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Öğe Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Oxaprozin and Naproxen Sodium After Removal of Impacted Lower Third Molars: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study (vol 68, pg 1018, 2010)(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2010) Kara, Isa M.; Polat, Serkan; Ince, Fatih; Gumus, Cesur[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Comparative investigation of the effects of different materials used with a titanium barrier on new bone formation(Wiley, 2013) Ezirganli, Seref; Polat, Serkan; Baris, Emre; Tatar, Ilkan; Celik, Hakan HamdiObjectives In this study, we aimed to study the effects on new bone formation of autogenous blood, deproteinized bovine bone graft (DBBG), and biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bioceramic graft materials placed under titanium barriers. Material and methods Twenty-four adult male New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. Two titanium barriers were fixed on each rabbit's calvarium. The study included four groups, one of which was a control group. The experiment groups, autogenous blood, DBBG (Bio-Oss (R); Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhusen, Switzerland) and BCP (4BoneTM; Biomatlante, Vigneux de Bretagne, France) were placed under titanium barriers; in the control group, no materials were used. Half of the animals were sacrificed after 1month, and the rest were sacrificed after 3months. After this, micro-computerized tomography images were taken, and a histomorphometric evaluation was carried out. Results The amounts of new bone formation were found to be higher at the third month than at the first month. The differences between the groups were examined with both a micro-computerized tomography and histomorphometric analysis, and no statistical significance was noted in the first month. In contrast, the increase in the amount of new bone formation at the third month was found to be statistically significant only between the DBBG and control groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Autogenous blood with titanium barriers in guided bone regeneration seems to be as successful as DBBG and BCP bioceramic graft material.Öğe The effects of dental pulp stem cells on bone regeneration in rat calvarial defect model: Micro-computed tomography and histomorphometric analysis(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Asutay, Fatih; Polat, Serkan; Gul, Mehmet; Subasi, Cansu; Kahraman, Sevil Altundag; Karaoz, ErdalObjective: Stem cell therapies may be applicable to all fields of medicine, including craniomaxillofacial surgery. Dental pulp stem cells also have significant osteogenic properties. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of dental pulp stem cells on bone regeneration and to ascertain whether or not there was any superiority over traditional methods. Design: In this study, 15 non-immunodeficient Wistar albino rats were used. The rats were divided into three groups: (1) untreated control group; (2) hydroxyapatite tri-calcium-phosphate (HA/TCP) paste; (3) human dental pulp derived stem cells (DPSC) mixed with HA/TCP paste (HA/TCP+DSPC group, n = 10). Two symmetrical full-thickness cranial defects were created on each parietal region (10 defects for each group). The animals were sacrificed 8 weeks post-surgery and samples were analyzed by microcomputer tomography (mu-CT) and histomorphometry. Results: The calcification rate and bone mineral density (BMD) values in Group 3 were found to be significantly higher than in the other two groups. Radiographically, bone regeneration was greater in Group 2 compared with the control group. However, there was no significant difference between Groups 2 and 1 in respect of histological analysis. Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, DPSCs may be a suitable factor for bone tissue engineering because they can be easily obtained and differentiate into bone cells. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Erişkin Türk toplumunda maksimum ağız açıklığı miktarı ve temporomandibular eklem bozuklukları ile ilişkisinin araştırılması(2013) Ezirganlı, Şeref; Kara, Muhammed İsa; Küçük, Dervişhan; Ozan, Fatih; Polat, SerkanÖz: Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, erişkin Türk toplumunda maksimum ağız açıklığını tespit etmek ve bu sonucun varsa temporomandibular eklem bozukluğu ile olan ilişkisini tespit etmekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda maksimum ağız açıklığı 16–72 yaş aralığında 551’i erkek, 504’ü kadın olan 1055 erişkinden yapılan ölçümler sonucu elde edilmiştir. Yaş, cinsiyet, palpasyonda temporomandi- bular eklem ağrısı, palpasyonda çiğneme ve boyun kaslarında hassasiyet, kapanış tipi, temporomandibular eklemde ses varlığı ve çene ekleminde sorun nedeniyle diş hekimi ya da doktora gitme hikayesi kaydedildi. Bulgular: Maksimum ağız açıklığı erkeklerde 50,38 mm kadınlarda ise 46,35 mm olarak tespit edildi. 