Tıp Fakültesi, Biyoistatistik ve Tıp Bilişimi Anabilim Dalı Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Resveratrol a red wine constituent polyphenol protects gastric tissue against the oxidative stress in cholestatic rats
    (Dig Dis Sci., 0–0., 2006) Kırımlıoğlu, Vedat; Yılmaz, Mehmet; Özgör, Dinçer; Işık, Burak; Söğütlü, Gökhan; Kırımlıoğlu, Hale; Karabulut, Aysun Bay
    This experimental study was designed to determine the effects of resveratrol on the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), and nitric oxide (NO) in gastric tissue after bile duct ligation (BDL). Swiss albino rats were divided into three groups: Group 1, sham (n = 7); Group 2, BDL (BDL only group; n = 7); and Group 3, BDL plus resveratrol (n = 7). Animals in the resveratrol group were treated with 10 mg/kg resveratrol (i.p.) once a day throughout 28 days. In the resveratrol group, levels of MDA and NO in gastric tissue were significantly lower than in the BDL-only group (P < 0.001). The level of GSH in the resveratrol group was significantly higher than in the BDL-only group (P < 0.001). The present study demonstrates that intraperitoneal administration of resveratrol maintains antioxidant defenses and reduces oxidative gastric damage. This effect of resveratrol may be useful to preserve gastric tissue under oxidative stress due to cholestasis.
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    The incidence of Demodex species in skin biopsy specimens diagnosed asactinic keratosis and nonmelanoma skin cancer
    (Asian Biomedicine Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2010; 343-348., 2010) Karaman, Ülkü; Şener, Serpil; Şamdancı, Emine; Çolak, Cemil; Şaşmaz, Sezai
    Background: The most common types of skin cancers include basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which are grouped as non-melanoma skin cancers. Actinic keratosis (AK) is a precancerous lesion that may develop into SCC. The pilosebaceous follicle mites, Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis, inhabit most commonly and densely certain facial skin areas where BCC and SCC also develops most frequently. Objective: Determine the prevalence of Demodex species in skin biopsy specimens diagnosed as SCC, BCC, and AK. Method: Specimens of the patients whose reports were available were studied in terms of Demodex. The specimens were stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin, and evaluated for Demodex species positivity. Results: There were Demodex species in seven (38.9%) out of 18 AK cases, 12 (31.6%) out of 38 SCC cases, and 26 (44.8%) out of 58 BCC cases of this study. The rate of Demodex species in patients diagnosed SCC, BCC, and AK was found to be rather high. Conclusion: Demodex species should also be evaluated in the follow-up of the treatment of patients in SCC, BCC, and AK group.
  • Öğe
    Body mass index percentile curves for predominantly breastfed childrenaged 0 2 years from Ankara Turkey
    (Bratıslava Medıcal Journal-Bratıslavske Lekarske Lısty, 2011) Halisdemir, Nurhan; Çolak, Cemil; Çamurdan A. D.; Ergöçen, S.; Şahin, Figen; Elhan, Atilla Halil
  • Öğe
    Malondıaldehyde glutathıone and nıtrıc oxıde levels ın patıents wıthenterobıus vermıcularıs ınfectıon
    (Mikrobiyol Bul. 2010 Jan;44(1):165-7., 2010) Kıran, Tuğba Raika; Karaman, Ülkü; Çolak, Cemil; Karabulut, Aysun Bay; Daldal, Nilgün
    The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) which are indicators of oxidative stress and also the level of glutathione (GSH) which is an antioxidant molecule, in patients with Enterobius vermicularis infection. A total of 41 patients (mean age: 36.4 years; 31 were male) and 40 healthy controls (mean age: 40.2 years; 28 were male) were included to the study. None of the patients and controls have had history of hormone/steroid drug use, smoking and alcoholism. The mean level of GSH in patient and control groups were found 1.17 +/- 0.02 micromol/l and 2.49 +/- 0.10 micromol/l; MDA 26.97 +/- 2.06 micromol/l and 19.47 +/- 2.25 micromol/l; NO 20.74 +/- 0.60 micromol/dl and 17.83 +/- 0.50 micromol/dl, respectively. The mean GSH level in patient group was statistically significantly lower (p < 0.05) than controls, while the mean MDA and NO levels were statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05). These results indicated that the consumption of GSH was increased due to the severity of oxidative stress in patients infected with E. vermicularis. Detailed experimental and clinical studies are required to enlighten the relation of GSH in the pathogenesis of E. vermicularis infection. Since oxidative stress is increased during enterobiosis, the use of antioxidant agents (e.g. vitamins C and E) for the supportive treatment deserves evaluation.
