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Öğe Analysis of the urban growth pattern through spatial metrics; Ankara City(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2022) Cengiz, Serhat; Gormus, Sevgi; Oguz, DicleIn the industrialization that started in the 1830s in countries such as England and America, transportation networks, geographical locations and spatial size were taken as the basis in the selection of the industrial city. Within the scope of this approach, the industrial sector was created in the city periphery and the cities expanded spatially by being exposed to rapid job migration. The form of engagement of cities to industry in this way became a strategy of nation-state policy in the 1920s in Turkey. Within the scope of this strategy, Ankara, which is at the center of the railway network, was declared as capital; manufacturing industry, private sector and public investments in the city were strengthened and the city was exposed to job migration. Along with industry, marginal changes in production and market form have led to population clustering and spatial expansion in urban areas. Spatial expansion in cities has also been affected by land use policies as much as the city is affected by the functions it gains in the industrialization process, and a multidimensional structure has emerged in cities, in which different actors interact at different spatial scales. Urban sprawl and compact development, two of the forms of spatial growth, which are an important result of this structure, have been discussed since the 1980s. This study evaluates the change of urban growth pattern and the land use policies that caused this change in Ankara, which is the capital of Turkey and the second largest city in terms of population, based on the acceptance that urban growth is a multi-component and multi-factor phenomenon. By analyzing (LULC change, density gradient analysis, configuration and composition analysis, urban growth density analysis) multi-time (1984-1992-2001-2009-2018) and multiscale data sets (Landscape level, Class level, and Circle Direct Zone level) with spatial metrics, these land use policies need to be determined more clearly. Urban growth takes shape in different models. In order to determine different urban growth models in sub-scales such as neighborhoods, direction and distance variables were included in the analyzes and thus land use decisions that feed the urban growth trend at different scales were determined more clearly in this study. It has been determined that spatial metrics can have very good results in determining urban growth patterns and landscape change dynamics. Within the scope of this study, EROPA (Effect Ratio on the Peripheral Area of the Urban Area) index, which explains the urban growth pattern, was developed. The EROPA index consists of the combination of landscape indices and Shannon's entropy index and provides the opportunity to determine the urban growth pattern with a single index. The obtained results provide important insights in the development of the city's land use strategies. Land use decisions in Ankara encourage urban growth more in some regions and population density accelerates with this incentive. The city of Ankara became compact in all directions in the 10 km area surrounding the main city center between 1984 and 2018, and after the 10th km, there is a tendency to spread in all directions, but it has been determined that the tendency to spread is especially higher in the west direction. Therefore, population agglomeration formed in the west direction in those years. Between 2009 and 2018, population growth in the region between the 13th and 32nd km in the west corresponds to 48.5% of Ankara's total population growth. Due to the establishment of commercial and small-scale business areas at the periphery, the influence of spatial planning decisions and the dependency (neither far nor near) on the Central Business District (CBD) in the main city, the shape of the settlement patches formed by the increasing urbanization trend from the main city center to the periphery is irregular and complex. The proportion of the main urban core in all urban areas decreased from 61.33% to 46.99% between 1984 and 2009 and increased to 55% of the total urban area between 2009 and 2018. The growth trend in edge-expansion increased from 40% between 1984 and 1992-56% between 2009 and 2018. This type of growth accounts for approximately 66% of all growth between 1992 and 2001. 1 km(2) of urban area affected 1.29 km(2) of peripheral open area in 1984, while it affected 1.01 km(2) of peripheral open area in 2018. These values show that the effect of the urban area on peripheral open areas has decreased over the years in Ankara; in other words, the urban patches have approached each other over the years and the patch shapes have become smooth in Ankara. The analysis and spatial metrics used in the study provide clear information in identifying and interpreting the land use dynamics of urban growth, urban growth tendency and urban sprawl types, and these analyzes and metrics have been found to be an important tool that can bridge an important gap and prevent urban sprawl problems.