Besni'deki sünnilerin alevilik algısı, alevilerin sünnilik algısı
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Aleviliğe dair inanç sistemi ve mevcut yaşantı hakkında saha araştırmaları giderek önemini arttırmaktadır. Sahadaki bu çalışmalar, kapalı toplum özelliği gösteren Alevilerin inancına dair pratiklerin ne olduğunu, nasıl bir hüviyet arz ettiğini ortaya çıkarmayı amaç edinmektedir. Bu çalışmada sahada yapılan mülakatlar ve gözlemlerle Adıyaman İli, Besni yöresinde yaşayan Alevilerin inanç pratikleri ve kurumları hakkında güncel bulgular elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada, Besni yöresindeki Alevilerin ve Sünnilerin birbirlerine olan bakış açılarını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada belirtilen amaç doğrultusunda kapsamlı ve derinlemesine bilgi elde edebilmek için mülakat yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmaya, Adıyaman İli Besni İlçesi'nin çeşitli mahallelerinde, köylerinde ikamet eden Alevi ve Sünni vatandaşlar dahil edilmiştir. Katılımcı Alevi ve Sünni vatandaşlar ile yapılan görüşmelerde kendilerine çeşitli sorular yöneltilmiştir. Sorulan sorular içerik analizi yolu ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma giriş ve sonuç hariç on iki başlıktan oluşmaktadır. Birinci başlıkta araştırmanın konusu ve kapsamı, araştırmanın amacı ve önemi, araştırmada tercih edilen yönteme ve araştırma alanına ilişkin bilgilere yer verilmiştir. İkinci başlıkta Aleviliğin tanımı, üçüncü başlıkta Aleviliğin ortaya çıkış sürecinden, dördüncü başlıkta Alevilikte ocak sisteminden, beşinci başlıkta dedelik kurumundan, altıncı başlıkta Alevilikte cem ve cemevinden, yedinci başlıkta Alevilikte musahiplikten, sekizinci başlıkta Muharrem Orucundan, dokuzuncu başlıkta Alevilikte örnek şahsiyetlerden, onuncu başlıkta Kerbela Olayından, on birinci başlıkta Besni yöresinde yaşanan Aleviliği nasıl buluyorsunuz sorusuna dair elde edilen bulgulara, on ikinci başlıkta Besni Yöresindeki Sünnilerin ve Alevilerin, Besni'de Yaşanan Alevilik Hakkındaki Görüşlerinden oluşan çeşitli bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Araştırmada Adıyaman Besni yöresinde yaşayan Sünnilerin ve Alevilerin sosyal yapı içerisinde dini yaşayışlarının güncel durumları incelenmiş, Alevilerin bağlı oldukları ocaklar, tabi oldukları dedeler hakkında bilgi edinilmeye çalışılmış, inanç pratiklerinin halkın üzerindeki etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmada Besni yöresi Alevilerinde, özellikle yaşlı kuşak ve orta kuşak olan katılımcılarda, Alevi inanç öğretilerinin etki ettiği, belirlenmiştir. Ancak gençlerde bu bağlılığın olmadığı, maneviyatın zayıfladığı belirlenmiştir. Benzer durum yaşlı ve orta kuşakta olan Sünni katılımcıların Aleviliğe bakışında da kendini göstermektedir. Yaşlı kesim, kendi inanç ve öğretilerinde tutucu bir tavır sergilerken genç kuşağın bu tutuculuktan uzak olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Alevilik, Adıyaman Besni Yöresinde Alevilik, Sünnilik, İnanç Esasları, Sosyal Yapı.