  • Öğe
    Adenosine deaminase level in the serum of the patients Toxoplasma gondiiseropositive and Giardia intestinalis
    (African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2009) Karaman, Ülkü; Beytur, Leyla; Kıran, Tuba; Çolak, Cemil
    Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an aminohydrolase making adenosine, deoksiadenozini inozin, and deocsiniozine deaminise irreversibly and plays role in the catabolism of purine nucleotids. Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonoses intracellular parasite that causes infection in animals and humans. This parasite encompasses enzymes that produce free radicals such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, Giardia intestinalis is another parasite that causes irritations in mucosa, over mucus discharge, aggravating former inflammations, and various absorption defects. In the present study, it has been aimed to compare ADA levels between T. gondii seropositive (IgG seropositive but symptomless patients), G. intestinalis positive patients, and control group. Thus, ADA levels between 32 patients being T. gondii seropositive and 29 controls and between 50 patients’ G. intestinalis positive and 40 controls have been evaluated. The results were analyzed using independent samples t-test at the level of p < 0.05. According to this, in the statistical comparison between the parameters of patient and control groups, a meaningful decrease could be determined in ADA levels. This situation can be commented in the way that toxoplasmosis infection being inactive does not necessarily cause an increase in T lymphocytes. In addition, this decrease can be due to increasing oxidative stress in parasitic infections. Adenosine deaminase level in the serum of the patients Toxoplasma gondii seropositive and Giardia intestinalis (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228360278_Adenosine_deaminase_level_in_the_serum_of_the_patients_Toxoplasma_gondii_seropositive_and_Giardia_intestinalis [accessed Jan 16 2018].
  • Öğe
    The comparison of logistic regression model selection methods for theprediction of coronary artery disease
    (Anadolu Kardıyolojı Dergısı-The Anatolıan Journal Of Cardıology, 207) Çolak, Cemil; Çolak, Mehmet Cengiz; Orman, Mehmet N.
    Amaç: Bu çal›flma, koroner arter hastal›¤›n›n (KAH) tahmini için lojistik regresyon modeli seçim yöntemlerinin karfl›laflt›r›lmas› amac›yla yap›lm›flt›r. Yöntemler: Koroner arter hastal›¤› verileri, 2001 y›l›nda ‹nönü Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Kardiyoloji bölümüne müracaat eden ard›fl›k 237 bireyden elde edilmifltir. Lojistik regresyon modeli seçim yöntemleri, kesikli ve sürekli ba¤›ms›z de¤iflkenlerden oluflan KAH verilerine uygulanm›flt›r. Modellerin uyum iyili¤i testi Hosmer-Lemeshow istatisti¤i ile yap›lm›flt›r. Tahminlenen modellerin karfl›laflt›r›lmas›nda olabilirlik oran istatisti¤i kullan›lm›flt›r. Bulgular: Her bir model seçim yöntemine ait duyarl›l›k, seçicilik ve do¤ruluk oranlar› % 91.9’dan daha yüksek bulunmufltur. Modellerin KAH verilerini baflar›l› bir flekilde aç›klad›¤› Hosmer-Lemeshow uyum iyili¤i testi sonuçlar› ile do¤rulanm›flt›r. Koroner arter hastal›¤› ile iliflkili etkenler belirlenip, sonuçlar yorumlanm›flt›r. Sonuç: Lojistik regresyon modeli seçim yöntemleri KAH’›n tahmin edilmesinde oldukça baflar›l› sonuçlar vermifltir. Olabilirlik oran istatisti¤i sonuçlar›na göre KAH’›n tahmini için ad›msal yöntemlerin Enter yönteminden daha iyi oldu¤u saptanm›flt›r. Yafl, diyabetes mellitus, hipertansiyon, aile öyküsü, sigara kullan›m›, düflük dansiteli lipoprotein, trigliserid, stres ve obezite de¤iflkenleri KAH’› tahmin etmede kullan›labilir. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2007; 7: 6-11) Anahtar kelimeler: Lojistik regresyon modeli seçim yöntemleri , koroner arter hastal›¤›, olabilirlik oran istatisti¤i
  • Öğe
    On the moments of order statıstıcs from dıscrete dıstrıbutıons
    (Pak. J. Statist.2010 Vol. 26(2), 417-426., 2010) Çalık, Sinan; Güngör, Mehmet; Çolak, Cemil
    This paper, the thmraw moments of order statistics from discrete distributions are obtained. By using the thmraw moments, a relation between the moments of sample maximum of order statistics from a discrete uniform distribution and the sum 1,S N nis obtained. It is shown that with the help of this relation, one can obtain all the moments for sample maximum of order statistics from a discrete uniform distribution. By using MATLAB, we compute the means and variances of the sample maximum order statistics for sample size N= 10(10)50(50)100 andn= 1(1)10. Further studies may focus on a software program computing the means and variances of sample maximum of order statistics from any discrete distributions.
