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Öğe Adölesan varikoselin klinik görünümü ve belirtilerin önemi(2013) Altıntaş, Ramazan; Beytur, Ali; Oğuz, Fatih; Ediz, Caner; Güneş, AliÖz: Amaç: Kliniğimize başvurup adölesan varikosel nedeniyle opere edilen hastaların klinik görünümü ve mevcut şikayetlerin görülme sıklığını değerlendirdik ve hastalık sürecinde bu şikayetlerin önemini belirledik. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 1995 ile 2012 yılları arasında varikosel nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi yapılmış olan 18 yaş altındaki hastaların kayıtlarını geriye dönük inceledik. Bulgular: Varikosel hastalığından dolayı 71 hastaya (ortalama yaş 16.4, 11-18 yaş aralığında) cerrahi müdahale yapıldı. Ağrı şikayeti varikosel cerrahisi yapılan hastaların ana geliş nedeniydi, 46 çocukta (%58.2) sadece ağrı, 14 çocukta (%17.7) sadece kozmetik, 7 çocukta sadece şişlik, 7 çocukta ağrı ve kozmetik, 5 çocukta ağrı ve şişlik şikayeti vardı. Klinik evre aritmetik ortalaması grup 1’de (sadece ağrı) en düşük iken, grup 3’de (sadece şişlik) en yüksekti. (sırasıyla 2.11 ve 2.71) Sonuç: Ağrı şikayeti adölesan yaş grubunda varikosel nedeniyle cerrahi yapılanlarda ana sebepti. Kozmetik ve şişlik şikayetleri olan varikosel hastalarında ortalama klinik evre ağrı şikayeti olan hastalara göre daha yüksekti ve bu ağrı şikayetinin hastaların doktora erken gelmesine neden olduğunu gösterir. Belli bir ağrı şikayeti yokken, ebeveynin bilinçli olması teşhisin erken konulmasında önemli bir payı oluşturur. Ebeveynlerin eğitimi ve bilgilendirilmesiyle, daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilebilir.Öğe Akut tek taraflı üreteral tam obstrüksiyona bağlı gelişen renal hasarın tedavisinde aminoguanidine tedavisinin etkinliğinin araştırılması: Rat modeli ile deneysel çalışma(İnönü Üniversitesi, 2014) Ediz, CanerBu çalışmada, tek taraflı üreteral obstrüksiyon sonucunda renal hasar meydana gelmiş sıçanlarda aminoguanidinin koruyucu etkisininin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Elli sekiz wistar albino sıçan rastgele olarak beş gruba ayrıldı; sham grubuna laparotomi uygulanırken herhangi bir obstürksiyon oluşturulmadı (G1). Sham + AG grubuna laparotomi sonrasında obstrüksiyon uygulamaksızın 100 mg/kg aminoguanidin intraperitoneal olarak 14 gün boyunca verildi. Obstrüksiyon grubuna laparotomi yapıldıktan sonra sol üreter tanımlandı ve sutüre edilerek kesildi (G3). AG grubunda laparotomi yapıldıktan sonra sol üreter tanımlandı ve sutüre edilerek kesildi, daha sonra 100 mg/kg aminoguanidin intraperitoneal olarak 14 gün boyunca verildi (G4). Son gruba ise üreteral obstrüksiyon sonrasında sadece çözücü olarak serum fizyolojik verildi (G5).14 gün sonra tüm hayvanlar iki taraflı nefrektomi yapıldıktan sonra doku ve kan örnekleri alınarak sakrifiye edildi. Histopatolojik değerlendirmede; tübüler değişiklikler, pelvikalisyel dilatasyon ve inflamasyonun G4' de diğer gruplara göre azalmış olduğu ve dolayısıyla böbrek hasarının azaldığı görüldü. Nekrozun ise gelişmediği saptandı. AG uygulaması ile MDA ve OSI değeri G4' de G3' e göre anlamlı olarak düşük, GSH ve TAS değeri ise yüksek saptandı. Albümin ve kreatin değerlerinde G1, G2, G3 ve G4 arasında anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmadı. Buna karşın BUN değerleri G4' de G3' e göre anlamlı olarak düşük saptandı. Kreatin değerleri G5' de G4' e göre düşük saptandı. Bu çalışmada, böbrek dokusunda meydana gelen oksidatif streste AG uygulamasının klinik olarak yararlı olduğu saptanmıştır. Ancak günümüzde böbrek hasarı sonrasında AG uygulaması klinik olarak uygulanabilir değildir. AG' nin klinik kullanıma girmesi için çok merkezli ve daha geniş serili çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Öğe Associations Between PSA Levels and Erectile Dysfunction in the Patient with LUTS(2016) Çelik, Hüseyin; Çamtosun, Ahmet; Ediz, Caner; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Taşdemir, CemalAbstract: Erectile dysfunction (ED) are common problem in males with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).The aim of this study is to evaluate whether there is an association between PSA levels and ED or not. This study included total of 54 males aged 45-75 years old, who