Öğe Determining potential planting areas in urban regions(Springer, 2019) Varol, Tugrul; Gormus, Sevgi; Cengiz, Serhat; Ozel, Halil Baris; Cetin, MehmetImpermeable surfaces are getting larger in Turkey, as they are in most parts of the world as urban sprawl increases. The increase in impermeable surfaces leads to air pollution, floods, and overflows due to changes in urban landscapes and ecosystems. In order to prevent such damages, impermeable surfaces must be reduced by the means of urban afforestation. The main purpose of this study is to determine which areas are suitable for urban afforestation, and thus to improve the ecological conditions of the city. Accordingly, the study adopts a method that takes urban density into account. Satellite image classification, canopy measurement and determination of potential afforestation areas have been performed within the boundaries of Bartn Municipality. The IKONOS satellite images have been taken as a base for the study, which has been carried out via ENVI, GIS, and SPSS techniques and Tree Canopy Cover. By excluding the too-small spaces within the study area, as well as the ones too close to infrastructural facilities, I have been able to identify potential planting areas using GIS-based decision-making mechanisms. The existing trees and other plant covers have been noted in order to plan the potential plant cover. Considering the locational suitability of the planting areas and the canopy of the trees, the planting areas have been set out using three grid types: 15 x 15 m (large tree), 10 x 10 m (medium tree), and 5 x 5 m (small tree). A total of 29,773 potential trees have been planned for. After corrections, the potential canopy cover has been calculated to be 0.71 km(2). Of the potential trees, 93.34% are small, 5.23% are medium, and 1.43% are large trees. If the potential planting areas determined in this study are forested as calculated, the canopy in Bartn city will increase by approximately 2%. In the city, where impermeable surface areas have expanded because of rapid urban sprawl, this new increase will make an important contribution to the improvement of the city's ecosystem.Öğe The impact of economic growth oriented development policies on landscape changes in Istanbul Province in Turkey(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2019) Cengiz, Serhat; Atmis, Erdogan; Gormus, SevgiThis study has been conducted based on the main question how urban policies focusing on economic growth and urban sprawl affect green areas and forests in the course of time. Its main goal is to assess the effects of Turkey's rapid urbanization policy on the green areas in Istanbul. The sub-goals of the study are: (i) To determine the land use and land change in 1984-2000-2017, (ii) To explain the ecological response of the pressure of land change on urban green areas and (iii) To discuss the urban and forestry policies accelerating change of land use. Physical data, socio-economic data and media news on urban policy, and other statistical data were used in the study. To determine the changes in inland use in Istanbul, satellite images of 1984, 2000 and 2017 as well as the DEM data for Istanbul from ASTER GDEM v2 were classified via Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). The study has concluded that transformations in Istanbul's land forms occurred not individually, but connected to each other, and these changes might have different trends in different periods, yet these changes always occur in expanding urban areas. It has been numerically identified and interpreted that these changes evolved within the scope of unearned income and private benefits. It has been suggested that country's policies change towards social policies, which highlight ecology, as opposed to neoliberal policies, which highlight economy, to improve Turkey's green areas.Öğe The Integration of Cultural Ecosystem Services and Cultural Routes Based on the Sharing Paradigm(Aves, 2023) Gormus, Sevgi; Yilmaz, Bulent; Cengiz, SerhatCultural ecosystem services are ecosystem services developed on landscape aesthetics as the basis of recreation and tourism. The sharing paradigm produces the possibility of integration of the economic, spatial, and social contexts of cultural ecosystem services with cultural route planning. This study focuses on how to develop a good relationship between ecosystem services, which are named as the earth's aggregative by the sharing paradigm, and the cultural routes that put our aggregative into circulation globally. In this context, route-planning setup is suggested as a conjoint tool between ecosystem services and tourism. The aim of this study is to develop a design setup with an analysis technique to determine cultural routes with an ecosystem services approach at the provincial scale of Malatya and to evaluate the developed route set up within the scope of sharing paradigm. This study can raise awareness of connecting ecosystem services with sustainable tourism for the quality of human life and the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, it is a guide on how awareness can be integrated into the tourism planning process. The method of the research has based on determining cultural ecosystem values, clustering cultural ecosystem values and the realization of the route setup by using the corridor and network analyzes in the Geographical Information Systems software. For each action to provide a curative and supportive cultural ecosystem service, the interconnectedness between actions needs to be evaluated based on knowledge, on the ground plane, and on the possibility of benefit.Öğe Kentsel Ekolojik Koridor Modeli: Malatya Örneği(2022) Cengiz, SerhatGünümüzde kentsel alanlardaki genişleme ekosistem süreçleri üzerinde baskı oluşturmaktadır. Bu baskının saptanması ve kontrol edilmesi için ekoloji tabanlı modeller geliştirilmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle çalışma, Malatya kenti örneğinde enerji akışını ve doğal tür akışını düzenleyecek, kentsel ısı adası etkisini azaltacak ve habitat bağlanabilirliğini artıracak arazi kullanım politikalarının geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacak ve kentlere rehberlik edecek bir kentsel ekolojik koridor modeli geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Belirtilen amaca ulaşmak için farklı ölçek ve zamansallıktaki uydu görüntüleri, iklim verileri, topografik veriler ve demografik veri setleri farklı uzaktan algılama ve coğrafi bilgi sistemleri tekniklerini kullanılarak ilişkilendirilmiş ve kentsel ekolojik koridor modeli oluşturulmuştur. Malatya’da 1985-2021 yılları arasında kentsel büyümenin en çok etkilediği ekosistemin tarımsal ekosistem olduğu saptanmıştır. 