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Öğe Anatomy Courses Content of the Medical Faculty in Turkey(2022) Karataş, Turgay; Selçuk, Engin Burak; Karatas, MehmetAim: Our research in Turkey with the Higher Education Council (YÖK) depends on the content of the courses in Anatomy operating in the Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine has identified and studied during class hours to reveal whether there is a standard in this regard.Materials and Methods: Web pages of all Medical Faculties have been accessed by writing the names of Medical Faculties to search engines on the Internet. From these web pages, Anatomy course topics and course hours have been determined by referring to the Core Education Program (ÇEP) of the Turkish Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Association (TAKAD) and the Medical School syllabus for the 2018-2019 period.Results: Content of the curriculum could not be reached in most of the Foundation Universities websites (75%). Nearly half (48.8%) of the State University Medical Faculties have published their course programs regularly on their web pages.Conclusion: This study makes us think that State Universities have a more serious education program in terms of accessibility to course content data, sharing knowledge experience infrastructure and archiving successes compared to Foundation University Medical Faculties. Period of anatomy class I / II is the awarding and course contents can be said to be the standard in Turkey.Öğe Comparison of primary repair and placing a drain without repair methods in duodenum perforations(Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2023) Karatas, Turgay; Kanlioz, Murat; Karatas, Mehmet; Gokturk, Nurcan; Selcuk, Engin Burak; Cevirgen, Furkan; Turkoz, YusufBACKGROUND: Duodenal ulcer perforation is a serious condition. A number of methods have been defined and used in surgical treatment. In this study, it was aimed to compare the effectiveness of primary repair and drain placement without repair methods in duodenal perforations using an animal model.METHODS: Three equivalent groups of ten rats each were formed. Perforation was created in the duodenum in the first (primary repair/sutured group) and the second group (drain placement without repair/sutureless drainage group). In the first group, the per-foration was repaired with sutures. In the second group, only a drain was placed in the abdomen without sutures. In the third group (control group), only laparotomy was performed. Neutrophil count, sedimentation, serum C-reactive protein (CRP), serum total an-tioxidant capacity (TAC), serum total thiol, serum native thiol, and serum myeloperoxidase (MPO) analyses were performed on animal subjects in the pre-operative period and on the post-operative 1st and 7th days. Histological and immunohistochemical (transforming growth factor-beta 1 [TGF-131]) analyzes were performed. Blood analysis, histological, and immunohistochemical findings obtained from the groups were compared statistically.RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the first and second groups, except for the TAC on the post-operative 7th day and MPO values on the post-operative 1st day (P>0.05). Although tissue healing was more pronounced in the second group than in the first group, there was no significant difference between the groups (P>0.05). TGF-131 immunoreactivity observed in the second group was found to be significantly higher than in the first group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: We think that the sutureless drainage method is as effective as the primary repair method in the treatment of duo-denal ulcer perforation and can be safely applied as an alternative to the primary repair method. However, further studies are needed to fully determine the efficacy of the sutureless drainage method.Öğe COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMATIC THORACOLUMBAR VERTEBRAL FRACTURE(2014) Korkmaz, Mehmet Fatih; Karatas, Mehmet; Sevimli, Reşit; Erdem, Mehmet NuriÖz: Vertebral omurganın orta bölümü çubuk ve plakaların oluşan üç boyutlu trabeküler ağından oluşur. Bu trabeküler yapı özellikle bel omurları içinde basınç dayanımının % 90'ı sağlar. Ayrıca, trabeküler ağ içindeki kemik iliği basınç dayanımı ve enerji emilimini artırır. Belkemiğinin anterior bileşenleri (silindirik vertebral gövde ve disk) sıkıştırıcı kuvvetlere karşı direnç sağlarken, posterior ligamantöz elemanlar gerilme kuvvetlerine karşı direnç sağlar. Anterior ve posterior elemanlar diyagonal ve rotasyonel kuvvetlere ve eğilme momentinede direnç sağlarÖğe Demographic Characteristics and Ethical Issues of Disabled Patients who Applied at a Disabled Dental Care Center in Turkey(2013) Şimşek, Neslihan; Ak, Muharrem; Karatas, MehmetAmaç: Bu araştırmamız ile Türkiye'deki