32 hastada açık kapanış, 594 hastada normal kapanış ve 429 hastada derin kapanış vardı ve hastaların ortalama ağız açıklıkları sırasıyla 52,53 mm, 48,62 mm ve 47,09 mm olarak kaydedildi. Sonuç: Ağız açıklığı ile kapanış tipi, temporoma dibular eklemde ağrı, çiğneme ve boyun kaslarında ağrı olması arasında ilişki bulundu. Bununla beraber çene ekleminden ses gelmesinin ağız açıklığı üzerine belirgin bir etkisinin olmadığı tespit edildi. Palpasyonda temporomandibular eklem ağrısı olan ve çene eklem şikayeti ile hekimine başvuran gruplarda ağız açıklığı miktarında belirgin bir faklılık olduğu tespit edildi.Öğe Evaluation of All-on-Four Concept and Alternative Designs with 3D Finite Element Analysis Method(Wiley, 2014) Dogan, Derya Ozdemir; Polat, Nilufer Tulin; Polat, Serkan; Seker, Emre; Gul, Esma BasakPurpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the forces on the implant and supporting alveolar ridge in all on four concept and alternative designs using finite element analysis. Materials and Methods: Different treatment alternatives with various implant designs were performed in an edentulous mandible. In Design 1, implants were placed according to All-on-Four concept; Design 2, two long (13 mm long, 4 mm diameter) and two short (7 mm long, 4 mm diameter) implants; Design 3, four long and two short implants; and Design 4, two long and four short implants were placed vertically. A force of 100 N for each tooth, a total of 300 N load was applied. Finite element analysis was used to evaluate and compare the different designs. Results: The stress concentration within the cortical bone was significantly higher than the trabecular bone around the neck of the implants. The maximum stress values were located around the cortical bone of the distal implant for all designs. The reduction in the number of implants did not diminish the success of the design. Conclusions: In the presence of vertically resorbed posterior mandibula, although the all on four concept is a feasible approach clinically, short implants had decreased the amount of force transmitted to the supporting bone.Öğe Experience of Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation in the Presence of Antral Pseudocysts(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2010) Kara, Isa M.; Kucuk, Dervishan; Polat, SerkanSinus floor elevation is increasingly being used with implant placement procedures. However, certain surgical difficulties can develop, such as sinus membrane perforation, bleeding, anatomic variations, or some pathologies of the maxillary sinus. Maxillary antral pseudocysts are one of the most common benign pathologies of the maxillary sinus. Although some investigators have described the presence of this pathology as a contraindication, recent reports have demonstrated that pseudocysts of the maxillary sinus are not a contraindication for sinus augmentation. In these reports, maxillary sinus augmentations related to antral pseudocyst experiences are presented. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. All rights reserved. J. Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:1646-1650, 2010Öğe Farklı Kaynaklardan Elde Edilen Mezenşimal Kök Hücrelerin ve Konsantre Büyüme Faktörünün Tavşan Temporomandibular Ekleminde Oluşturulan Osteoartrit Modellerindeki Etkinliklerinin Araştırılması(2017) Yolcu, Ümit; Polat, Serkan; Alan, Hilal; Gül, MehmetOsteoartrit (OA), artiküler kartilajda fibrilasyon ve erozyona, alttaki subkondral kemikte dejenerasyona sebep olan inflamatuar bir durumu tanımlar. Patogenezinde inflamasyon, biyomekanik ve immunolojik reaksiyonlar da rol oynarlar. TME OA?ları, şiddetli ağrı ve fonksiyon bozukluklarıyla karakterize olup TME bozukluklarının bir alt grubudur. OA etkisiyle kartilajın dejenere olması sonucu artiküler yüzeyler arasında sürtünme artar, bunun sonucunda eklem hareketleri bozulabilmekte ve kartilaj, kapsül, ligamentler, sinoviyal membran, subkondral kemik ve kaslar gibi ekleme komşu dokularda patolojik cevaplar oluşabilmektedir. TME OA?sının tipik bulguları arasında eklemden gelen klik sesi ve krepitus, eklem ve kas