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Öğe HOMOLOGY OF CONTACT CR-WARPED PRODUCT SUBMANIFOLDS OF AN ODD-DIMENSIONAL UNIT SPHERE(Korean Mathematical Soc, 2015) Sahin, Bayram; Sahin, FulyaWe show that homology group on a contact CR-warped product submanifold in odd dimensional sphere is zero under certain conditions in terms of warping function and the dimension of the submanifold.Öğe Lie Groupoids and Generalized Contact Manifolds(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014) Sahin, FulyaWe investigate relationships between Lie groupoids and generalized almost contact manifolds. We first relate the notions of integrable Jacobi pairs and contact groupoids on generalized contact manifolds, and then we show that there is a one to one correspondence between linear operators and multiplicative forms satisfying Hitchin pair. Finally, we find equivalent conditions among the integrability conditions of generalized almost contact manifolds, the condition of compatibility of source, and target maps of contact groupoids with contact form and generalized contact maps.Öğe Symplectic groupoids and generalized almost subtangent manifolds(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2015) Sahin, FulyaWe obtain equivalent assertions among the integrability conditions of generalized almost subtangent manifolds, the condition of compatibility of source and target maps of symplectic groupoids with symplectic form, and generalized subtangent maps.