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Öğe Concept of classıcal and a study on the classıcal turkısh musıc(İnönü Üniversitesi Kültür Ve Sanat Dergisi, 2017) Bulut, Mustafa HilmiIn this study some assessments were reached on the concept of Classical and Turkish Classical Music. The aim of the study is to compare and discuss the performance styles of the 20th and 21st century singers. The research question is the differences between the interpretation of the 20th and 21st century singers on vocal works in Turkish Classical Music. In the study, content analyses technique was used as a method. In the sampling there are two vocal works ; the song “Olmaz ilaç sine – i sad pareme” by Hacı Arif Bey and “Biz alûde – i Sâgâr - ı badeyiz yar “ by Hafız POST . When the voice records were chosen as the sampling, purposeful sampling method was used. The aim of this choice is to choose two samples for two different description of ‘Classical’. The first one stands for the definition of ‘classical’ which describes it as only ‘the antique work whose quality has been proven ‘. The second one was chosen for the ‘Classical’ definition in historical periods. The first work was analysed by listening the Safiye Ayla and Recep Birgit’s video recordings and interpretation differences were studied whereas the second work was analysed by listening Munir Nurettin Selçuk and Muhip Utandı’s voice recordings to detect the interpretation differences .Öğe Eğitim fakültesi müzik eğitimi ana bilim dallarındaki öğrencilerin çalgı çalmada ezberi kullanma durumları sivas örneği(İnönü üniversitesi Kültür Ve Sanat Dergisi, 2018) Bulut, Mustafa HilmiThe study investigated the use of memorization among the musical instrument students enrolled in the Music Education Departments of Faculties of Education. The aims of the study are to determine the utilization of memorization among the musical instrument students, to identify the most popular memorization techniques, to understand the problems they have in playing from the memory, and to propose potential solutions. To do so, musical instrument students enrolled in the Music Education Department of Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Education, and the musical instrument instructors of the students were included in the sample and were interviewed. The study used the interview method, and asked the students and their instructors to describe their views on using memorization for playing the instruments, and the methods employed for this purpose. The data gathered thus were then converted to quantitative figures, and were presented in tables along with the applicable frequencies and percentages. The analysis of the data led to detailed insights into the importance of memorization in playing violin, as well as the detailed methods of memorization, culminating in certain recommendations. The study is also crucial in terms of the emphasis it places on the need for memorization in teaching about instruments.Öğe Ekrem Zeki Ün'ün eğitimciliği ve keman eğitimciliği(İnönü Üniversitesi, 1994) Bulut, Mustafa HilmiÖZET Cumhuriyet dönemi çoksesli Çağdaş Türk Müziği bestecilerimizden olan Ekrem Zeki ÜN, çalışmalarım ağırlıklı olarak müzik eğitimi alanında gerçekleştirmiştir. İyi bir eğitimcide bulunması gereken "Üretme" ve "dağıtma" özelliklerini en iyi şekilde kullanmıştır. Melodik yönden bağımsız olan partilerin bağdaşmasını güden "Polifonik" yöntemi, Türk halk müziği üzerinde uygulamış, bu alanda eğitim amaçlı eserler bestelemiştir. Müzik tarihi ve müzik formları üzerindeki araştırmaları, müzik eğitimcileri için güvenilir bir kaynaktır. Ün, müziğin eğlendirici yönünden çok eğitsel yönüne ağırlık vermiştir. Keman eğitiminde Türk müziği motiflerim kullanarak, bu alanda eserler bestelemiştir. Belçika'daki Ixelles, Waterlood, Auderghem, Uccle ve Ottingnıe akademilerinde Ekrem Zeki ÜN'ün bestelemiş olduğu eğitim müzikleri sınav parçası olarak okutulmaktadır; çalınması zorunlu esrerler araşma alman bu yapıtlar, çeşitli çalgılar için yazılmış olan eserlerinden oluşmaktadır. Ün, gerek besteleriyle, gerekse yetiştirmiş olduğu öğrencileriyle Çağdaş Türk müziğinin ileri gelen öncülerinden bilisi olduğunu kanıtlamıştır.