attended in department of urology. International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) was used for LUTS measurements. The International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire-5 (IIEF) was used ED measurements. We evaluate the relationship between PSA and ED or LUTS.Patients were divided into3 groups according to PSA level. Group 1: 0,1-1,3 ng/dl, group 2: 1,33,2ng/dl and group 3: 3,2-10 ng/dl. The IPSS score was 16,9 in group 1, 18,1 in group 2 and 21 in group 3. The IIEF score 16,4/14,1/13,8 respectively. The severity of ED or LUTS was associated with the PSA level. PSA showed a significant positive correlation with ED and LUTS. In group 1 patients having lowest PSA level, sexuel function was better. ED was positively correlated with LUTS.ED and LUTS were significantly and independently correlated with PSA level. PSA may be a predictor factor for ED. But, there was no significant difference between PSA level and ED. Nevertheless, multicenteric, controlled, long-term, randomized studies are neededÖğe Böbrek travmalarına güncel yaklaşımlar(2016) Çelik, Hüseyin; Çamtosun, Ahmet; Ediz, Caner; Gürbüz, Şükrü; Altıntaş, RamazanÖz: Üriner sistem yaralanmaları, tüm karın travma hastalarının yaklaşık %8-10'unda meydana gelir. Künt ve delici yaralanmalar ile üriner sistemde en çok böbrek yaralanır ve uygun bir şekilde tedavi edilmediği taktirde ciddi mortalite ve morbiditeye neden olabilir. Renal travma değerlendirilmesi için en önemli laboratuvar testleri idrar tahlili, hematokrit ve kreatinin. Hematüri genellikle mikroskopik veya makroskopik görülür, ancak majör ve minör yaralanmaları ayırt etmek için yeterli değildir. Renal travmalı hastaya yaklaşım hep tartışmalı olmuştur ve tedavide konservatif (izlem) ve agresif (cerrahi) tedaviler önerilmektedir. Konservatif yaklaşım ilk olarak 1900'lü yılların ilk yarısında önerildi. O zamandan buyana nefrektomi oranları, komplikasyon ve hastanede kalış süreleri giderek azaldığı bildirilmiştir. Delici yaralanmalarda ise bu yaklaşım 1980'lerden sonra ivme kazanmıştır. Son yıllarda grade 4 ve 5 travma bile olsa konservatif yaklaşım daha ön plana çıkmıştır. Bir çok çalışmada konservatif yaklaşım başarılı olarak görülmüş ve cerrahi tedavi sadece grade 5 renal travmalı uygun hastalarda uygulanmıştır. Bu yazımızda 2000 ve 2014 arasında yayınlanmış makaleler ve klavuzlar geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Biz bu çalışmada litaratürü gözden geçirerek böbrek travmasında konservatif ve cerrahi yönetim ile ilgili genel tavsiyelerde yapmayı hedefledik.Öğe Çok ileri yaşlı hastalarda (75 yaş ve üzeri) perkütan nefrolitotomi(Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2015) Çelik, Hüseyin; Ediz, Caner; Çamtosun, Ahmet; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Taşdemir, CemalYıl: 2015Cilt: 22Sayı: 1ISSN: 1300-1744Sayfa Aralığı: 76 - 77 Metin Dili: İngilizce Öz: Başlık ( ): Hayatı Tehdit Eden Ban Otu Zehirlenmesi Öz ( ):Öğe Comparison of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Results in Pediatric Kidney Stone Disease in Patients Under the Age of 10 Years and in Patients Over the Age of 10 Years(Aves, 2016) Celik, Huseyin; Ediz, Caner; Camtosun, Ahmet; Altintas, Ramazan; Tasdemir, CemalObjective: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) is a minimally invasive procedure that is safely performed for kidney stone surgery all over the world. In our clinic, PNL surgery was first performed in March 1998. In parallel with our increasing experience, PNL has been performed in pediatric cases. In our study, PNL operations performed in pediatric patients under the age of 10 years and in those over the age of 10 years were retrospectively investigated. Methods: Patients were between 0 and 16 years of age. They were divided into 2 groups according to age: 0-10 and 11-16 years. The PNL procedure was performed under general anesthesia with C-arm fluoroscopy in the prone position. Results: Between March 1998 and December 2014, a total of 208 pediatric urinary stone patients were operated on. The PNL procedure was performed in 210 renal units, 1 of which was performed bilaterally. In the <= 10-year-old patient group, 98 procedures (87.5%) were stone free, while clinically insignificant