  • Öğe
    Positivity of Demodex spp in biopsy specimens of nevi
    (Tropical Biomedicine 26(1): 51–56 (2009)., 2009) Şener, Serpil; Karaman, Ülkü; Çolak, Cemil; Engin, Aydın Nasuhi; Şaşmaz, Sezai; Iraz, Meryem
    Abstract. Melanocytic skin tumors are caused by nevus cells, epidermal melanocytes and dermal melanocytes. The aim of the study was to detect the positivity of Demodex spp. in biopsy specimens of skin diagnosed as nevus. In this retrospective study, the specimens obtained from 110 patients diagnosed with nevus and stained by hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) method were assessed for Demodex. Statistical analysis was done using independent sample t test, Pearson Chi-square and Yates’ adjusted Chi-square test. For statistics, p<0.05 was considered significant. Consequently, 43 (39.1%) out of 110 specimens were detected to have Demodex spp. Demodex colonization augmented in nevi can be explained by the possible affinity of the parasite to the melanin pigment.
  • Öğe
    Updated weight and height for age centiles in a group of predominantlybreastfed turkish children aged 0 2 years
    (Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2009;29(6):1376-85, 2009) Çolak, Cemil; Çamurdan, Aysu Duyan; Ergöçen, Salih; Elhan, Atilla Halil; Şahin, Figen
    Objective: To update the weight and height centiles for a group of predominantly breastfed children aged 0-2 years from the medium-high socioeconomic status living in Ankara. Material and Methods: The study design was prospective cohort. Between 2002 and 2004, height and weight measurements of 0-2 year-old healthy children from the medium-high socioeconomic status were recorded in definite time-intervals in the Healthy Child Clinic of Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. Height and weight percentile curves were constructed using the LMS method for boys and girls. Results: In height and weight percentile curves, a steady upward trend was detected until 24 months of age for each gender. The estimated 50th percentiles of height and weight were mostly higher than the 50th percentiles suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) 2006 and Neyzi 1978. The 50th height and weight percentiles of the present study were closer to those of WHO than those of Neyzi. Conclusion: The present study reports the updated percentile values and curves for height and weight in a group of predominantly breastfed children aged 0-2 years from the medium-high socioeconomic status in Ankara. However, since the obtained data does not represent the whole country, it may be more reasonable to use the updated WHO multicenter growth reference curves.
  • Öğe
    The level of adenosine deaminase in the serum of patients who havepositive Entamoeba coli
    (Medicine Science 2014;3(4):1648-54., 2014) Karaman, Ülkü; Kıran, Tuba; Çolak, Cemil
    It has been reported that the parasites can make the free oxygen radicals such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and they contain enzymes which produce them. The cytokines play role in the regulation of immune response in living beings. The synthesizing of IL-10 is increased in Enterobius vermicularis, too. The adenosine deaminase (ADA) is also an aminohydrolase which plays role in the catabolism of purine nucleotides, inosines and deoxyinosine deamidates the adenosine and deoxyadenosine irreversibly. In the study, the comparison of ADA levels between the serums of the control group and the group of patients with E. vermicularis was aimed. In the study, the experimental group included 40 E. vermicularis positive patients. The average age of the patients is 35.2±5.4, 20 of them are men and 10 of them are women. The average age of 40 healthy Enterobius vermicularis negative people is 40.23±7.01, 31 of them are male and 9 of them are female. A significant decrease between the Enterobius vermicularis positive patients and the control group was detected in the level of ADA (p=0.0001). It can be considered that the ADA level of E. vermicularis positive patients in the study may be decreased because of increasing oxidative stress due to the parasitic infection.