Field research on the belief system and current life of Alevism is increasing in importance. These studies in the field aim to reveal what the faith practices of Alevis, which have the characteristics of a closed society, are and what kind of identity they present. In this study, current findings about the belief practices and institutions of Alevis living in the Besni region of Adıyaman Province were obtained through interviews and observations in the field. The aim of the research is to reveal the structure of the belief world and practices of the Alevis in the Besni region. In line with the stated purpose of the research, the interview method was preferred to obtain comprehensive and in-depth information. Alevi citizens residing in villages in various neighborhoods of Besni District of Adıyaman Province were included in the research. During the interviews with the participating Alevi citizens, various questions were asked to them. The questions asked were analyzed through content analysis. The research consists of eleven headings, excluding introduction and conclusion. The first heading includes information about the research topic and scope, the purpose and importance of the research, the preferred method in the research and the research field. In the second title, the definition of Alevism, in the third title, the emergence process of Alevism, in the fourth title, the hearth system in Alevism, in the fifth title, the institution of dede, in the sixth title, the cem and cemevi in Alevism, in the seventh title, companionship in Alevism, in the eighth title, Muharrem Fasting, in the ninth title, the Karbala Incident, in the tenth title, the example in Alevism. In the eleventh title, various findings obtained from the interviews regarding the Alevism of the Besni region are included. In the research, the current situation of the religious life of the Sunnis and Alevis living in Adıyaman Besni region within the social structure was examined, an attempt was made to obtain information about the lodges they were affiliated with and the dedes they were subject to, and it was concluded that their belief practices had an impact on the people. In the study, it was determined that the Alevi belief teachings had an impact on the Alevis of the Besni region, especially on the older generation and middle generation participants. However, it has been determined that today's young people do not have this commitment and their spirituality has weakened. A similar situation also manifests itself in the view of Alevism among older and middle-generation Sunni participants. While the older generation has a conservative attitude towards their own beliefs and teachings, it has been determined that the younger generation is far from this conservatism. Key Words: Alevism, Alevism in Adıyaman Besni Region, Sunnism, Principles of Faith, Social Structure.
Field research on the belief system and current life of Alevism is increasing in importance. These studies in the field aim to reveal what the faith practices of Alevis, which have the characteristics of a closed society, are and what kind of identity they present. In this study, current findings about the belief practices and institutions of Alevis living in the Besni region of Adıyaman Province were obtained through interviews and observations in the field. The aim of the research is to reveal the structure of the belief world and practices of the Alevis in the Besni region. In line with the stated purpose of the research, the interview method was preferred to obtain comprehensive and in-depth information. Alevi citizens residing in villages in various neighborhoods of Besni District of Adıyaman Province were included in the research. During the interviews with the participating Alevi citizens, various questions were asked to them. The questions asked were analyzed through content analysis. The research consists of eleven headings, excluding introduction and conclusion. The first heading includes information about the research topic and scope, the purpose and importance of the research, the preferred method in the research and the research field. In the second title, the definition of Alevism, in the third title, the emergence process of Alevism, in the fourth title, the hearth system in Alevism, in the fifth title, the institution of dede, in the sixth title, the cem and cemevi in Alevism, in the seventh title, companionship in Alevism, in the eighth title, Muharrem Fasting, in the ninth title, the Karbala Incident, in the tenth title, the example in Alevism. In the eleventh title, various findings obtained from the interviews regarding the Alevism of the Besni region are included. In the research, the current situation of the religious life of the Sunnis and Alevis living in Adıyaman Besni region within the social structure was examined, an attempt was made to obtain information about the lodges they were affiliated with and the dedes they were subject to, and it was concluded that their belief practices had an impact on the people. In the study, it was determined that the Alevi belief teachings had an impact on the Alevis of the Besni region, especially on the older generation and middle generation participants. However, it has been determined that today's young people do not have this commitment and their spirituality has weakened. A similar situation also manifests itself in the view of Alevism among older and middle-generation Sunni participants. While the older generation has a conservative attitude towards their own beliefs and teachings, it has been determined that the younger generation is far from this conservatism. Key Words: Alevism, Alevism in Adıyaman Besni Region, Sunnism, Principles of Faith, Social Structure.
Alevilik Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Alevilik-Bektaşilik Araştırmaları Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion