Kizilkaya, NilgunOnal, MehmetDepci, TolgaYucel, Aysegul2024-08-042024-08-0420161755-1307 Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences symposium (WMESS) -- SEP 05-09, 2016 -- Prague, CZECH REPUBLICIn the present study, the usability of the pyrophyllite in the traditional ceramic industry was investigated. The raw pyrophyllite was obtained in Malatya, Turkey. The characterization of the raw pyrophyllite and the prepared ceramics which were heated at the different temperatures in oven (800, 900, 1000 and 1100 degrees C) were done by XRF, XRD, FTIR, SEM and the main physical properties, like total shrinkage, water absorption capacity and compression strength were determined. As a result of experimental studies; the raw pyrophyllite had to be mixed with the feldspar and another clay (Unye clay) with having high plasticity in order to shape easily and a high water resistance. The optimum receipt was found as 70 wt % pyrophyllite, 20 wt % Unye clay and 10 wt % feldspar. The main properties of the obtained ceramics were specific white baking colour and high temperature resistance properties.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess[No Keywords]Usability of Malatya Pyrophyllite in the Traditional Ceramic IndustryConference Object4410.1088/1755-1315/44/5/0520072-s2.0-85000885411N/AWOS:000391485900115N/A