  • Öğe
    Identifying risk factors in a mostly overweight patient population with coronary artery disease
    (Angiology, 2003) Yoloğlu, Saim; Sezgin, Alpay Turan; Özdemir, Ramazan; Sezgin, Nurzen; Çolak, Cemil; Topal, Ergül; Barutçu, İrfan
    Overweight/obesity is a complex multifactorial chronic disorder, and the American Heart Association (AHA) has recently classified as a modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease (CAD). This study (1) evaluates the association between CAD in a patient population mostly overweight (MOP) and conventional and novel coronary risk factors by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis and (2) seeks to find the best model by comparing univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis algorithms, which were systematically applied to risk factors by using Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic test. In univariate analysis, there were significant associations between CAD in MOP and conventional and novel risk factors. However, the model’s sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy levels were weak. In multivariate analysis, although some risk factors were not found as predictors of coronary artery disease, the model showed good fit to data and had high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy levels. This was also confirmed by using the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test, more specifically.
  • Öğe
    Ateroskleroz un tahmini için bir yapay sinir ağı
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2005) Çolak, Cemil; Çolak, Mehmet Cengiz; Atıcı, Mehmet Ali
    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, ateroskleroz’un tahmin edilebilmesi için bir yapay sinir ağı oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Haziran 2003 ile Kasım 2003 tarihleri arasında, kesikli ve sürekli değişkenlerden oluşan yirmi adet klinik parametre, radial arterde ateroskleroz saptanan on hasta ile radial arterde ateroskleroz saptanmayan on beş hastadan elde edilmiştir. Yapay sinir ağları, ateroskleroz verilerine uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Geliştirilen yapay sinir ağının toplam ayrımsama oranı, eğitim ve test verisinde sırasıyla % 86.6 ve % 80 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Yapay sinir ağlarının ateroskleroz’un tahmin edilmesinde oldukça yararlı olacağı sonucuna varılabilir. Ancak örnek sayısının az olması göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, daha güvenilir sonuçlar elde edebilmek için örnek sayısının artırılması önerilebilir. Anahtar sözcükler: Ateroskleroz, Klinik parametreler, Yapay sinir ağları Aim: An artificial neural network was aimed to develop for the prediction of atherosclerosis. Material and Method: Between June 2003 and November 2003, twenty clinical parameters containing continuous and discrete variables were obtained ten patients for whom atherrosclerosis was determined in radial artery and fifteen patients for whom atherrosclerosis does not exist. Artificial neural network was applied to atherosclerosis data. Results: Accuracy values of artificial neural network on training and testing data were 86.6% and 80% respectively. Conclusion: The developed artificial neural network may be very useful for the prediction of atherosclerosis. However, in view of small sample size, it may be proposed to increase the sample size to obtain more reliable results. Key words: Artificial neural network, Atherosclerosis, Clinical parameters
  • Öğe
    Selective endothelin a ETA receptor antagonist BQ 123 reduces both myocardial infarct size and oxidant injury
    (Toxicology, 2006) Özdemir, Ramazan; Parlakpınar, Hakan; Polat, Alaadin; Çolak, Cemil; Ermiş, Necip; Acet, Ahmet
    Objective: Endothelins (ET) can be considered stress-responsive regulators working in paracrine and autocrine fashion. It has been suggested that elevated levels of ET may be responsible for the low coronary re-flow phenomena. Ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) was shown to stimulate ET release in rat heart; however, the mechanism(s) of this effect has not been clarified. Therefore, this study was focused to investigate the effect of BQ-123, selective ETA receptor antagonist, on three aspects of myocardial ischemia–reperfusion (MI/R) injury: hemodynamic parameters, infarct size and oxidant–antioxidant status in the absence and presence of ET-1 in an vivo rat model. Methods and results: To produce MI/R, a branch of the descending left coronary artery was occluded for 30 min followed by 2 h reperfusion. ECG changes, blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) were measured before occlusion and continued both occlusion and reperfusion. Forty rats were randomly assigned to five groups equally: (1) sham-operated rats without coronary ligation, (2) I/R group, (3) I/R + BQ-123-treated group (10 g/kg/min i.v.), (4) I/R + ET-treated group (25 ng/kg/min i.v.), (5) I/R + ET + BQ123-treated group. The results are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. In the ET-1 plus I/R group, the ratio between the infarcted area and area at risk 56 ± 1% was significantly higher than I/R group (49 ± 1%). In the BQ-123 group with or without exogenous ET-1 treatment in I/R group, this ratio was significantly lower at 40 ± 2 and 37 ± 1%, respectively. As compared to sham group, I/R increased lipid peroxidation whereas decreased nitric oxide (NO), glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) contents. This decreased antioxidant enzymatic defense could result in aggravated oxidative damage in I/R group rat hearts. ET-1 administration group showed severe oxidative damage. BQ-123 administrations to I/R group with or without ET-1 caused significantly decrease in lipid peroxidation and increased in SOD, CAT activities and NO generation and GSH content when compared with I/R group alone. Conclusions: The most important finding of the present study is that the ET blockade reduced I/R-induced myocardial injury. The mechanism of this reduction was speculated to be a resistance to ischemic injury in the subcellular levels of the myocardium conferred by a reduction of vascular constriction and improvement of imbalance in the antioxidant status. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Protective effects of melatonin on renal failure in pinealectomized rats
    (International Journal of Urology, 2007) Parlakpınar, Hakan; Acet, Ahmet; Gül, Ahmet; Altınöz, Eyyüb; Eşrefoğlu, Mukaddes; Çolak, Cemil
    Aim: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects melatonin on renal function.Methods: The histological appearance of the kidney and malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, glutathione and superoxide dismutase contents weredetermined. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels were also assayed. Rats were divided as: Sham, pinealectomized (Px) andpinealectomized and treated with melatonin.Results: In Px group, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels were elevated when compared with the sham group. The Px group exhibitedreduced superoxide dismutase activity and glutathione content. All of these harmful changes were restored by melatonin. Melatonin alsoameliorated serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels related to renal injury. The score for glomerular, tubular and interstitial changes wassignificantly higher in the Px group. Melatonin supplementation significantly reduced these parameters.Conclusions: This protective effect may be associated with both melatonin’s lipophilic and hydrophilic effects, thus providing on-site protec-tion against free radical mediated damage.
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    Kanser tanısı almış hastalarda Microsporidium görülme sıklığı
    (Turkish Journal of Parasitology, 2008) Karaman, Ülkü; Atambay, Metin; Daldal, Nilgün; Çolak, Cemil
    23,60±23.00 olan 320 hastadan alınan dışkı örnekleri nativ-lugol, sedimentasyon yöntemleriyle incelenmiş ve modifiye trichrome, trichrome, calcofluor boyaları ile de değerlendirilmiştir. Kanser tanısı almamış 320 hasta ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada hasta grubunda %10,9 kontrol grubunda ise %5,6 oranında Microsporidium’a rastlanılmıştır. Kontrol ve hasta grubunun karşılaştırılmasında Microsporidium görülmesi bakımından hasta ve kontrol grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmıştır. Bağırsak parazitleri ile Microsporidium’un varlığı arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasında ise Microsporidium ile Blastocystis hominis arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli ilişki tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). Hasta grubunda bağırsak parazitinin görülme oranı %17,8 kontrol grubunda ise %18,1 olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmada kanserli hastalarda bağırsak parazitlerinin ve Microsporidium’un önemli rahatsızlıklara neden olabileceği ve tedavi sürecini olumsuz etkileyebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca kanser hastalarının yaşam kalitesini yükseltmek ve tedavi esnasında hastanın paraziter enfeksiyonlardan korunması amacı ile düzenli aralıklarla dışkı bakısı ve parazitten korunma yolları ile ilgili bilgi verilmesi önerileri sunulmuştur.