bir engelli hasta diş tedavi merkezine sahip olan İnönü Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesine başvuran hastaların demografik özelliklerini ve diş hekimlerinin bu hastalarla ilgili olarak yaşadıkları etik sorunları ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntemler:İnönü Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesine bir diş problemi nedeniyle başvuran hastaların sosyodemografik özelliklerine kayıtlardan ulaşıldı. Bulgular: Engelli hastalar kendi kendine ağız bakımlarını yapamadıklarından ağız-diş sağlığı sorunlarının görülme sıklığı normal bireylerden oldukça yüksektir. Ayrıca engelli hastaların aileleri tarafından diş sağlığı hizmeti verilen yerlere zor şartlarda gidebilmesi ve diş hekiminin de tıbbi müdahalesine hastanın izin vermemesi ya da müdahalenin zor olması da bu grup hastaların ağız-diş sağlıklarının kötü olmasına nedendir. İnönü Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesine bağlı olarak çalışan engelli hasta diş tedavi merkezine Eylül 2010 - Nisan 2012 tarihleri arasında başvuran engelli hastaların sayısını 105 olarak tespit ettik. Sonuç: Yaklaşık iki yıllık süre içerisinde İnönü Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Engelli Hasta Diş Tedavi Merkezine başvuran hasta sayısının Türkiye'deki engelli kişilerin sayısı ile mukayese edildiğinde bu sayının oldukça az olduğu ortaya çıkacaktır. Özellikle engelli kişilerin mobilizasyon sorunu, diş hekimine ulaşabilme zorluğu gibi birçok hastaya ait sorun bu sayının az olmasının önemli bir nedenidir.Diş hekiminin engelli hastaya daha fazla zaman ayıracak olması, yapılacak tıbbi müdahalenin maddi karşılığının yetersizliği, anestezi uygulayacak bir ekibin gerekliliği diş hekiminin hastayı reddetmesine ve hastanın zarar görmesine neden olabileceği ihtimali bazı ikilemlerin yaşanmasına sebeptir.Öğe Demographic Characteristics and Ethical Issues of Disabled Patients who Applied at a Disabled Dental Care Center in Turkey(İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2013) Karatas, Mehmet; Simsek, Neslihan; Ak, MuharremAim: This research was aimed to evaluate the demographic characteristics of the disabled patients who applied to the Disabled Dental Care Center (DDCC) at Faculty of Dentistry of Inonu University and the ethical issues that the dentists were faced with. Material and Methods: The total number of disabled patients along with their genders and age intervals were determined from among the patients that applied to the Disabled Dental Care Center founded in September 2010 under the Inonu University Faculty of Dentistry. Results: Since people with disabilities cannot perform dental care by themselves, their frequency of experiencing oral-dental health problems is considerably higher than that of normal people. In addition, the facts that disabled patients can go to dental care clinics under difficult conditions in the accompaniment of their families and that the patient may sometimes not let the dentist to carry out the medical intervention or the difficulty of the intervention are other factors causing bad dental health in this group of patients. From September 2010 to April 2012, 105 disabled patients were admitted to DDCC at Inonu University, Faculty of Dentistry. Conclusion: The number of disabled patients admitted to the DDCC Faculty of Dentistry when compared to the number of disabled within Turkey, the number is significantly low. Mobilization, especially for persons with disabilities is an issue, such as difficulty of access to the dentist is major problem and result of a low number. The facts that the dentist will have to spare more time to disabled patients, the inadequacy of the monetary charge of the medical intervention, the requirement of a team to anaesthetize the patient are causes for the rejection of the patient by the dentist whereas the thought of the dentist that he/she could harm the patient in any way is the cause of various dilemmas.Öğe Dental treatments of disabled citizens who consulted oral and dental health clinics during COVID-19 pandemic and ethical dilemmas experienced(2022) Çelik, Sümeyye Yılmaz; Karatas, MehmetThis study has been planned to show disabled peoples problems in getting oral and dental health services and their ethical dilemmas they experienced after the first Covid-19 case announced on 11 March 2020 in Turkey and World Health Organisation declared this epidemic as pandemic. Study datas were obtained from a public oral and dental health center in Malatya, Turkey with ethics committee approval and institution permit. When the datas have been analyzed, it has been seen that disabled citizens couldn’t get oral and dental health treatments and general anesthesia due to Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. It can be said that Covid-19 pandemic is a problematic period for disabled individuals for their oral and dental health services.