New perspectives on adult respiratory distress syndrome
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İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Erişkin solunum zorluğu sendromu (ARDS); göğüs grafisinde yaygın infıltrasyonlar, şiddetli hipoksemi ve akciğer kompliansında azalma ile karakterize solunum yetmezliğinin ani başlasıdır. Patolojik özellikleri; şiddetli akciğer ödemi, damarlar kan birikmesi ile genişleme, atelektazi ve hyalen membran oluşumunu içerir. ARDS sıklığı Birleşek Devletler’de her yıl yaklaşık 100000’de 75 vakadır. ARDS’nin klinik ve epidemiyolojik özellikleri hakkındaki bilgilerimiz, akciğerde zedelenmeye yol açan hücresel ve moleküller mekanizmaların daha açık olarak anlaşılması ile birlikte gelişmiştir. Patolojisi, inflamatuar mediatörlerin plazma ürünlerinin yaptıkları katılımlarıda içeren inflamatuar olayların karmaşık bir seyridir. ARDS’li hastaların tedavisi zordur, özelliklede sık raslanan bir durum olması dolayısıyla, yaygın organ bozukluğu sendromu (MODS) toblosunun oluştuğu hallarde. Genel tedavi kuralı ise: ARDS’nin altta yatan nedeninin tanısı ve tedavisi, kalp-akciğer ve beslenme desteği ve tedavi komplikasyonlarından kaçınmadır.
The Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is sudden onset of respiratory failure charecterized by diffuse infiltrates on the chest radiography, severe hypoxsemia, and diminished pulmonary compliance. Pathologic features included severe pulmonary edema, vascular congestion with hemorrhage, atelectasis, and hyaline membrane formation. The incidance of ARDS is approximately 75 cases per 100 000 each year in United States. As our knowledge of the clinical and epidemiologic features of ARDS has progressed, our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanism leading to the production of lung injury became more clear. The pathogenesis is a complex series of inflammatory events, including participitation of performed plasma derivated inflammatory mediators. Management of the patient with ARDS is complex, particularly because the condition frequently occurs in the setting of multiple organ disorders syndrome (MODS). General management principles include diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of ARDS, cardiopulmonary and nutritional support and avoidance from the treatment complications.
The Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is sudden onset of respiratory failure charecterized by diffuse infiltrates on the chest radiography, severe hypoxsemia, and diminished pulmonary compliance. Pathologic features included severe pulmonary edema, vascular congestion with hemorrhage, atelectasis, and hyaline membrane formation. The incidance of ARDS is approximately 75 cases per 100 000 each year in United States. As our knowledge of the clinical and epidemiologic features of ARDS has progressed, our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanism leading to the production of lung injury became more clear. The pathogenesis is a complex series of inflammatory events, including participitation of performed plasma derivated inflammatory mediators. Management of the patient with ARDS is complex, particularly because the condition frequently occurs in the setting of multiple organ disorders syndrome (MODS). General management principles include diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of ARDS, cardiopulmonary and nutritional support and avoidance from the treatment complications.
[Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1997;4(3):360-369]
Anahtar Kelimeler
ARDS, İnflamatuar mediatörler, Tedavi, Patofizyoloji, İnflammatory mediators, Therapy, Pathophysiology
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özcan, C.,Hasanoğlu, H. Canan.,Yıldırım, Z.,(1997). Erişkin solunum zorluğu sendromunda yeni görüşler.Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 4 (3).360-369 ss.