Hedefleyici Lazer Işınlarına Bağlı Maküla Hasarı: İki Olgu Sunumu
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Öz: Lazerler günümüzde tıp, endüstri, laboratuvar araştırmaları, eğlence ve askeri birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Askeri lazer uygulamaları sıklıkla hassas mesafe ölçümleri için ve hedef işaretleyici olarak kullanılmaktadır. Retina lazer ışınlarına oldukça hassastır ve maruz kalınan lazer ışınlarının dalga boyu, gücü ve maruziyetin süresine bağlı olarak geçici veya kalıcı görme kayıpları meydana gelebilir. Lazerler fotokimyasal, mekanik veya termal etki göstererek koryoretinal skar, maküler delik, koroidal neovaskülarizasyon ve preretinal membran oluşumu gibi komplikasyonlara yol açabilirler. Lazer ışınlarından kaynaklanan retinopatilerin yönetiminde etkin ve kanıtlanmış bir tedavi bulunmamasından dolayı lazer ışınlarına maruziyetten kaçınmak önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada ateşli silahlarda kullanılan lazer işaretleyici ışınına maruz kalan ve maküla hasarı gelişen iki güvenlik personeli sunuldu ve bu bağlamda lazerler ile ilgili bilgi vermek ve lazerlerin retina üzerine olan etkilerini tartışmak amaçlandı.
Abstract: Nowadays, lasers are used in many areas such as medicine, industry, laboratory research, entertainment and the military. Military lasers are generally used for such tasks as sensitive distance measurements and marking the targets. The retina is very sensitive to the laser beams and temporary or permanent vision loss can occur depending on the power, wavelength of the laser beams and duration of exposure. Lasers that showing photochemical, mechanical or thermal effects can lead to complications such as chorioretinal scarring, macular hole, choroidal neovascularization and preretinal membrane formation. There is not effective and proven treatment of retinopathy resulting from the laser beams, therefore it is important to avoid exposure to the laser beam. It was reported two security personel with macular injury exposed to the laser beams used in firearms and in this context it was aimed to give information about the laser and to discuss the its effects on the retina in this study.
Abstract: Nowadays, lasers are used in many areas such as medicine, industry, laboratory research, entertainment and the military. Military lasers are generally used for such tasks as sensitive distance measurements and marking the targets. The retina is very sensitive to the laser beams and temporary or permanent vision loss can occur depending on the power, wavelength of the laser beams and duration of exposure. Lasers that showing photochemical, mechanical or thermal effects can lead to complications such as chorioretinal scarring, macular hole, choroidal neovascularization and preretinal membrane formation. There is not effective and proven treatment of retinopathy resulting from the laser beams, therefore it is important to avoid exposure to the laser beam. It was reported two security personel with macular injury exposed to the laser beams used in firearms and in this context it was aimed to give information about the laser and to discuss the its effects on the retina in this study.
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DİKİCİ S,YILMAZ T,DEMİREL S,ÇAVDAR M,GENÇ O (2017). Hedefleyici Lazer Işınlarına Bağlı Maküla Hasarı: İki Olgu Sunumu. Retina-Vitreus, 26(1), 73 - 75.