Brıcs koşullu ihtiyat-fonu düzenlemesi: hukuksal ve kurumsal inceleme
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İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
Erişim Hakkı
1929 Büyük Ekonomik Buhranın yarattığı mali krizin bir daha yaşanmaması için
İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonunda Bretton Woods sistemi bir uluslararası para/finans hukuku
rejimi yaratmak üzere kurulmuştur. 1973’de sistemin çökmesine rağmen, uluslararası mali
düzen Bretton Woods kurumları IMF ve Dünya Bankasının neoliberal kapitalist
makroekonomik politikaları ile şekillenmeye devam etmiştir. Sermaye piyasalarının
liberalleşmesi dünya ekonomisinde finansal küreselleşmeye yol açmıştır. BRICS yükselen
piyasa ekonomileri ve gelişmekte olan devletlerde ortaya çıkan küresel finans krizlerine bir
tepki olarak global ekonomik idarenin değiştirilmesi ihtiyacıyla ortaya çıkmıştır. BRICS
Koşullu İhtiyat Fonu Düzenlemesi, Bretton Woods modeline karşı, yeni uluslararası
finansal mimarinin yapı taşlarındandır.
The aftermath of the Second World War marked the establishment of the Bretton Woods system as the legal and institutional framework of the international monetary/financial order, swith a view to avoiding the repetation of the Great Depression of 1929. Despite the collapse of the system in 1973, its institutions, IMF and World Bank continued to shape the international financial system by pursuing macroeconomic policies based on neoliberal capitalism. As a result, liberalisation of capital markets led to financial globalisation, thereby causing global financial crises. BRICS has emerged in part as a reaction to the existing global monetary/financial governance and its failure in crisis prevention, management and resolution mostly in emerging market economies and developing countries. The study examines the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement as one of the building blocks of a ‘new international financial architecture’ as forming against the Bretton Woods model of legal regulation and institutional governance in international financial law.
The aftermath of the Second World War marked the establishment of the Bretton Woods system as the legal and institutional framework of the international monetary/financial order, swith a view to avoiding the repetation of the Great Depression of 1929. Despite the collapse of the system in 1973, its institutions, IMF and World Bank continued to shape the international financial system by pursuing macroeconomic policies based on neoliberal capitalism. As a result, liberalisation of capital markets led to financial globalisation, thereby causing global financial crises. BRICS has emerged in part as a reaction to the existing global monetary/financial governance and its failure in crisis prevention, management and resolution mostly in emerging market economies and developing countries. The study examines the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement as one of the building blocks of a ‘new international financial architecture’ as forming against the Bretton Woods model of legal regulation and institutional governance in international financial law.
İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt:7 Sayı:1 Yıl 2016
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bretton Woods, IMF, Uluslararası para/finans hukuku, Küresel mali kriz, BRICS Koşullu İhtiyat-Fonu Düzenlemesi, Yeni uluslararası finansal mimari, international Money/finance lawtton, Global financial crisis, BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement, New international financial architecture
İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Erdem, M. (2016). Brıcs koşullu ihtiyat-fonu düzenlemesi: hukuksal ve kurumsal inceleme.İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt:7 Sayı:1 Yıl 2016.295-350 ss.