Çocukluk çağı epilepsilerinde levetirasetam monoterapisinin etkinliği
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İnönü Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Levetirasetam özellikle parsiyel epilepsilerin tedavisinde çocuk ve erişkinlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan yeni antiepileptik ilaçlardandır. Bu çalışmada levetirasetam kullanan çocuk hastalarda ilacın monoterapide etkinik ve güvenirliğini belirlemeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya epilepsi tanısı ile levetirasetam tedavisi başlanan, en az 12 aylık takibi olan, 1 ay-18 yaşları arasında 225 hasta alındı. Epilepsi tanısı, iki veya daha fazla provoke olmayan nöbet öyküsü ile kondu. Tüm olguların dermografik özellikleri, antiepileptik başlama nedeni, günlük alınan levetirasetam dozu, tedavi süresi, önceden kullandığı antiepileptik ilaçlar, nöbet şekli, nöbet süresi, kraniyal görüntüleme ve EEG bulguları, nöbet etyolojisi, ilaç yan etkisi kaydedildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 95'i kız, 130'u erkek toplam 225 hasta alındı. Hastaların 125 (%55,6)'inde jeneralize, 90 (%40)'ında parsiyel nöbet, 10 (%4,4 )'unda da çocukluk çağı epileptik sendromları vardı. Olguların 186 (%82,7)'sında nöbet sonlandı. Nöbet tipine göre; jeneralize epilepsilerde %80,8 (101/225) ve parsiyel epilepsilerde %87,8 (79/225) oranında nöbetlerde sonlanma saptandı. EEG bulgularına göre değerlendirildiğinde; jeneralize epileptik anormalliği olan olgularda nöbetlerde sonlanma %82,8 ve fokal epileptik anormalliği olanlarda %82,9 oranında saptandı. Parsiyel ve jeneralize epilepsi hastalarında levetirasetam etkinliği açısından fark bulunmadı. Hastaların %8 (18/225)'inde, en sık hırçınlık ve sinirlilik olmak üzere, yan etkiler gelişti. Yan etki ile ilaç dozu arasında ilişki bulunmadı. Sonuç: Çocukluk çağı epilepsilerinde, levetirasetam parsiyel ve jeneralize nöbetlerin tedavisinde monoterapi olarak etkin antiepileptik ilaçtır. Yan etkilerin ilaç kesmeyi gerektirmeyecek kadar hafif ve geçici olması nedeniyle çocuklarda güvenilir bir ilaç olarak kullanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çocuk, epilepsi, levetirasetam, monoterapi.
Objective: Levetiracetam is a new antiepileptic drug especially approved for treatment of focal seizures in adults and children. The aim of this study was to investigate efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam monotherapy in pediatric patients. Method: In the study 225 children (aged 1 month-18 years) receiving levetiracetam and had being followed for at least 1 year were evaluated. The dagnosis of epilepsy was made by history of two or more unprovoked seizures. Dermographic characteristics, reason for antiepleptic treatment, the dose of levetiracetam, duriation of the treatment, antiepileptic drugs used previously, seizure type, seizure duriation, cranial MRI and EEG, seizure etiology and side effects of the drug were documented. Findings: A total of 225 patients, 95 girls and 130 boys, were enrolled in the study. 125 (55,6%) patients had generalized, 90 (%40) had focal seizures and 10 (4,4%) had epileptic syndromes of childhood. Overall, 186 (82,7%) patients remained seizure-free. According to the seizure type; 80,8% (101/225) of generalized and 87,8% (79/225) of focal seizures ended. When evaluated according to the EEG; 82,8% of generalized and 82,9% of focal seizures were terminated. There was no difference in the effectiveness of levetiracetam in partial and generalized epilepsy. Overall, 8 (18%) patients had advers events. The most common side effects were evaluated as irritability and nervousness. There was no relationship between drug dose and side effects. Results: Levetiracetam monotherapy is effective in childhood epilepsies with focal and generalized seizures. It is well tolerated inspite of mild and transient side effects which not require drug discontinuation. Keywords: Child, epilepsy, levetiracetam, monotherapy.
Objective: Levetiracetam is a new antiepileptic drug especially approved for treatment of focal seizures in adults and children. The aim of this study was to investigate efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam monotherapy in pediatric patients. Method: In the study 225 children (aged 1 month-18 years) receiving levetiracetam and had being followed for at least 1 year were evaluated. The dagnosis of epilepsy was made by history of two or more unprovoked seizures. Dermographic characteristics, reason for antiepleptic treatment, the dose of levetiracetam, duriation of the treatment, antiepileptic drugs used previously, seizure type, seizure duriation, cranial MRI and EEG, seizure etiology and side effects of the drug were documented. Findings: A total of 225 patients, 95 girls and 130 boys, were enrolled in the study. 125 (55,6%) patients had generalized, 90 (%40) had focal seizures and 10 (4,4%) had epileptic syndromes of childhood. Overall, 186 (82,7%) patients remained seizure-free. According to the seizure type; 80,8% (101/225) of generalized and 87,8% (79/225) of focal seizures ended. When evaluated according to the EEG; 82,8% of generalized and 82,9% of focal seizures were terminated. There was no difference in the effectiveness of levetiracetam in partial and generalized epilepsy. Overall, 8 (18%) patients had advers events. The most common side effects were evaluated as irritability and nervousness. There was no relationship between drug dose and side effects. Results: Levetiracetam monotherapy is effective in childhood epilepsies with focal and generalized seizures. It is well tolerated inspite of mild and transient side effects which not require drug discontinuation. Keywords: Child, epilepsy, levetiracetam, monotherapy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroloji, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Child Health and Diseases
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, M. (2015). Çocukluk çağı epilepsilerinde levetirasetam monoterapisinin etkinliği. Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.