residual fragments (CIRFU) were found in 13 procedures (12.5%). In the > 10-year-old patient group, 88 procedures were stone free (89.79%), while clinically insignificant residual fragments were found in 9 procedures (10.2%). In the <= 10-year-old patient group, tubeless PNL was performed in 1 patient. In both groups combined, bleeding requiring transfusion occurred in just 1 case. A tract leak requiring a double J stent was detected in 1 patient in the <= 10-year-old patient group and in 2 patients in the other group. There was no other organ injury. Conclusion: PNL is a minimally invasive method and has become advantageous over open surgery because it offers higher security, particularly in experienced clinics, and procedures on pediatric patients can therefore be successfully performed.Öğe Effects of the constipation treatment in women who have overactive bladder and functional constipation(2020) Akan, Serkan; Yilmaz, Omer; Ediz, Caner; Yenigurbuz, Serkan; Yesildal, CumhurAim: In adults, functional constipation (FC) is more common in individuals with overactive bladder (OAB) than in those without OAB. In this study, we evaluated the effects of the constipation treatment on OAB symptoms in women who have OAB and FC. Material and Methods: : A total of 417 patients, diagnosed with OAB and FC in our clinic between June 2016 and June 2019, were prospectively evaluated. After applying the exclusion criteria, 54 female volunteers between 50-79 years of age were enrolled in the study. FC treatment of the individuals, who were first examined in the Urology clinic, were accomplished under supervision of a gastroenterologist. Internationally validated questionnaires Rome IV and OAB-V8 were used in diagnosis and follow-up of FC and OAB, respectively.Results: The mean OAB-V8 scores before and after the treatment of constipation were 25.21±6.16 and 14.81±5.93, respectively. Among all questions, statistically significant decrease was observed especially 1st, 3rd, and 6th questions (frequency, urgency, nocturia). After FC treatment alone, the total OAB-V8 score decreased below the level of the sensitivity and specificity cut-off value for the diagnosis of OAB in 13 patients (24%).Conclusion: OAB and FC are common clinical problems in the middle-aged and elderly women. In these patients, FC treatment before OAB medication may reduce frequency, urgency and nocturia symptoms of OAB significantly.Öğe Follicular cystitis: a review of the literature with several cases(2017) Ediz, Caner; Ihvan, Ayse Nur; Dincer, Hakan RemziFollicular cystitis (FC) is a benign pathology of bladder surface and has a proliferative character. It is an entity that belongs to the group of chronic cystopathies. FC were identified by Cruveilier for the first time in the year 1856. Bacterial infections and inflammatory process are believed to be responsible for the etiology. Patients present with non-specific lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria, hematuria and pollakiuria. But recurrent urinary tract infection or resistant microscopic or macroscopic hematuria attacks can be stimulating for the diagnosis of FC. Usually, radiological imaging methods don’t help to diagnosis. The real diagnosis of FC consists of cystoscopy planning followed by histopathological examination. In the cystoscopy, mostly the presence of nodules in trigone localization can be detected. The presence of large number of plasmatic cells and lymphocytes in lymphoid follicles in trigonal area mucosa and submucosa of bladder are typical characteristics of FC. So, pathological examination is necessary for the final diagnosis of this entity. Conservative management is the best and most applied method in treatment. Notwithstanding the preferred approaches in conservative treatment options, radiotherapy and cystectomy can be applied in refractory cases. In our study, we evaluate current approaches with several cases with follicular cystitis and alternative treatment options with accompanying guidelines to treat this entityÖğe Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital(Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2016) Çelik, Hüseyin; Camtosun, Ahmet; Ediz, Caner; Topcu, İbrahim; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Taşdemir, CemalÖz: Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, taş