Nekrotizan ensefalopati: bir olgu sunumu
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İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Akut Nekrotizan Ensefalit, akut ateşli hastalıkların sıklıkla da viral enfeksiyonların tetiklediği nadir görülen bir ensefalopati formudur. Bu sendrom özellikle talamus, beyin sapı, beyincik ve beyaz maddeyi içeren multifokal simetrik beyin lezyonların varlığı ile karakterizedir. En yaygın anormallikler artmış serum aminotransferaz aktivitesi ve artmış beyin omurilik sıvısı proteini düzeyidir. Hastalığın etyolojisi ve patogenezisi tam olarak bilinememektedir ve spesifik bir tedavisi ve korunma yöntemi yoktur. Prognoz genellikle kötüdür ve hastaların %10’undan azı tamamen iyileşir. Tanı genellikle karakteristik nörögörüntüleme bulguları ile konulur. Biz İnfluenza A enfeksiyonun neden olduğu ve Akut Nekrotizan Ensefalitin tipik klinik ve radyolojik özelliklerini taşıyan 8 yaşındaki olguyu sunarak, influenza enfeksiyonlarının bu nadir ve ciddi formuna dikkat çekmek istedik.
Acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood is a rare, clinically distinct entity of acute encephalopathy triggered by acute febrile diseases, mostly viral infections. This syndrome is characterized by the presence of multifocal symmetrical brain lesions involving mainly thalami, brainstem, cerebellum and white matter. The most common abnormalities are an increased level of serum aminotransferase activity and cerebrospinal fluid protein. The etiology and pathogenesis remain unknown and there is no specific therapy or prevention. The prognosis is usually poor and less than 10% of patients recover completely. Diagnosis is made mainly by the characteristic findings of neuroimaging. We describe a case of a young child who was infected with a novel influenza A virus and displayed the characteristic clinical features and neuroimaging findings of acute necrotizing encephalopathy. Influenza is generally considered as a benign illness, but phsysicians should be aware of this unusual presentation of influenza infection.
Acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood is a rare, clinically distinct entity of acute encephalopathy triggered by acute febrile diseases, mostly viral infections. This syndrome is characterized by the presence of multifocal symmetrical brain lesions involving mainly thalami, brainstem, cerebellum and white matter. The most common abnormalities are an increased level of serum aminotransferase activity and cerebrospinal fluid protein. The etiology and pathogenesis remain unknown and there is no specific therapy or prevention. The prognosis is usually poor and less than 10% of patients recover completely. Diagnosis is made mainly by the characteristic findings of neuroimaging. We describe a case of a young child who was infected with a novel influenza A virus and displayed the characteristic clinical features and neuroimaging findings of acute necrotizing encephalopathy. Influenza is generally considered as a benign illness, but phsysicians should be aware of this unusual presentation of influenza infection.
[Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, (2014).21 (1)]
Anahtar Kelimeler
H1N1, Akut Ensefalopati, Çocuk, Acute Encephalopathy, Child
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kartal, A.,Şahin, A.,Pekcan, S., Aydın, K.,(2014).Nekrotizan ensefalopati: bir olgu sunumu.Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 21 (1).49-51 ss.