2050 yılında kentsel nüfus 888.784 kişiye ulaşacağı öngörüsüne dayanarak kentsel alanların 173 km2’ye ulaşacağı tespit edilmiştir. 1985-2021 döneminde olduğu gibi 2021-2050 yılları arasında tarımsal ekosistemler üzerindeki baskı artarak devam ederken ekosistemler arasındaki bağlantı giderek zayıflayacaktır. Ekolojik koridorlar, tarım ve bozkır ekosistemine ait ekolojik açıdan en duyarlı ve en büyük bütünleşik lekeler arasında kentsel yayılmayı yönlendirerek, enerji akışı, doğal tür akışı, kentsel ısı adası etkisinin azaltılması, yeraltı su rejiminin düzenlenmesi ve habitat bağlantılılığı gibi çeşitli ekolojik işlevler üstlenecektir. Malatya’da tarımsal ekosistemden 13 ve bozkır ekosisteminden 5 adet ekolojik açıdan duyarlı leke belirlenmiş ve ekosistem lekelerini birbirlerine bağlayan 694 km2 alana sahip ekolojik koridor önerilmiştir.Öğe Proposing an agricultural belt to protect a city's semi-rural characteristics: The example of Bartin, Turkey(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019) Gormus, Sevgi; Cengiz, Serhat; Tagil, SerminUrban sprawl, a type of urban expansion, is perceived as a global problem due to changes in land conversions and landscape patterns. Farms, forests and shores have been converted into urban areas; this transformation affects energy flow, biochemical cycles and climatic conditions. To follow and evaluate the physical, social and ecological results of urban sprawl, we identified and measured temporal changes in land use and land cover. This is especially important for urban planning policies. In this study, temporal change is identified in the city of Bartin using remote sensing and landscape metrics. An analysis of land cover and land transformation was done with LANDSAT5 TM/ETM satellite images from 1985 and 2015. These images were used to identify agricultural areas as land that has most commonly undergone drastic changes. Bartin is a small semi-rural city that has undergone significant changes. Among the most important reasons for these changes were uncontrolled urban sprawl due to political and administrative decisions that lacked long-term planning and a comprehensive city plan. This study examined the risk factors for loss of semi-rural characteristics using the example of Bartin city. To protect semi-rural city characteristics and control urban sprawl, we propose an agricultural belt based on spatial suitability and an evaluation of landscape metrics.Öğe The Relationship of Urban Expansion, Landscape Patterns and Ecological Processes in Denizli, Turkey(Springer, 2018) Tagil, Sermin; Gormus, Sevgi; Cengiz, SerhatPerforation, dissection, fragmentation, shrinkage and attrition in ecosystems take place due to urbanization. In this study, where and when temporal and spatial heterogeneity occurs is tried to be explained by taking human intervention in landscape pattern and processes in and around the city of Denizli into account and how this heterogeneity affects habitat conditions within the scope of landscape ecology. Landscape pattern metrics were estimated in order to reveal the change in habitats and present the properties of the landscape. 30 pattern indicators on class and pattern levels, which are important to show human-environment interaction, were analyzed in order to indicate the features of the landscape such as area, side, shape and dispersion. To this end, LANDSAT TM/7-ETM/8-OLI satellite images of 1987 and 2013 were classified for laying the foundations of the analysis. Analyses showed that between 1987 and 2013, complicated shape features, increase in edge habitats, de-growth in core areas and eventually fragmentation in landscape have been dominant. Heterogenic structure in landscape has increased. This points not to the self-functioning of the landscape, but to the domination of human intervention over the landscape. Particularly, due to urban growth and sprawl, fragmentation, isolation and habitat loss in croplands have increased. This study sets forth the usefulness of remote sensing, GIS and landscape metrics in understanding how urban dynamics and ecosystems change in developing urban politics.Öğe The Use of Landscape Character Analysis to Reveal Differences Between Protected and Nonprotected Landscapes in Kapisuyu Basin(Galenos Publ House, 2021) Gormus, Sevgi; Oguz, Dicle; Esbah Tuncay, Hayriye; Cengiz, SerhatThe European Landscape Convention (ELC) has directed the landscape classification towards landscape character analysis. Landscape character analysis provides a character-based classification that can combine different values or variables and be applied at different scales to define the landscapes of each country and define the forces on the landscape. In this study, the Kapisuyu Basin of Kure Mountains National Park, which is one of the hot spots in the world in terms of different landscape character and natural quality, was classified by landscape character analysis. In this study, Kapisuyu basin was analyzed on an analytical ground according to the landscape variables and the basin landscape types, and the landscape character area map were obtained based on the dominant features of the area and the cultural landscape pattern. Throughout the basin, 345 landscape character types and 21 landscape character area were identified. Despite having similar values, the surface area of the protected area in the national park and the rural area had significant differences in landscape character ratios and patchiness ratio. Patchiness was seen to be higher in rural areas. When looked at Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) values, it is seen that a high diversity of Landscape Character Types (LCT) exist in the rural areas. Within the scope of this study, the fact that the landscape character analysis performed at the basin scale in the protected area can be evaluated together with different variables and interpreted from the perspective of holistic landscape planning shows that the technique is a positive approach in the evaluation of protected areas.