1906 İran Meşrutiyeti
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İnönü Üniversitesi
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Çalışmamızın konusu 1906 İran Meşrutiyeti?dir. ?1906 İran Meşrutiyeti? adlı bu tez giriş ve sonuç bölümleri dâhil olmak üzere beş ana bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Modern İran tarihinin önemli kırılma noktalarından biri olan İran meşrutiyeti, geleneksel ve modern İran kimliklerinin temel parametrelerini mezceden ve yeniden üreten bir altyapıya sahiptir. Bugün İran?da her alanda yaşanan tartışmaların bir şekilde meşrutiyetle ilişkilendiriliyor olması bunun önemli bir göstergesidir. XIX. yüzyıl, sanayi inkılâbını gerçekleştiren Batılı devletlerin sömürgecilik faaliyetlerine İran?da da hız verdikleri yıllardır. Bu yüzyıl İran için iktisadi problemler, askeri yenilgiler, yabancı güçlerin sömürge faaliyetlerinin hızlandığı yıllar anlamına gelmekteydi. Bunun yanı sıra şahların başına buyruk hareketleri, keyfi cezalandırmalar, adaletsizlik dönemin en dikkat çeken sorunlarıydı. İran, tüm toplumsal kesimleriyle siyasî, içtimaî, iktisadî, idarî ve eğitim alanında yaşanan sorunlara çözüm bulma konusunda hummalı bir çalışma sürdürmüştür. Bu yolda başta Osmanlı, Mısır ve Hindistan olmak üzere İslam dünyasındaki birikimlerden yararlandıkları gibi Rusya, Japonya ve Batılı devletlerdeki gelişmeleri de takip etmişlerdir. Basın, Şebnameler, medreseler ve modern okullar, feramuşhaneler modern fikirlerin halka ulaştırıldığı en önemli mekân ve araçları oluşturmaktadır. XIX. yüzyılboyunca pek çok kez yönetimle karşı karşıya gelen İran toplumu İngiliz sefaretinde gerçekleştirilen oturma eylemine kadar meşruti yönetime geçişle ilgili bariz bir talep ortaya koymuş değildi. Ancak buna rağmenyönetim karşıtı mücadele sonucunda ortaya çıkan değişim ve dönüşüm, meşrutiyetin ilanında çok önemli bir altyapı mahiyetinde olmuştur. Bazı aydın ve din adamlarının fikirlerinde rastlanan meşrutiyet ve meclis gibi fikirler de tam olarak meşruti yönetim anlamına gelmiyordu. Meşrutiyet olaylarından önce ve meşrutiyet olayları esnasında da savunulan en önemli düşünceler; yabancılara verilen imtiyazların kaldırılması, adalethanenin kurulması, keyfi cezalandırmaların son bulması, halka zulmeden yöneticilerin azledilmesinoktasında yoğunlaşmıştır. Meşrutiyetin bir yönetim biçimi olarak savunulması eylemcilerin İngiliz sefaretindeki günlerine rastlamaktadır. İngiliz sefaretindeki oturma eylemi adeta eylemciler için bir okul işlevi görmüştür. XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında ve XX. Yüzyılın başında modern bir akım olarak pek çok ülkede savunulan meşrutî yönetimin İran?da da ideolojik liderliğini modernleşme fikrinin savunucuları olan aydınlar tarafından yapılmıştır. Ancak meşrutiyet olaylarının karizmatik liderliğitartışmasız bir şekilde ?merci-i taklit? ve ?velâyet-i fakîh? sıfatlarını taşıyan din adamlarındaydı. Meşrutiyetin ilanında en fazla güç devşiren grup ise meşrutiyete bizzat katılarak ön saflarda yer alan ve ekonomik gücüyle eylemleri finanse eden tüccar olmuştur. İran meşrutiyetinin, demokratikleşmeyi ne kadar ileriye taşıdığı tartışmalı olsa da, ortaya çıkan sonuçlara baktığımızda pek çok önemli neticelere ulaşıldığı görülmektedir. Anayasal sürecin başlaması ve halkın temsilcilerinden oluşan bir meclisin kurulması meşrutiyetin en önemli neticeleridir. Toplumun neredeyse her platformda talep etmiş olduğu Adalethanenin kurulması talebi ise istenen düzeyde hayatiyet bulamamıştır.
