Aydınlatma cihaz yüksekliği ve duvar renginin ışık şiddetine etkilerinin belirlenmesi
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Aydınlatma, bir mekânın atmosferini ve kullanım amacını önemli ölçüde etkileyen kritik bir tasarım unsurdur. Bu bağlamda, aydınlatmanın verimliliği ve estetiği üzerinde aydınlatma armatürlerinin yüksekliği ve duvar rengi gibi faktörler önemli bir rol oynar. Aydınlatmanın mekân üzerindeki etkisini optimize etmek için armatürlerin yüksekliği ve duvar rengi dikkatle seçilmelidir. Mekânın kullanım amacı ve istenen atmosfer göz önünde bulundurularak, bu iki faktörün uyumlu bir şekilde tasarlanması, hem estetik hem de fonksiyonel açıdan ideal bir aydınlatma çözümü sunar. Bu nedenle, iç mekân tasarımında aydınlatma yüksekliği ve duvar renginin önemi göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu çalışmada, doğal aydınlatmanın olmadığı kapalı bir ortamda armatürlerin yüksekliği ve duvar renginin aydınlatma şiddetine etkisi (lüx cinsinden) araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, doğal aydınlatma tamamen engellendikten sonra 3 farklı lamba (15 w sarı, 15 w beyaz ve 20 w Fujika) kullanarak 5 farklı armatür yüksekliği ile 10 farklı duvar renginden lüxmetre ile ölçümler alınmıştır. Ölçümler yerden 90 cm yükseklikte 9 farklı noktadan ve her bir nokta için 3 adet ölçüm alınarak ortalama değerleri saptanmıştır. Kullanılan duvar rengi ise CIELAB cihaz yardımıyla 16 farklı noktadan ölçümün aritmetik değeri kaydedilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, en yüksek aydınlatma şiddeti 7 numaralı duvar renginde 5. kademede 20 Watt Fujika beyaz ışıkla 125 lüx olarak ölçülürken en düşük aydınlatma şiddeti ise 9 numaralı duvar renginde 1. kademede 15 Watt sarı ışıkla 52 lüx olarak ölçülmüştür. Duvar renkleri bazında değerlendirme yapıldığında ise aydınlatma şiddetleri arasındaki fark büyüklüğü oransal olarak 8 numaralı renkte 15 watt sarı ışıktan 20 watt fujika ışığa geçişte %34,29 olarak görülmektedir. 10 duvar rengi ayrı ayrı incelendiğinde 10 renkten 9'unun en yüksek verime ulaştığı kademenin 5. kademe olduğu görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aydınlatma, Armatür yüksekliği, CIELAB, Duvar rengi
Lighting is a critical design factor that significantly affects the atmosphere and intended use of a space. Factors such as the height of the lighting fixtures and wall color play an important role in the efficiency and aesthetics of lighting. To optimize the effect of lighting on the space, the height of the fixtures and the wall color should be chosen carefully. Considering the intended use of the space and the desired atmosphere, designing these two factors in harmony provides an ideal lighting solution in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. Therefore, the importance of lighting height and wall color should not be ignored in interior design. In this study, the effect of the height of the fixtures and the wall color on the illumination intensity (in lux) in a closed environment without natural lighting was investigated. For this purpose, after natural lighting was completely blocked, measurements were taken with a lux meter from 5 different fixture heights and 10 different wall colors, using 3 different lamps (15 w yellow, 15 w white and 20 w Fujika). The measurements were taken from 9 different points at a height of 90 cm from the ground, and the average values were determined by taking 3 measurements for each point. As for the wall color used, the arithmetic value of the measurements from 16 different points was recorded with the help of the CIELAB device. As a result of the study, the highest illumination intensity was measured as 125 lux with 20 Watt Fujika white light at stage 5 on wall color number 7, while the lowest illumination intensity was measured as 52 lux with 15 Watt yellow light at stage 1 on wall color number 9. When evaluated on the basis of wall colors, the difference between the illumination intensities is seen as 34.29% proportionally in the transition from 15-watt yellow light to 20 watt fujika light in color number 8. When the 10 wall colors are examined separately, it is seen that the 5th stage is the stage where 9 out of 10 colors reach the highest efficiency. Key Words: Lighting, Luminaire height, CIELAB, Wall color
Lighting is a critical design factor that significantly affects the atmosphere and intended use of a space. Factors such as the height of the lighting fixtures and wall color play an important role in the efficiency and aesthetics of lighting. To optimize the effect of lighting on the space, the height of the fixtures and the wall color should be chosen carefully. Considering the intended use of the space and the desired atmosphere, designing these two factors in harmony provides an ideal lighting solution in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. Therefore, the importance of lighting height and wall color should not be ignored in interior design. In this study, the effect of the height of the fixtures and the wall color on the illumination intensity (in lux) in a closed environment without natural lighting was investigated. For this purpose, after natural lighting was completely blocked, measurements were taken with a lux meter from 5 different fixture heights and 10 different wall colors, using 3 different lamps (15 w yellow, 15 w white and 20 w Fujika). The measurements were taken from 9 different points at a height of 90 cm from the ground, and the average values were determined by taking 3 measurements for each point. As for the wall color used, the arithmetic value of the measurements from 16 different points was recorded with the help of the CIELAB device. As a result of the study, the highest illumination intensity was measured as 125 lux with 20 Watt Fujika white light at stage 5 on wall color number 7, while the lowest illumination intensity was measured as 52 lux with 15 Watt yellow light at stage 1 on wall color number 9. When evaluated on the basis of wall colors, the difference between the illumination intensities is seen as 34.29% proportionally in the transition from 15-watt yellow light to 20 watt fujika light in color number 8. When the 10 wall colors are examined separately, it is seen that the 5th stage is the stage where 9 out of 10 colors reach the highest efficiency. Key Words: Lighting, Luminaire height, CIELAB, Wall color
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mimarlık, Architecture, Mühendislik Bilimleri