Öğe The Effect of Marked Nasal Septal Deviation on Left Ventricular Function and Blood Markers(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019) Karatas, Mehmet; Tasolar, HakanObjectives: This study aimed to assess the effect of nasal septoplasty in patients with marked nasal septal deviation (MNSD) on subjective perception of nasal patency, echocardiography, and hematologic parameters. Methods: Seventy-nine consecutive patients (mean age, 29.9 +/- 9.7 years; 57 men and 22 women) at least 18 years old were diagnosed as MNSD consistent with presenting symptom of chronic nasal obstruction lasting at least 3 months. Complete blood count measurement to assess mean platelet volume (MPV) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), the Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) questionnaire, and echocardiography were performed for all patients just before and at postoperative third month of septoplasty. Results: The MPV (0.021), NLR (<0.001), and NOSE (<0.001) were all significantly decreased, and global longitudinal strain (GLS) value (<0.001) were also significantly increased at postoperative third month. Correlation analysis also indicated that DNLR was positively correlated with DGLS (r = 0.385, P<0.001), and DNOSE (r = 0.436, P<0.001), and correlated negatively with the DMPV (r = -0.302, P = 0.024). DGLS was also positively correlated with the DNOSE (r = 0.769, P<0.001). Conclusion: Septoplasty for MNSD could provide not only alleviation of otorhinolaryngologic symptoms but also improvement in subclinical left ventricular systolic dysfunction and decline in MPV and NLR levels.Öğe Effects of Septoplasty on Tp-e Interval and Tp-e/QT Ratio in Patients With Nasal Septal Deviation(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020) Tasolar, Hakan; Karatas, Mehmet; Aslan, Duygu DemirozObjectives: There are multiple nasal airway pathologies leading to upper airway obstruction, and one of the most common ones is nasal septum deviation (NSD). Our study aimed to evaluate the effect of nasal septal surgery in patients with NSD on ventricular arrhythmogenesis using the novel electrocardiographic parameters, Tp-e interval, and Tp-e/QT ratio. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study included 102 consecutive patients diagnosed with NSD. All participants completed a validated outcomes instrument (the NOSE scale), echocardiographic and electrocardiographic evaluation before and 3 months after septoplasty. The degree of nasal septal deviation was evaluated with the Dreher classification. Results: All of the electrocardiography parameters (except heart rate and QTmin) were significantly decreased with the septoplasty operation. Electrocardiographic parameters have significantly decreased especially in marked NSD patients. (Delta = difference between the preoperative and postoperative values) Delta NOSE was positively correlated both Delta cTp-e (r = 0.348, P < .001) and Delta cTp-e/QT values (r = 0.536, P < .001). Conclusion: Consequently, marked NSD was associated with increased risk of arrhythmogenesis, which were too much improved after septoplasty. So, treatment of especially marked NSD not only reduces otolaryngological complaints, but also leads to improvement of ventricular repolarization parameters.Öğe Engineering Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced by Polypropylene and Steel Fiber(Budapest Univ Technology Economics, 2015) Karatas, Mehmet; Gunes, AbdulkadirFresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC), produced by polypropylene and steel fiber, were analysed in this study. Within the scope of the study, natural river aggregate with grain diameter of 15 mm and a modified polycarboxylate based super plasticizer were used 10% displaceable with silica fume CEM I 42.5N type cement, on the purpose of supporting the dust content of self-compacting concrete. Polypropylene and steel fiber in different rates were used both separately and together in self-compacting concrete samples and these were compared with fresh and hardened properties of non-fibrous self-compacting concrete. It was deduced from these test results that the fiber use in proper rates would contribute to the engineering properties of self-compacting concrete.