hastalığının endemik ol- duğu ve sık üreterorenoskopi yapılan iki farklı şehirdeki üniversite hastanesi ve devlet hastanesinde yapılan üre- terorenoskopik litotripsi sonrası üreteral stent yerleştirme sıklığının karşılaştırılmasıdır. Yöntemler: İki bin on dört Ocak ayı ile 2014 Mayıs ta- rihleri arasında İnönü üniveritesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Hastanesi (TÖTM) ve Osmaniye Devlet Hastanesi (ODH) üroloji kliniklerine başvuran hastalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Üreteral taşa bağlı olarak üreteroskopik litotripsi yapılan hastalar taş lokalizasyonu, boyutu, ektazi dereceleri ve stent yerleştirilme durumuna göre değerlen- dirildi. Bulgular: Her iki hastaneden 92 şer hasta çalışmaya alındı. Endoskopik üreteral taş tedavisi sonrası TÖTM de 85 ve ODH de 82 hastaya DJ stent yerleştirildi. Üniversite hastanesinde stent yerleştirilme sıklığı devlet hastanesin- de yüksek çıksa da istatiksel anlamlılık yoktu. Her iki grup arasında ortalama operasyon süreleri arasında istatiksel anlamlılık vardı. Sonuç: Endoskopik üreter taşı tedavisi sonrası DJ stent yerleştirilmesi çok sık uygulanmaktadır. Bizim çalışma- mıza göre üniversite hastanelerinde devlet hastanelerine göre daha sık DJ stent yerleştirilmesi yapılmaktadır. Bu- nun nedeni üniversite hastanelerinin son basamak mer- kezler olmasından dolayı daha komplike hastaların bu merkezlere refere edilmesi olabilir. Bu durumun daha net aydınlatılabilmesi için, prospektif, çok merkezli ve daha geniş serili çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadırÖğe Giant Prostatic Urethral Stone(Genel ve Dahili Tıp, 2014) Ediz, Caner; Çimen, Serhan; Levent, Akbulut Mehmet; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Taşdemir, Cemal; Güneş, AliYıl: 2014Cilt: 21Sayı: 4ISSN: 1300-1744Sayfa Aralığı: 319 - 320 Metin Dili: İngilizce Öz: Başlık ( ): Dev Prostatik Üretra Taşı Öz ( ):Öğe Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in peroneal nerve damage due to lithotomy position(2019) Akan, Serkan; Ediz, Caner; Yilmaz, Omer; Temel, Muhammed CihanPeripheral neuropathies can be seen in patients who are operated in lithotomy position. In this case report, patient which had right drop foot after urethroplasty surgery in lithotomy position was treated. Electromyography (EMG) was performed at postoperative 1st day and demonstrated right peroneal nerve palsy. Physiotherapy (knee extension, cycling, and passive dorsiflexion), vitamin B complex (B1, B6, folic acid and B12) and daily hyperbaric oxygen treatment were started. Fifth day after surgery, improvement of moving the right foot was detected clinically. Patient was discharged on 7th postoperative day and neurologist suggested to continue physiotherapy and vitamin B complex for 3 weeks. After this period, control EMG showed the development of peroneal nerve functions. The patient had a fully functional right foot with all these treatments one month after surgery. Effectivity of hyperbaric oxygen in treatment of peripheral nerve degeneration was seen in several studies in literature (4). In a few studies, the effect of hyperbaric oxygen on peroneal nerve palsy has not been demonstrated (5). The patient recovered earlier than other patients in literature. In this case, the treatment difference was hyperbaric oxygen treatment from other cases in literature. Before the start of lithotomy operations, patients should be carefully evaluated for peroneal nerve palsy risk factors and appropriately positioned to prevent iatrogenic peroneal nerve palsy in the operation. After operation, if peroneal nerve palsy develops, physiotherapy should start as soon as possible. Hyperbaric oxygen is kept in mind as supplemental treatment even if it is not in standard treatment protocol in peroneal nerve palsyÖğe Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis: a case report of a rare condition(Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 2016) Ediz, Caner; İhvan, Ayşe Nur; Karakol, Perçin; Hayıt, HüseyinAbstract Scrotal calcinosis is a rarely seen benign disease in urological practice. It was first described by Lewinsky in 1883. The etiology is considered to