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    The prevalence of Microsporidium among adult patients admitted to the parasitology laboratory at the Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center
    (Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi, 2008) Atambay, Metin; Karaman, Ülkü; Daldal, Nilgün; Çolak, Cemil
    ÖZET: Microsporidium’lar genellikle immün süpresif kişilerde görülmekle birlikte immün sistemi sağlıklı kişilerde de akut ve kendini sınırlayan ishallere neden olabilmektedir. Çalışmada herhangi bir immün süpresif rahatsızlığı olmayan ve sindirim sistemi yakınmaları ile dâhiliye polikliniklerine başvuran hastalarda, bağırsak parazitleri ve Microsporidium’un araştırılması ve yakınmalarla ilişkisinin olup olmadığının tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Alınan 781 dışkı örneğinin %16,11’inde bağırsak parazitine ve %6,5’inde de Microsporidium’a rastlanılmıştır. Parazitlerin saptanması ile hazımsızlık arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuş, Microsporidium varlığında ise buna ilaveten halsizlik bulgularında anlamlı oranda artış gözlenmiştir. Microsporidium varlığının yaş ve cinsiyete göre değişmediği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada sindirim sistemi rahatsızlığı olan hastalarda bağırsak parazitlerinin yanı sıra Microsporidium’un da aranması gerektiği ve özellikle hazımsızlık ile halsizlik şikâyetlerinin dikkatlice değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Microsporidium, Sindirim sistemi rahatsızlığı, Malatya The Prevalence of Microsporidium among Adult Patients Admitted to the Parasitology Laboratory at the Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center SUMMARY: Microsporidium can cause acute and self-restricted diarrhea cases among immunocompetent patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of intestinal parasites and Microsporidium in patients presenting at the internal diseases polyclinic with some digestive system complaints but no immune suppressive problems, and to detect whether it has anything to do with the complaints. A total of 781 fecal samples were investigated for intestinal parasites and Microsporidium. Intestinal parasites were found in 16.11% and Microsporidium in 6.5%. A significant correlation was observed between the presence of intestinal parasites other than Microsporidium and dyspepsia, while in the case of Microsporidium, a significant frequency of dyspepsia and fatigue was observed. It was found that the presence of Microsporidium does not differ by age and gender. From the findings, it was concluded that patients with digestive system complaints should be examined for Microsporidium in addition to intestinal parasites, and the symptoms of dyspepsia and a lack of appetite should especially be given more careful attention.
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    Predicting coronary artery disease using different artificial neural network models
    (Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi: AKD= the Anatolian journal of cardiology, 2008) Çolak, Mehmet Cengiz; Çolak, Cemil; Koçatürk, Hüseyin; Sağıroğlu, Şeref; Barutçu, İrfan
    Objective: Eight different learning algorithms used for creating artificial neural network (ANN) models and the different ANN models in the prediction of coronary artery disease (CAD) are introduced. Methods: This work was carried out as a retrospective case-control study. Overall, 124 consecutive patients who had been diagnosed with CAD by coronary angiography (at least 1 coronary stenosis > 50% in major epicardial arteries) were enrolled in the work. Angiographically, the 113 people (group 2) with normal coronary arteries were taken as control subjects. Multi-layered perceptrons ANN architecture were applied. The ANN models trained with different learning algorithms were performed in 237 records, divided into training (n=171) and testing (n=66) data sets. The performance of prediction was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values based on standard definitions. Results: The results have demonstrated that ANN models trained with eight different learning algorithms are promising because of high (greater than 71%) sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values in the prediction of CAD. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values varied between 83.63% - 100%, 86.46% - 100% and 74.67% - 100% for training, respectively. For testing, the values were more than 71% for sensitivity, 76% for specificity and 81% for accuracy. Conclusions: It may be proposed that the use of different learning algorithms other than backpropagation and larger sample sizes can improve the performance of prediction. The proposed ANN models trained with these learning algorithms could be used a promising approach for predicting CAD without the need for invasive diagnostic methods and could help in the prognostic clinical decision. (Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2008; 8: 249-54) Key words: Artificial neural network, prediction, coronary artery disease, learning algorithms
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    Glutathione and malondialdehyde levels in patients with hydatid cyst