Öğe Evaluating the Behaviours of Citizens and Physicians During Healthcare System Changes in Turkey(2016) Karatas, Mehmet; Korkmaz, Mehmet Fatih; Selçuk, Engin Burak; Karataş, Turgay; Yalçınsoy, Murat; Kayhan Tetik, BurcuAbstract: This study may provide insights into the positive and negative perceptions of physicians and citizens in Turkey regarding the Transformation in Health Project.We aimed to evaluate the views of physicians and citizens regarding the changing healthcare system using different questionnaires.We interviewed 1190 actively working physicians and 1997 citizens using face-to-face questionnaires to determine how the changing healthcare system has affected the behaviours of physicians and citizens. When asked whether the behaviours of patients and relatives had improved, 495 physicians (41.6%) answered yes and 580 (48.7%) answered no. When citizens were asked whether the behaviours of physicians had improved, 1399 (70.1%) answered yes and 362 (18.1%) answered no. According to the results of this study, there have been some changes in our healthcare system associated with the Transformation in Health Project.Öğe Evaluation of early thyroidectomy complications(Bayrakol Medical Publisher, 2022) Karatas, Turgay; Selcuk, Engin Burak; Karatas, Mehmet; Yildirim, Atilla; Ozbag, Davut; Cay, Mahmut; Senol, DenizAim: Our aim in this study is to reveal the relationships between patient findings, surgical methods and early thyroidectomy complications. Material and Methods: The files and operative notes of 308 patients who underwent thyroidectomy within 10 years were reviewed retrospectively. Gender, age, preoperative diagnosis, primary or reoperated cases, the type of thyroidectomy [ bilateral subtotal (BST), bilateral total (BTT), unilateral subtotal (UST) and unilateral total (UTT)] and early postoperative complications (hypocalcemia, bleeding, nervus laryngeus recurrens (NLR) injury, infection and seroma) were recorded. The peculiarity of this study is that NLR neuromonitoring was not used in thyroidectomy operations. Results: Of the 308 patients who underwent thyroidectomy, 287 were females and 21 were males. Two hundred eighty three cases of multinodular goiter, 18 cases of nodular goiter and 7 thyroid cancers were operated; 180 BTT, 100 BST, 17 UTT + UST, 7 UST and 4 UTT were applied. Complications were seen in a total of 20 (6.49%) patients who underwent 19 BTT and 1 BST. The only complication in BST was bleeding. There were 10 (3.24%) hypocalcemia, 4 (1.29%) bleeding, 2 (0.649%) NLR injury, 2 (0.649%) infections and 2 (0.649%) seromas. In terms of the frequency of early thyroidectomy complications, hypocalcemia was the first (P=0.0047). In addition, the rates of hypocalcemia and NLR injury were higher in reoperated patients than in primary patients (P<0.05). Discussion: The most common complication was hypocalcemia. NLR injury and hypocalcemia rates were higher in reoperated cases who underwent BTT.Öğe EVALUATION OF PSYCHIATRIST'S COMMUNICATION WITH PSYCHOSIS PATIENTS(Univ Chile, Centro Interdisciplinario Estudios Bioetica, 2022) Karatas, Mehmet; Kartalci, Sukru; Selcuk, Engin Burak; Yetis, Hakan; Karatas, Turgay; Gozukara, HarikaEvaluation of the physician-patient relationship is very important in determining priorities in medical practice and medicine. For this purpose, in this study the psychiatrist's communication with psychotic patients as a sensitive group was evaluated. A questionnaire was administered to 210 patients in a psychiatric clinic of Inonu University Hospital in Turkey to determine how the examination is performed in the facility for outpatients in the psychosis unit. According to the study conducted, it was observed that the evaluation score of the psychiatrist's communication with psychotic patients increased positively with increasing consultation duration. Our work is particularly noteworthy because it deals with a sensitive area, such as a group of psychiatric patients. The scores were obtained based on data from the evaluation of the questionnaires, which showed that the communication between the psychiatrist and the psychotic patient was conducted in a sensitive and careful manner, and without ethical problems.Öğe Evaluation of risk factors for necrotic tissue resections in elderly patients with groin hernia(Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, 2023) Karatas, Turgay; Selcuk, Engin Burak; Karatas, Mehmet; Tahtali, Ibrahim Nuvit; Yildirim, Atilla; Arslan, Ahmet KadirAim: To reveal the relationships between patient findings and tissue resection in elderly patients. Materials and methods: Between September 2020 and September 2022 three hundred eighty four patients over the age of 60 who were operated with the diagnosis of groin hernia were retrospectively analyzed. Gender, age, height, weight and body mass index value, groin and inguinal hernia types, hernia sides, primary or recurrent cases, hernia sac content, incarceration, tissue necrosis and resection presence, and accompanying pathologies were recorded. These findings were compared and evaluated in order to determine the relationships between patient findings and tissue resection, and the findings at risk for tissue resection. Results: Of the patients in the study, 352 (91.7%) were male and 32 (8.3%) were female. The mean age, height, weight and BMI were 67.48 +/- 5.893 years, 169.27 +/- 6.113 cm, 73.28 +/- 7.878 kg and 25,566 +/- 2.3518 kg/m2, respectively. There were 369 inguinal, 15 femoral, 285 indirect, 84 direct, 312 primary, and 72 recurrent hernias. Incarceration was present in 65 (16.9%) patients, 19 (4.9%) of these patients underwent resection due to tissue necrosis (twelve omentum and seven small intestine). Tissue resection was 3.1% in male, 25% in female, 4.3% in inguinal, 20% in femoral, 5.6% in indirect, 0% in direct, 3.5% in primary and 11.1% in recurrent hernias. Tissue resections were significantly higher in females, femoral hernias, indirect inguinal hernias and recurrent cases (p<0.05). Conclusions: We can say that female gender, femoral, indirect and recurrent hernias are important risk factors for tissue resection in elderly patients.Öğe Evaluation of the ethics perception of academics in Inonu University faculty of medicine(2022) Kaynak, Sibel; Karatas, MehmetThis research was carried out to evaluate the ethics perception of academics working at İnönü University Faculty of Medicine. This is a descriptive study. The universe of the research consisted of 440 academics (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Research Assistants) working at Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Medicine. The sample size of the study was determined as 120 using power analysis. In total, 123 individuals were reached. The data were collected by face-to-face interviews with academics between July and October 2021, using the Personal Information Form and the Academic Ethics Scale. In the evaluation of the data, descriptive statistics and Kolmogorov Smirnov Test, the Levene test, the Mann Whitney Test, ANOVA, the Duncan test, and the Kruskal Wallis test were used. Any p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. It was found that 47.2% of the participants were research assistants, 50.4% worked for more than 5 years, 34.1% were between the ages of 31 and 40 years, 65% had clinical experience, 74% had national publications, 73.2% of them had sufficient knowledge about academic ethics (per their statements), 69.9% of them would notify authorities in case of unethical behavior, and 14.6% of them faced ethical violations. The participants' average perception of ethical values was 196.76 ± 16.27 [max: 260; Min: 155]. It was found that there was no significant difference between the ethical perception of the academics working at İnönü University, Faculty of Medicine, and gender and the types of ethical violations faced. However, when age, clinical experience, and tenure were grouped under the Academic Ethical Values Scale sub-dimensions, there were significant differences. It was also determined that there were significant differences between the status of complaining about unethical behavior, title, knowledge about academic ethics, and having a national/international publication.Öğe Evaluation of the First Year Results of Smoking Cessation Therapy with Varenicline or Bupropion in Outpatient Clinic(Duzce Univ, 2016) Selcuk, Engin Burak; Tetik, Burcu Kayhan; Karatas, MehmetObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the one year efficacy of varenicline and bupropion treatment in patients admitted to smoking cessation clinic and started medical treatment. Methods: A total of 681 individuals who admitted to Smoking Cessation Outpatient Clinic in Family Medicine Department of Inonu University School of Medicine between January 2011 and May 2012, and who have been begun medical treatment. The patients invited for follow up controls on the 15th day and in the first, second, 3rd, 6th and 12th months after the medical treatment was started after the first interview. The patients were questioned for whether they were going on using the medications, for any side effects and their smoking cessation status during each visit. Results: A total of 681 subjects were enrolled in the study. In the first interview, a through physical examination was performed, routine laboratory tests were performed and then the patients were informed about smoking cessation methods by physicians who have received tobacco cessation training. In the Bupropion group 65.6% of the men (n=151) and 65% of the women (n=91) had quit smoking in the 15th day evaluation. In the follow-up at the end of the first month 75.6% of the men (n=174) and 72.1% of the women (n=101), and at the end of 12th month 64.7% of the men (n=149) and 72.8% of the women (n=102) had quit smoking. In the Vareniklin group 191 patients (61.4%) were male and 120 patients (38.6%) were female. In the 15th day evaluation 70.1% of the men (n=134) and 59.1% of the women (n=71) had quit smoking. In the follow up, at the end of the first month 74.8% of the men (n=143) and 64.1% of the women (n=77), and at the end of 12th month 63.3% of the men (n=121) and 53.3% of the women (n=64) had quit smoking. Conclusion: Given that smoking cessation process is a process of intense nicotine withdrawal symptoms, interviews should be planned as frequently as possible during the first 3 months. Continuous bio-psycho-social follow-up, which is also one of the basic characteristics of family medicine, will be an important part of success in smoking cessation.