F-18 FDG PET/BT'de malign hastalığı taklit eden sarkoidoza bağlı FDG tutulumları: 7 hastanın değerlendirilmesi
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Öz:Giriş: Bu çalışmada akciğerde şüpheli lezyon ve mediastinal lenfadenopati nedeniyle kliniğimiz Pozitron Emisyon Tomografisi / Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (PET/BT) ünitesine refere edilen ve biyopsi sonucunda sarkoidoz tanısı alan hastaların genel ve ortak özellikleri değerlendirilerek, PET/BT'nin sarkoidoz tanısına katkısının belirlenmesi ve bulguların literatürle karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2010 ile Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında akciğerde kitle araştırması nedeniyle kliniğimize refere edilmiş ve PET/BT'si çekilmiş daha sonra son tanıları sarkoidoz olarak belirlenmiş yedi hastanın özellikleri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: İncelenen yedi hastanın tümünde bilateral mediastinal lenf nodu pozitifliği, altı hastada multipl pulmoner parankim lezyonu saptandı. Üç hastada ekstratorasik lenf nodu tutulumu izlendi. Karaciğer tutulumu görülen iki hastadan birinde fokal nodüler, diğerinde diffüz tutulum saptandı. Dalak tutulumu izlenen üç hastanın birinde multipl nodüler görünüm, diğer ikisinde diffüz tutulum paterni mevcuttu. İki hastada kemik tutulumu saptandı. İncelenen yedi hastanın torasik veya ekstratorasik tüm vücuttaki lezyonlarına bakıldığında SUVmaks aralığı 3,2-20,7 (median: 6,9) idi. Sonuç: Akciğerle beraber ekstratorasik lenfadenopati bulguları, karaciğer ve dalak tutulumu, öncelikle akciğer malignitesi şüphesi ile gönderilmiş olan olgularda granülomatöz hastalık ayırıcı tanısı akla gelmesi açısından FDG PET/BT'nin tanı aşamasındaki yararıdır. PET/BT kolay ulaşılabilir biyopsi yeri belirlenmesi açısından özellikle yaygın hastalık olgularında oldukça yararlıdır. Hastalığın tanı anındaki metabolik aktifliği ve yaygınlığı tüm vücut değerlendirme ile yüksek doğrulukla belirlenebilmektedir. PET/BT'nin sarkoidozda tedavi takibi, kronik hastalıkta aktifleşen odakların belirlenmesi ve biyopsi yeri tayini gibi pek çok avantajının kabul edilmesine rağmen rutin uygulamada henüz yeri kesinleşmemiştir. Algoritmalarda yerini alabilmesi için iyi düzenlenmiş, prospektif klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Abstract:Objectives: We evaluated general and common characteristics of patients that were referred to Positron Emission Tomography / Computed Tomography (PET/CT) with suspicious lung lesions, then diagnosed as sarcoidosis, in order to determine the contribution of PET/CT to differential diagnosis. Material and Methods: 7 patients who underwent PET/CT examinations for lung lesions between January 2010 and June 2014, then pathologically diagnosed as sarcoidosis were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All seven patients had bilateral mediastinal lymph node positivity, six patients had multiple pulmonary parenchymal lesions. Extrathoracic lymph node involvement was determined in three patients. Two patients had hepatic involvement, one had focal nodular and the other one had diffuse hepatic involvement. Three patients had splenic involvement, one with appearance of multiple nodules, diffuse uptake pattern was determined in the other two. Bone involvement was found in two patients. SUVmax range was 3.2 to 20.7 (median: 6.9) for thoracic or extrathoracic lesions of the whole seven patients. Conclusion: Granulomatous diseases should be kept in mind in case of existence of extrathoracic lymphadenopathy, liver and spleen involvement in addition to lung lesions. PET/CT is helpful in identifying easily accessible biopsy sites, especially for patients with extensive disease. With whole body imaging, metabolic activity and the extent of the disease can be determined with high accuracy. Despite the adoption of many advantages such as post treatment follow-up, determining activation in chronic disease and biopsy site, PET/CT is not placed yet in routine practice. In order to replace algorithms well-organized, prospective clinical trials are needed.
Abstract:Objectives: We evaluated general and common characteristics of patients that were referred to Positron Emission Tomography / Computed Tomography (PET/CT) with suspicious lung lesions, then diagnosed as sarcoidosis, in order to determine the contribution of PET/CT to differential diagnosis. Material and Methods: 7 patients who underwent PET/CT examinations for lung lesions between January 2010 and June 2014, then pathologically diagnosed as sarcoidosis were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All seven patients had bilateral mediastinal lymph node positivity, six patients had multiple pulmonary parenchymal lesions. Extrathoracic lymph node involvement was determined in three patients. Two patients had hepatic involvement, one had focal nodular and the other one had diffuse hepatic involvement. Three patients had splenic involvement, one with appearance of multiple nodules, diffuse uptake pattern was determined in the other two. Bone involvement was found in two patients. SUVmax range was 3.2 to 20.7 (median: 6.9) for thoracic or extrathoracic lesions of the whole seven patients. Conclusion: Granulomatous diseases should be kept in mind in case of existence of extrathoracic lymphadenopathy, liver and spleen involvement in addition to lung lesions. PET/CT is helpful in identifying easily accessible biopsy sites, especially for patients with extensive disease. With whole body imaging, metabolic activity and the extent of the disease can be determined with high accuracy. Despite the adoption of many advantages such as post treatment follow-up, determining activation in chronic disease and biopsy site, PET/CT is not placed yet in routine practice. In order to replace algorithms well-organized, prospective clinical trials are needed.
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İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
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DEMİR S. S,AKTAŞ G. E,ALTIAY G,SARIKAYA A (2016). F-18 FDG PET/BT'de malign hastalığı taklit eden sarkoidoza bağlı FDG tutulumları: 7 hastanın değerlendirilmesi. İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 23(2), 196 - 201.