    (SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2008) Atambay, Metin; Karaman, Ülkü; Kıran, Tuba; Çolak, Cemil; Karabulut, Aysun Bay; Çelik, Tuncay; Daldal, Nilgün
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the levels of glutathione (GSH), and malondialdehide (MDA) in the sera of patients diagnosed with cyst hydatid. METHODS: Forty-six hydatid cyst patients who were indirect hemaglutination (IHA) and indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA) test positive constituted our study group in 2007. Patients diagnosed with hydatid cyst in the Inonu University School of Medicine, Department of Parasitology were re-called for the study. Forty healthy subjects who were negative for hydatid cyst by IHA and IFA methods, and who did not have any parasites on stool inspection formed the control group. The MDA level was analyzed in the sera by Uchiyama and Mihara method. The GSH activity was measured by the Ellman method. RESULTS: The GSH level was 11.31 -/+ 3.80 micromol/L and the MDA level was 67.94 -/+ 106.70 micromol/L in the study group, while they were 24.95 -/+ 6.55 micromol/L and 26.52 -/+ 19.42 micromol/L in the control group. CONCLUSION: An increase in MDA levels and a decrease in GSH activity in patients with hydatid cyst was observed.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of the severity of traumatic brain injuries in pedestrians and occupants of motor vehicles admitted to Firat health center a five year series in an Eastern Turkish city
    (American Journal of Case Reports, 2008) Tokdemir, Mehmet; Kafadar,Hüseyin; Türkoğlu, Abdurrahim; Deveci, S. Erhan; Çolak, Cemil
    Background: Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death of people in motor vehicle (MV) accidents, which have been increasing in number in developing countries. A retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate all cases admitted to the emergency department of the authors' institution with suspected injury after involvement in a MV-related accident between January 2000 and January 2005. Material and Method: During the study period a total of 2014 cases were admitted: 1258 were occupants of motor vehicles and 756 were pedestrians. Cases with traumatic brain injury were evaluated with respect to gender, age, Glasgow Coma Scales (GCS), and death. Results: Five hundred thirty-two of the cases (386 male, 146 female, mean age: 26.8+/-20.3 years) involved in MV accidents experienced traumatic brain injuries, of which 299 were MV occupants and 233 were pedestrians. The pediatric (< or =16 years: 65.4%) and elderly (> or =65 years: 64.7%) groups were frequently involved as pedestrians in MV accidents; adults 17-64 years of age were involved as pedestrians at a lower rate (25.4%, p<0.001). The GCS values of the pedestrian victims were significantly lower than those of the MV occupants on admission (p<0.001). Conclusions: The results show that improvements in car safety have reduced life-threatening conditions for occupants of motor vehicles, but this does not include pedestrian safety. There is great need for practical strategies to reduce or prevent MV accident-related injuries among pedestrians, especially for the pediatric and elderly groups who are most exposed to these injuries.
  • Öğe
    Effects of montelukast on burn wound healing in a rat model
    (CLINICAL AND INVESTIGATIVE MEDICINE, 2008) Turtay, Muhammet Gökhan; Fırat, Cemal; Şamdancı, Emine; Oğuztürk, Hakan; Erbatur, Serkan; Çolak, Cemil
    PURPOSE: Montelukast, a selective cysteinyl leukotriene D4-receptor antagonist, is used in the treatment of asthma. In a rat model, our aim was to investigate the effects of montelukast, alone or in combination with topical antibiotics, on local burn wound healing. METHODS: Rats were randomly allocated to four groups after local burn development: Group 1; rats were left to secondary healing without treatment, Group 2; a dose of 10 mg/kg montelukast was given by gastric gavage once a day for 10 days, Group 3; rats were treated with topical pomade (bacitracin neomycin sulphate), and Group 4; rats were treat with a combination of topical antibiotic and montelukast (10 mg/kg were given by gastric gavage once a day for 10 days). Skin biopsies were taken on days 3, 10, 14, and 20 relative to burn induction. RESULTS: Reepithelialization in the pomade and montelukast+pomade groups on the 10th day was significantly greater, in comparison with control and montelukast groups (p < 0.05). For the montelukast group, edema (on the 14th day) and angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, edema and macrophage infiltration (on the 20th day) were statistically improved in comparison with the control group (p < 0.05). For the montelukast+pomade group, angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation and macrophage infiltration (on the 10th day), and angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, edema and macrophage infiltration (on the 14th and 20th days) were statistically improved in comparison with the control group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, montelukast was effective on burn wound healing. Moreover, the effect was amplified when combined with topical antibiotics applied in the early stage of burn wound healing.