tasks. In this paper, A *, D * and PSO algorithms, frequently used to optimize the path multiple robots reach targets in an environment with obstacles, have been compared. In addition, a mobile robot simulation software has been developed to measure the performance of algorithms. At the end of the study, the performance of the algorithms was showed by measuring the path lengths and the process time of algorithms.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMobile robotspath planningnavigationobstacle avoidanceComparing Path Planning Algorithms for Multiple Mobile RobotsConference Object2-s2.0-85062528376N/AWOS:000458717400063N/A