Öğe How does the retrocecal anatomic localization of the appendix vermiformis affect the prognosis of acute appendicitis today? A comparative prospective study(2022) Karataş, Turgay; Selçuk, Engin Burak; Karatas, Mehmet; Yıldırım, AtillaAppendix vermiformis is found in various anatomical localizations. Localization of the appendix vermiformis has been suggested to affect the clinical findings and out- comes of acute appendicitis. Aimed at investigating the effect of retrocecal localization of appendix vermiformis on the prognosis of acute appendicitis today. This study was started in August 2018 and finished in August 2021. Adult patients of both sexes who were operated in general surgery clinic with a pre-diagnosis of acute appendicitis were included in the study. Anatomic localization of appendix vermiformis were divided into two parts as retrocecal localizations and non-retrocecal localizations. The forms of appendicitis, postoperative complications, and length of hospitalization obtained from retrocecal and non-retrocecal localizations were compared and evaluated. A total of 776 patients were included in the study. Retrocecal localization was found in 15%, and non-retrocecal in 84.9% of the patients. The rate of acute appendicitis was 65.8% in retrocecal localization, 83.1% in non-retrocecal localization, perforated appendicitis at 31.6% in retrocecal localization and 11.2% in non-retrocecal localization. The perforated appendicitis rate was significantly higher in retrocecal localizations (p=.0001). Although postoperative complications were 5.1% in retrocecal appendicitis and 2.4% in non-retrocecal appendicitis, there was no significant difference between them in terms of postoperative complications (p=.105). The mean length of hospital stay was 2.4 days for appendicitis with retrocecal localization and 1.7 days for non-retrocecal localizations. The mean length of hospital stay was also significantly higher in retrocecal localizations (p=.0001). In conclusion, both perforated appendicitis rates and the mean length of hospital stay were higher in appendicitis with retrocecal localization. Therefore, appendicitis with retrocecal localization still negatively affects the prognosis of acute appendicitis today.Öğe Human rights in health / why patient rights?(2021) Sert, Gurkan; Karatas, MehmetPatient rights aim to protect human rights while benefiting from health services. In the statements made about patient rights, attention is paid to the connections of these rights with human rights. Since it is a topic with such intensive relations with human rights, the discussion of whether human rights will be sufficient to protect the rights of individuals benefiting from health services without the "patient rights" subtitle comes to mind. If patient rights are "reflection and extension of human rights" in the field of health; Is it not possible to protect these rights directly only under human rights? Why is the patient rights title needed? What is the benefit in addressing these rights under a separate heading? Answering their questions will provide an important step in the answer to the question of why the topic of patient rights is included under the heading of human rights. In our article, attention has been drawn to the fundamentals and importance of the rights of individuals benefiting from healthcare services in the subtitles of human rights, based on different discussions, both in terms of human rights and freedoms and ethically. The approaches of countries in the world about patient rights could be explained in detail. There has been an important study expressing the basic philosophical state of patient rights.