Akut hepatitli hastaların klinik ve etiyolojik verilerinin incelenmesi
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İnönü Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Akut hepatit, viral enfeksiyonlar, toksik maddeler, alkol tüketimi, otoimmün sebepler ve karaciğerin iskemisi gibi bir çok nedenden dolayı karaciğer parankiminde oluşan akut inflamasyon veya karaciğer fonksiyon testlerinin artmasıyla birlikte hepatositlerde hasar ile karakterizedir. Genellikle asemptomatik veya hafif semptomlar ile karşımıza çıksa da akut karaciğer yetmezliği ve ölüm gibi çok daha ciddi tablolara neden olabilmektedir. Biz de bu çalışmamız ile hastaların etiyolojik nedenleri, laboratuvar değerleri ve uygulanan tedavilerin mortalite üzerine etkilerini inceleyerek, klinik seyir hakkında verilerin toplanmasını amaçladık. Materyal Metod: Çalışmamız tek merkezli, retrospektif bir klinik çalışmadır. Çalışmaya Ocak 2012-Haziran 2022 yılları arasındaki akut hepatit tanısı alan 370 hasta dahil edildi. Vakaların yaş, cinsiyet, etiyoloji, laboratuar verileri, karaciğer biyopsisi yapılıp yapılmaması, hastanın takip türü (ayaktan, hospitalize), akut karaciğer yetmezliği gelişip-gelişmemesi, hastalığın kronikleşip-kronikleşmemesi, hastalara uygulanan tedaviler ( plazmaferez, karaciğer transplantasyonu) ile tedavi sonunda hastalarda son durum (sağ kalım, exitus) parametrelerine ait verileri toplandı. Bulgular: Çalışmamız 370 hasta ile sonuçlandırıldı. Hastaların yaş ortalamasının yükselmesi mortalite üzerine anlamlı bulundu (p<0,001). İskemik hepatit etiyolojisine sahip hastalarda ve fulminan hepatit gelişen vakalarda mortalite oranları anlamlı şekilde yüksek bulunmuştur. Laboratuar değerlerinden AST, LDH ve INR yüksekliğinin mortalite üzerine anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiş olup, bu parametrelerin hesaplanan cut-off değerleriyle mortalite üzerine iyi bir belirleyici oldukları görülmüştür. Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda; tanı anındaki yaş, etiyoloji ve bazı laboratuar değerlerindeki yükseklikler mortalite üzerine anlamlı sonuçlar göstermiştir. Akut hepatitler, ülkemiz ve dünya için önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Akut hepatit hastalarına ne kadar erken tanı koyulup takip altına alınırsa morbidite ve mortalitede o kadar azalma sağlanabilir. Daha anlamlı sonuçlar ve literatür katkısı için çok merkezli yüksek hasta sayılı çalışmalar yapılması gerekmektedir Anahtar Kelimeler: Akut hepatit, Akut karaciğer yetmezliği
Objective: Acute hepatitis is characterized by acute inflammation in the liver parenchyma or an increase in liver function tests due to various causes such as viral infections, toxic substances, alcohol consumption, autoimmune factors, and ischemia of the liver. Although it often presents with asymptomatic or mild symptoms, it can lead to more serious conditions such as acute liver failure and death. In this study, we aimed to collect data on the etiological factors, laboratory values, and the effects of administered treatments on mortality to understand the clinical course. Materials and methods: This study is a single-center, retrospective clinical study. It included 370 patients diagnosed with acute hepatitis between January 2012 and June 2022. Data regarding patients' age, gender, etiology, laboratory values, whether liver biopsy was performed or not, type of follow-up (outpatient, hospitalized), development of acute liver failure, chronicity of the disease, treatments administered to patients (plasmapheresis, liver transplantation), and final status of patients (survival, exitus) were collected. Results: The study was concluded with 370 patients. The increase in the average age of patients was found to be significant for mortality (p < 0.001). Mortality rates were significantly higher in patients with ischemic hepatitis etiology and those developing fulminant hepatitis. Elevated laboratory values of AST, LDH, and INR were found to be significant for mortality, and these parameters were observed to be good predictors of mortality based on calculated cut-off values. Conclusion: Our study revealed significant associations between age at diagnosis, etiology, and certain laboratory values with mortality. Acute hepatitis poses a significant health issue in our country and worldwide. Early diagnosis and management of acute hepatitis patients can lead to a reduction in morbidity and mortality. Multi-center studies with a large number of patients are necessary for more meaningful results and contributions to the literature. Keywords: Acute hepatitis, Acute liver failure
Objective: Acute hepatitis is characterized by acute inflammation in the liver parenchyma or an increase in liver function tests due to various causes such as viral infections, toxic substances, alcohol consumption, autoimmune factors, and ischemia of the liver. Although it often presents with asymptomatic or mild symptoms, it can lead to more serious conditions such as acute liver failure and death. In this study, we aimed to collect data on the etiological factors, laboratory values, and the effects of administered treatments on mortality to understand the clinical course. Materials and methods: This study is a single-center, retrospective clinical study. It included 370 patients diagnosed with acute hepatitis between January 2012 and June 2022. Data regarding patients' age, gender, etiology, laboratory values, whether liver biopsy was performed or not, type of follow-up (outpatient, hospitalized), development of acute liver failure, chronicity of the disease, treatments administered to patients (plasmapheresis, liver transplantation), and final status of patients (survival, exitus) were collected. Results: The study was concluded with 370 patients. The increase in the average age of patients was found to be significant for mortality (p < 0.001). Mortality rates were significantly higher in patients with ischemic hepatitis etiology and those developing fulminant hepatitis. Elevated laboratory values of AST, LDH, and INR were found to be significant for mortality, and these parameters were observed to be good predictors of mortality based on calculated cut-off values. Conclusion: Our study revealed significant associations between age at diagnosis, etiology, and certain laboratory values with mortality. Acute hepatitis poses a significant health issue in our country and worldwide. Early diagnosis and management of acute hepatitis patients can lead to a reduction in morbidity and mortality. Multi-center studies with a large number of patients are necessary for more meaningful results and contributions to the literature. Keywords: Acute hepatitis, Acute liver failure
Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İç Hastalıkları, Internal diseases