The subject of this study is the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906. This dissetation, entitled ?Persian Constitutional Monarchy of 1906? constists of five parts, including introduction and conclusion. The Persian Constitutional Revolution, as one of the foremost breakpoint in modern Iranian history, has a base which integrates and re-produces the essential parametres of traditional and modern identities in Iran. Currently, the ongoing tendency for associating the debates on different political and social matters with this historical event is an indicator for the importance of the Persian Constitutional Revolution. In the nineteenth century, the Western states, each realized her own ?industrial revolution?, accelerated their colonialist activities on Iran. During the same period, Persian state was performing economical problems and successive millitary defeats. Furthermore, Persian society had some important social problems like unamenable applications of Shahs, arbitrary punishment and injustice. Persian society, with the participation of nearly all social classes, had performed intense activities to deal with these political, social, economical, administrative and educational challenges. In this way, Persian elites tried to use the experiences of not only Islamic societies like Ottomans, Egypt and India but also non-muslim societies like Russia, Japan and especially Western ones. The most effective platforms and instruments used to disseminate these ideas to the nation were media, Shabnâme, madrasahs, faramasons (faramushhaneha) and modern schoolls. During the nineteenth century, Persian society had objected to the government several times, but there was not a clear demand for Constitutional Monarchy before the sit down strike at the British embassy. These objections created a social change and transformation which cosntituted a significant base for the promugation of Constitutional Monarchy. In the course of these developments, certain intellectuals and clerics dicussed some ideas such as constitution and parliament, bu without a clear mention for the Constitutional Monarchy. The common ideas claimed before and after Constitutional Revolution were centered on the abolishment of priviliges granted to foreigners, establishment of courthouses, termination of arbitrary punishment and discharge of despotic administrators. The demand for Constitutional Monarchy, as a form government, was expressed during the sit down strike at the British embassy. This strike functioned as a shcool for the activists. As the other nations, performing constitutional developments at the second half of the the nineteenth century and the beginning of twentieth century, the ideological leadership of constitutional government was performed by intellectuals those advocated the idea of modernization. However, the charismatic leaders of this process were the clerics who entitled as ?merci-i taklit? and ?velâyet-i fakîh?. The social which class most benefited and gathered the power by proclomation of Constitutional Monarchy was merchants who directly participated and funded the the revolution. Though controversial how far it carried out democratization in Iran, condering the results, Persian society achieved many significant outcomes with the Constitutional Revolution. The beginning of constitutional process and establishment of a parliament consisting of representatives of nation are the most important results of Constitutional Revolution. However, the foundation of courthouses, a social claim expressed at nearly all platforms colud not realized at required level.
The subject of this study is the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1906. This dissetation, entitled ?Persian Constitutional Monarchy of 1906? constists of five parts, including introduction and conclusion. The Persian Constitutional Revolution, as one of the foremost breakpoint in modern Iranian history, has a base which integrates and re-produces the essential parametres of traditional and modern identities in Iran. Currently, the ongoing tendency for associating the debates on different political and social matters with this historical event is an indicator for the importance of the Persian Constitutional Revolution. In the nineteenth century, the Western states, each realized her own ?industrial revolution?, accelerated their colonialist activities on Iran. During the same period, Persian state was performing economical problems and successive millitary defeats. Furthermore, Persian society had some important social problems like unamenable applications of Shahs, arbitrary punishment and injustice. Persian society, with the participation of nearly all social classes, had performed intense activities to deal with these political, social, economical, administrative and educational challenges. In this way, Persian elites tried to use the experiences of not only Islamic societies like Ottomans, Egypt and India but also non-muslim societies like Russia, Japan and especially Western ones. The most effective platforms and instruments used to disseminate these ideas to the nation were media, Shabnâme, madrasahs, faramasons (faramushhaneha) and modern schoolls. During the nineteenth century, Persian society had objected to the government several times, but there was not a clear demand for Constitutional Monarchy before the sit down strike at the British embassy. These objections created a social change and transformation which cosntituted a significant base for the promugation of Constitutional Monarchy. In the course of these developments, certain intellectuals and clerics dicussed some ideas such as constitution and parliament, bu without a clear mention for the Constitutional Monarchy. The common ideas claimed before and after Constitutional Revolution were centered on the abolishment of priviliges granted to foreigners, establishment of courthouses, termination of arbitrary punishment and discharge of despotic administrators. The demand for Constitutional Monarchy, as a form government, was expressed during the sit down strike at the British embassy. This strike functioned as a shcool for the activists. As the other nations, performing constitutional developments at the second half of the the nineteenth century and the beginning of twentieth century, the ideological leadership of constitutional government was performed by intellectuals those advocated the idea of modernization. However, the charismatic leaders of this process were the clerics who entitled as ?merci-i taklit? and ?velâyet-i fakîh?. The social which class most benefited and gathered the power by proclomation of Constitutional Monarchy was merchants who directly participated and funded the the revolution. Though controversial how far it carried out democratization in Iran, condering the results, Persian society achieved many significant outcomes with the Constitutional Revolution. The beginning of constitutional process and establishment of a parliament consisting of representatives of nation are the most important results of Constitutional Revolution. However, the foundation of courthouses, a social claim expressed at nearly all platforms colud not realized at required level.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İran Meşrutiyeti, 1906, Meşrutiyet, İran, Ulema, Persian Constitutional Revolution, Constitutional Monarchy, Iran, Clerics/Ulama
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karacan, O. (2013). 1906 İran Meşrutiyeti. İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. 1-253 ss.