Öğe Incidence of emergency surgery in anterior abdominal wall hernias(Bayrakol Medical Publisher, 2023) Karatas, Turgay; Selcuk, Engin Burak; Karatas, Mehmet; Yildirim, Atilla; Tahtali, Ibrahim Nuvit; Arslan, Ahmet KadirAim: This prospective study was conducted to analyze the incidence of emergency surgery in anterior abdominal wall hernias (AWH). Material and Methods: A total of 659 patients with anterior AWH were examined. Patients with anterior AWH who underwent elective or emergency surgery were included in the study. In this study, groin and non-groin hernias constitute anterior AWHs. Gender, age, anesthesia and repair methods, elective and emergency surgery, hernia types, side of groin hernias, recurrent or primary hernias were determined and recorded. Emergency surgery incidences of hernias were evaluated in terms of gender, age, hernia types, groin hernia sides, primary or recurrent hernias.Results: Emergency surgery was performed in 64 patients (9.7%). The incidence of emergency surgery was found to be higher in females. In anterior AWHs, the emergency surgery incidence was found to be higher in non-groin hernias than in groin hernias (P<0.001). The emergency surgery incidence was highest in femoral hernias among groin hernias and incisional hernias in non-groin hernias. In terms of primary and recurrent cases, the emergency surgery incidence was significantly higher in recurrent cases (P<0.001). However, when the emergency surgical incidence of all anterior AWHs such as inguinal, femoral, incisional, umbilical and epigastric hernias in the study were compared, no significant difference was found among them. Discussion: Emergency surgery incidence was found to be higher in females and in recurrent cases. However, there was no significant difference in the incidence of emergency surgery among all anterior AWH types.Öğe INDIVIDUALS LIVING WITH CANCER IN TURKEY AND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC(Univ Chile, Centro Interdisciplinario Estudios Bioetica, 2022) Sert, Gurkan; Torun, Serap; Karatas, Mehmet; Gozderesi, Yakup; Okuyaz, Selda; Yalcin, Sibel Oner; Yildirim, GulayThe aim of this study is to determine the problems faced by individuals living with cancer (ILCs) in accessing health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. This qualitative study's sample consisted of 18 volunteer interviewees from 10 cancer-related patient associations in Turkey. Research data were collected by semi-structured interview method. Data collection and analysis were carried out simultaneously. In the sessions where all researchers participated together, the data were coded with a common view, and main and sub-themes were determined. In die analysis of the data the inductive thematic analysis method was applied. Information was gathered under two main themes: compliance with the measures taken and access to health services. Lack of information about nutrition, physical activity, psychological problems, caused by the lockdown and social distance measures taken within the scope of the pandemic should be accepted as problems within the scope of the right of individuals to access health, and additional programs should be prepared to minimize these. Cancer types should be considered in delaying diagnosis, treatment, and controls related to cancer, so that patients are not harmed at least or at all. It is important to ensure that patients do not hesitate to attend diagnosis, treatment, and controls with the anxiety of being infected with COVID-19, both in transportation to health facilities and in terms of preventing transmission in health facilities.Öğe Molecule associated with autism: Folic acid. Do we use it correctly?(2019) Canbolat, Mustafa; Tecellioglu, Mehmet; Ozbag, Davut; Karatas, Turgay; Karatas, Mehmet; Senol, DenizAim: Neural tube defects (NTD) are among most commonly found congenital anomalies. Sufficient amount of folic acid taken in preconception period is reported to prevent NTD development. There are studies in literature which make an association between high doses of folic acid taken during pregnancy and autism. When folic acid supplement began to be made on foods to protect from neural tube defects a concurrent increase has been mentioned in autism prevalence. Today pregnancy and folic acid supplement are currently indispensable. Physicians have made this supplement a routine. Aim of study is to assess if every woman in Malatya has a deficiency which requires routine use of folic acid through the folic acid levels of women who refer to health institutions. Material and Methods: Study conducted on the records of 1003 female patients in reproductive age group who referred to neurology and internal medicine polyclinics for any reason and whose folic acid levels were checked by the related physician. Results: Serum folic acid level averages of all women whose records were taken is 7,69±3,03ng/ml. Only 27 (2,69%) women’s folic acid levels lower than 3,08 ng/ml. 699 (69,69%) women’s serum folic acid levels higher than 6 ng/ml. Conclusions: If these 1003 women were pregnant, they would routinely be started folic acid. However, folic acid levels of a great majority (69,69%) was found to be higher than 6 ng/ml. We believe that physicians should start folic acid after taking into consideration the nutritional habits and socioeconomic characteristics of the region they live in and after they check serum folic acid level.