be idiopathic and it is not known exactly. Scrotal calcinosis is usually asymptomatic. Patients live with their disease for a long time until they start to mind their appearances. Scrotal skin lesions can be solitary or multiple and usually are not associated with hormonal or metabolic abnormalities. Histologically, scrotal calcinosis is characterized by the presence of calcium deposits in the dermis, often surrounded by a granulomatous reaction. In this case report, we present a rare scrotal calcinosis case of a 28-year-old man who presented with cosmetic symptoms causing scrotal nodules with no history of metabolic, systemic, neoplastic, or autoimmune diseases. Keywords: Idiopathic Calcinosis; Scrotum.Öğe Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis: a case report of a rare condition(Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 2016) Ediz, Caner; İhvan, Ayse Nur; Karakol, Percin; Hayıt, HüseyinAbstract Scrotal calcinosis is a rarely seen benign disease in urological practice. It was first described by Lewinsky in 1883. The etiology is considered to be idiopathic and it is not known exactly. Scrotal calcinosis is usually asymptomatic. Patients live with their disease for a long time until they start to mind their appearances. Scrotal skin lesions can be solitary or multiple and usually are not associated with hormonal or metabolic abnormalities. Histologically, scrotal calcinosis is characterized by the presence of calcium deposits in the dermis, often surrounded by a granulomatous reaction. In this case report, we present a rare scrotal calcinosis case of a 28-year-old man who presented with cosmetic symptoms causing scrotal nodules with no history of metabolic, systemic, neoplastic, or autoimmune diseases. Keywords: Idiopathic Calcinosis; Scrotum.Öğe KONJENİTAL SEMİNAL VEZİKÜL KİSTİ(2013) Kahraman, Ayşegül; Ediz, Caner; Taşdemir, Cemal; Kahraman, Bayram; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Kanbay, MustafaÖz Seminal vezikül kistleri doğumsal ya da edinsel olarak karşımıza çıkar ve ejekülatuar kanalların tıkanıklığına bağlı olduğuna inanılır (1). Seminal vezikül kistleri nadir olarak görülür ve genellikle asemptomatikdirler. Çalışmamızda, her iki yan ağrısı ve prostatizm benzeri şikayetler nedeniyle kliniğimize başvurması sonucu konjenital seminal vezikül kisti saptanan 32 yaşında erkek olgu sunulmaktadırÖğe Konjenital seminal vezikül kisti(2013) Kahraman, Ayşegül; Ediz, Caner; Cemal, Taşdemir; Kahraman, Bayram; Altıntaş, RamazanSeminal vezikül kistleri doğumsal ya da edinsel olarak karşımıza çıkar ve ejekülatuar kanalların tıkanıklığına bağlı olduğuna inanılır (1). Seminal vezikül kistleri nadir olarak görülür ve genellikle asemptomatikdirler. Çalışmamızda, her iki yan ağrısı ve prostatizm benzeri şikayetler nedeniyle kliniğimize başvurması sonucu konjenital seminal vezikül kisti saptanan 32 yaşında erkek olgu sunulmaktadırÖğe Non-specific malign stromal tumors of testi(2019) Ediz, CanerAim: In this study, we aimed to share our experiences about patients with miscellaneous non-specific malign stromal tumors of testis. We report the demographic and clinical characteristics and the long-term results in patients with non-specific malign stromal tumors of testis.Material and Methods: 234 patients with testicular cancer between June 1994 and January 2019 have been evaluated retrospectively. Eleven patients (Dedifferentiated liposarcoma, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, Adenocarcinoma of the epididymis, Ewing’s sarcoma of the testis, Testicular leiomyosarcoma, Well-differentiated liposarcoma, Paratesticular high grade sarcoma and Paratesticular malignant mesothelioma) whose data were reached, are taken into the study. Patients’ age, scrotal localization of symptoms, clinical examination findings, serum tumor marker levels, pathology results and follow-up period were recorded. Results:The mean age at diagnosis was 43.7 years (range, 18 to 79). 54.5% of the lesions were localized to the right hemiscrotal area and of 45.4% to the left hemiscrotal area. None of patients had a history of unilateral undescended testis in medical history or testicular cancer in familial history. Serum tumor markers were normal in all patients. The mean scrotal mass lesion at diagnosis was 59.9 mm3 (range, 33 to 138 mm3). 