hassasiyeti, ağız açılması esnasında çenenin deviasyonu ve ağız açılmasındaki ciddi kısıtlılık gibi bulgular sayılabilir. Son yıllarda özellikle ortopedi alanında, OA?nın en sık etkilediği eklem olan diz eklemi içine uygulanan Trombositten Zengin Plazma (TZP) OA tedavisinde popüler hale gelmiştir. TZP ve Trombositten Zengin Fibrin (TZF) normal kandan 8-10 kat daha fazla trombosit ve bununla birlikte birçok büyüme faktörü içerir. Analjezik, inflamasyon baskılama ve anjiogenezisi stimule edici özellikleri vardır. Son yıllarda TZP ve TZF?den daha yoğun büyüme faktörü ve trombosit içeren konsantre büyüme faktörü (KBF) üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmıştır. TZP ve TZF?ten farklı olarak KBF, venöz kanın sabit bir sıcaklıkta değişik hızlarda özel bir cihaz tarafından santrifüj edilmesiyle elde edilir. OA'da destrükte olan kıkırdak ve kemik dokuların rejenerasyonu için eklem içine kök hücre uygulamaları oldukça popüler hale gelmiştir. Mezenşimal kök hücreleri yetişkin kemik iliğinde yer alan multipotent hücrelerdir. Bu hücreler undiferansiye hücrelere replike olabilirler ve kıkırdak, kemik ve yağ gibi birçok mezenşimal hücreye diferansiye olabilme potansiyelleri vardır. Bu projenitör hücrelerin elde edilebileceği kemik iliği, dental pulpa, yağ dokusu, sinoviyum, periosteum, umbilikal kord, kas doku ve periferal kan gibi birçok kaynak vardır. TME'yi etkileyen OA ve diğer dejeneratif hastalıklarda kök hücre uygulamalarının etkinliğini inceleyen çalışmalar henüz yerlerini almaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada TME?de kemik ve kıkırdak harabiyeti ile sonuçlanan OA'larda multipotent olan ve diferansiasyon özelliği yüksek olan mezenşimal kök hücrelerin kıkırdak ve kemik hücre prekürsörlerine diferansiye olabilme ve KBF'nin içerdiği yoğun büyüme faktörleri ve doku iyileşmesini stimule edici özelliklerinden yararlanmak istedik. Çalışmamızda monoiodoasetat (MIA) ile artiküler kartilaj, osteokondral birleşim ve subkondral kemikte destrüksiyon elde edildi. MIA enjeksiyonundan 4 hafta sonra eklem içine artrosentez yöntemi ile medium içerisinde mezenşimal kaynaklı kök hücrelerin (dental pulpa ve yağ doku kaynaklı) ve likit KBF enjekte edildi. Sonuçlar histomorfometrik ve immünohistokimyasal olarak incelenip kıkırdak ve kemik dokudaki değişimler değerlendirildi. OA grubunun toplam hasar skoru, KBF, adipoz, dental pulpa ve medium gruplarından anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulundu. Adipoz grubunun toplam skoru, dental pulpa ve medium gruplarından anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu. KBF ve adipoz grupları arasında toplam skor açısından anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadı. Bu çalışma KBF, adipoz doku ve dental pulpa kaynaklı kök hücrelerin TME OA tedavisi üzerine olumlu etkilere sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.Öğe Neoplasms of the salivary glands in a Turkish adult population(Medicina Oral S L, 2010) Kara, Muhammed Isa; Goze, Fahrettin; Ezirganli, Seref; Polat, Serkan; Muderris, Suphi; Elagoz, SahendeObjective: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the types and distribution of neoplasm of salivary glands in a Turkish population. Study Design: The histological diagnosis records of the Department of Pathology at Cumhuriyet University were reevaluated for 125 patients who were treated for salivary gland tumors from 1987 to 2008. The neoplasms were analyzed for histological diagnosis, age, sex, and site. The histological diagnoses were analyzed according to the 2005 WHO classification. Results: A total of 125 primary salivary gland neoplasms, consisting of 95 (76%) benign and 30 (24%) malignant groups were recorded. The most common major and minor salivary gland sites were the parotid (61.6%) and palatal glands (9.6%), respectively. Pleomorphic adenoma was the most frequent benign tumor followed by Warthin's tumor. Among the malignant group, adenoid cystic carcinoma was the most prevalent. Age for all cases ranged from 16-80 years; mean age was 41.97 years, with a female to male ratio of 1:1.15. Conclusions: Although there were some discrepancies, the characteristics of salivary gland tumors of Turkish patients are in line with those of patients from other countries according to tumor type, tumor site distribution, and age and sex of patients.Öğe Oral liken planus: Retrospektif bir çalişma(2010) Ezirganlı, Şeref; Kara, Muhammed İsa; Göze, Fahrettin Ömer; Polat, SerkanÖz: Amaç: Bu çalışmada, 1999-2009 yılları arasında kliniğimize başvuran hastalardan histopatolojik olarak oral liken planus tanısı konulmuş 41 hastanın demografik verilerine göre araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız hastaların histopatolojik verileri üzerindeki kayıtlar temel alınarak yapıldı. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet ve lokalizasyon açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Lezyona sahip olan hastaların (22–71 yaş aralığında) yaş ortalaması 45, erkek/kadın oranı 1,41/1 olarak bulundu. Lezyonlar en sık bukkal mukoza (%60,5), bunu takiben dudak mukozası (%21), dil (%11,5) ve dişeti (%7) yerleşimliydi. Sonuç: Diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak bölgemizde görülen oral liken planus vakalarının erkeklerde daha çok görüldüğü gözlendi.Öğe Oral rehabilitation of a severe trauma patient: case report(İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013) Polat, Nilüfer Tülin; Atala, Mustafa Hayati; Ahmetoğlu, Fuat; Polat, SerkanIt’s been aimed to do the oral rehabilitation of a patient with a delayed dental treatment after a severe accident, by using limited invasive methods. It is learned from the anamnesis that the patient had been fallen down from the fourth floor at the age of 16. The patient’s oral and dental treatments, except the broken mandibula, had been postponed 4 years for various reasons. She had lost her teeth numbered 11, 25 and 43. Her fourteen teeth had different sized crown fractures and 7 of these were embedded in the alveolar bone and mucosa. In the bite occlusion, upper and lower alveolar ridges were in contact on the right side and lower posterior teeth were in contact with the upper alveolar ridge on the left. There was only 1 mm freeway space. Because of the patient’s depression; she had no demand or tolerance to invasive treatments. The lower anterior 3 teeth which had lost the alveolar support and 3 embedded roots in the right maxilla had been extracted. Partial bone adjustments -upper and lower right side and upper left alveolar ridges- had been performed. The roots (23, 44, 45, and 46) had been exposed to the oral cavity. Endodontic treatments were done to these roots and 8 other teeth. On the upper right side, 3 implants had been placed after the sinus lifting. The treatment had been completed with the porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations.The patient had been satisfied by minimum invasive treatment in a complicated casÖğe Stabilization of autotransplanted teeth using thermoplastic retainers(Medicina Oral S L, 2011) Isa-Kara, Muhammed; Sari, Fatih; Emre-Coskun, Mehmet; Kustarci, Alper; Burak-Polat, Hidayet; Ozdemir, Hakan; Polat, SerkanObjective: Different fixation techniques have been used for stabilization of autotransplanted teeth. Because rigid or extended fixation periods can cause complications such as ankylosis and disturbances of pulpal revascularization, our aim was to evaluate an alternative technique, a removable splint, for improving the success rate of autotransplanted molar teeth. Study Design: In 44 patients, (20 male and 24 female patients), 45 transplanted teeth were analyzed. These cases were followed for 31 to 47 months after operation. Transplanted teeth were evaluated after use of a thermoplastic retainer for 1 month, in terms of success rate and dissatisfaction with this apparatus. The primary stability, ankylosis, and root resorption were also analyzed. Results: To date, 1 transplant was extracted after 6 months due to unpreventable periapical root inflammation, and 2 transplants were extracted after one year due to external root resorption. Although 2 ankylosed transplants were still functional after an average follow-up period of three years, with no dissatisfaction by the patients, these cases were treated as failures because of the probable risk for external root resorption. The remaining 40 (88.8 % success rate) transplants remained asymptomatic and functioning for a mean follow-up period of 37 months. In the assessment of dissatisfaction with the thermoplastic retainer, 36 (81.8 %) patients had no or little dissatisfaction, 4 (9 %) patients had very appreciable or excessive dissatisfaction, and 4 (9 %) patients had moderate dissatisfaction. Conclusions: A thermoplastic retainer for use after autotransplantation of third molar teeth is a reasonable and useful method and a good alternative to conventional rigid or semi-rigid splints. This technique was especially useful in autotransplanted teeth that had poor stability, i.e., in cases in which it is conventionally advised to use long-term rigid or semi-rigid splints.