3 or 4 cyles of chemotherapy protocols were administered in necessary cases. Mean follow-up period was 80.6 months (range, 12 to 297 months). Tumor recurrence was occured in only two patients (Dedifferentiated liposarcoma and Adenocarcinoma of the epididymis) during the follow-up.Conclusion: Miscellaneous non-specific malign stromal tumors of the testis should be kept in mind especially in middle age group patients presented with malign scrotal lesions. Surgical treatment should be aggressive and additional specific treatment according to pathology result should be planned without delay. Follow-up protocols are recommended to be tumor specific.Öğe On Yaş Altı ve Üstü Pediatrik Taş Hastalarında Perkütan Nefrolitotomi Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması(JAREM, 2016) Çelik, Hüseyin; Ediz, Caner; Çamtosun, Ahmet; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Taşdemir, CemalÖz: Perkütan nefrolitotomi (PNL), tüm dünyada böbrek taşı cerrahi tedavisinde güvenle uygulanan minimal invaziv bir tedavi yöntemdir. Kliniğimizde ilk PNL ameliyatı Mart 1998 tarihinde yapıldı. PNL, alanında artan tecrübeye paralel olarak pediatrik vakalarda da güvenle uygulanmaya başlandı. Çalışmamızda, 10 yaş altı ve üstü pediatrik hastalara yapılan PNL operasyonları retrospektif olarak incelendi.Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 16 yaş ve altındaki PNL hastaları dâhil edildi. Hastalar 10 yaş ve altı ile 11-16 yaş arası olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. PNL işlemi genel anestezi altında, prone pozisyonunda C kollu floroskopi eşliğinde gerçekleştirildi.Bulgular: Mart 1998-Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında, toplam 208 pediatrik yaş grubu üriner sistem taş hastası opere edildi. Bu hastalara, biri bilateral olmak üzere toplam 210 renal ünitede PNL işlemi yapıldı. On yaş ve altı grupta 98 işlemde (%87,5) tam taşsızlık sağlanırken, 13 işlemde (%12,5) klinik olarak önemsiz rezidüel fragmanlar (CIRF) kaldı. On yaş ve üzeri gruptaki işlemlerde sırasıyla 88 (%89,79) ve 9 (%10,2) olarak bulundu. On yaş ve altı grupta 1 hastaya tubeless PNL yapıldı. Her iki gruptada 1'er vakada transfüzyon gerektiren kanama, 10 yaş ve altı grubunda 1, 11-16 yaş arası grupta 2 hastada DJ takılmasını gerektiren trakt sızdırması meydana geldi. Başka organ yaralanması olmadı. Sonuç: Minimal invaziv bir yöntem olan PNL; yüksek güvenlik, düşük komplikasyon oranları, daha kısa hastanede kalış süresi, yüksek hasta memnuniyeti sağlaması, daha yüksek taşsızlık oranları ile açık böbrek taşı cerrahisine göre avantajlı bir hale gelmiştir. Özellikle pediatrik vakalarda tecrübeli kliniklerde başarıyla uygulanabilmektedir. Bu yüzden üriner sistem taş hastalığının cerrahi tedavisinde PNL güvenli ve etkili bir yöntemdir Başlık (İngilizce): Comparison of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Results in Pediatric Kidney Stone Disease in Patients Under the Age of 10 Years and in Patients Over the Age of 10 Years Öz (İngilizce): Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) is a minimally invasive procedure that is safely performed for kidney stone surgery all over the world. In our clinic, PNL surgery was first performed in March 1998. In parallel with our increasing experience, PNL has been performed in pediatric cases. In our study, PNL operations performed in pediatric patients under the age of 10 years and in those over the age of 10 years were retrospectively investigated.Methods: Patients were between 0 and 16 years of age. They were divided into 2 groups according to age: 0-10 and 11-16 years. The PNL procedure was performed under general anesthesia with C-arm fluoroscopy in the prone position.Results: Between March 1998 and December 2014, a total of 208 pediatric urinary stone patients were operated on. The PNL procedure was performed in 210 renal units, 1 of which was performed bilaterally. In the <=10-year-old patient group, 98 procedures (87.5%) were stone free, while clinically insignificant residual fragments (CIRFU) were found in 13 procedures (12.5%). In the >10-year-old patient group, 88 procedures were stone free (89.79%), while clinically insignificant residual fragments were found in 9 procedures (10.2%). In the <=10-year-old patient group, tubeless PNL was performed in 1 patient. In both groups combined, bleeding requiring transfusion occurred in just 1 case. A tract leak requiring a double J stent was detected in 1 patient in the <=10-year-old patient group and in 2 patients in the other group. There was no other organ injury.Conclusion: PNL is a minimally invasive method and has become advantageous over open surgery because it offers higher security, particularly in experienced clinics, and procedures on pediatric patients can therefore be successfully performedÖğe Predictive value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio before the second biopsy while detecting atypical small acinar proliferation(2019) Ediz, Caner; Ihvan, Ayse NurAim: In this study, we aimed to detect of predictive valueof neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio before the second biopsy while detecting atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP) in high prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level.Material and Methods: Two thousand two hundred ninety five patients underwent 10-12 quadrant TRUSBP between January 2008 and January 2016 have been evaluated retrospectively. Seventy sixpatients, whose data were reached, are taken into the study. Before the first biopsy,total PSA (tPSA), free PSA (fPSA), rate of percentage of free to total prostate specific antigen (f/tPSA) rate, PSA density (PSAD),blood neutrophil count (NC) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR)were measured. Second biopsy results and changes in the data are compared.Results: Benign prostate hyperplasia in 44 patients (57.89%),ASAP in 16 (21.05%) and prostate adenocarcinoma (PCa) in 16 patients (21.05%)was detected. The patient’s age, tPSA, fPSA, t/fPSA, PSAD,NC and NLR were 63.29 years, 8.68ng/mL, 1.87ng/mL, 21.34%, 18.15 ng/ml2, 5.2710^3/μL and 2.95 in group 1 and 64.31 years, 8.62 ng/mL, 1.58ng/mL,21.01%, 20.18 ng/ml2, 7.5310^3/μL and 2.84 in group 2, respectively. Patient’s age, tPSA, fPSA, f/tPSA, PSAD, NC and NLR were not statistically significant between in two groups (p >0,05).Conclusions: We think that inflammation is a stimulant factor for PCa in patients with ASAP. So, before the first biopsy, it may be able to predict a cancer by considering NC and NLR in patients with ASAP. Although not significant, NC and NLR values were found to be higher in ASAP/malign than benign cases in the evaluation of ASAP patients before the second biopsy.Keywords: Prostate Cancer; Atypical Small Acinar Proliferation; Neutrophil-To-Iymphocyte Ratio.Öğe Pulmonary Embolism as the Initial Presentation of Testicular Carcinoma(Hindawi Ltd, 2013) Berber, Ilhami; Bentli, Recep; Erkurt, Mehmet Ali; Ulutas, Ozkan; Ediz, Caner; Nizam, Ilknur; Berber, Nurcan KiriciObjective. The risk of pulmonary embolism is well recognized as showing an increase in oncological patients. We report a case presenting with pulmonary embolism initially, which was then diagnosed with testicular cancer. Clinical Presentation and Intervention. A 25-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with a complaint of dyspnoea. Thoracic tomography, lung ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy, and an increased D-dimer level revealed pulmonary embolism. For the aetiology of pulmonary embolism, a left orchiectomy was performed and the patient was diagnosed with a germinal cell tumour of the testicle. Conclusion. In this paper, we present a patient for whom pulmonary embolism was the initial presentation, and a germinal cell tumour was diagnosed later during the search for the aetiology.Öğe Renal rüptüre hemorajik anjiomyolipomlarda konservatif yaklaşım: Olgu sunumu(2013) Kanbay, Mustafa; Altıntaş, Ramazan; Kahraman, Ayşegül; Ediz, Caner; Taşdemir, Cemal; Kahraman, BayramAnjiomyolipom, değişen oranlarda düz kas, displastik kan damarları ve yağ dokusundan oluşan en sık görülen benign mezenkimal böbrek tümörüdür. 4 cm’den küçük lezyonlar çoğunlukla bulgu vermez. 4 cm’den büyük lezyonlarda kanama riski artar ve lezyon semptomatik hale gelebilir. Burada, sol yan ağrısı şikayeti ile başvuran, hemorajik anjiomyolipom saptanan 46 yaşında kadın olgu sunulmaktadır.