Pediatrik böbrek nakillerinin eğitim hayatı üzerine etkisi
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Amaç:Pediatrik böbrek naklinin eğitim hayatı üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması,böbrek yetmezliği olan çocukların talep ettikleri eğitim şeklinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Nitel bir araştırma olup, veriler yapılandırılmış telefon görüşmesiyle elde edildi. Ocak 2001'den itibaren çocukluk çağında renal replasman tedavisi alan ve tersiyer bir merkezde takip edilen hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Bulgular:Yaş ortalaması 20.04 ± 5.65 yıl olan 45 hastanın (20 kadın ve 25 erkek) 17'sine diyaliz, 10'unaböbrek nakli, 18'ine ise her iki yöntem uygulandı. Hastaların %15.6'sı okula hiç başlamadı, %17.8'i ise geç başladı. Sekiz hasta (%17.8) en az bir eğitim dönemi okuldan ayrı kaldı, yirmi altı hasta (%57.8) okulu bıraktı. Hastaların %62.2'si yaş-uyumlu zorunlu eğitim aldı. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında zorunlu eğitim alabilme açısından fark saptanmasa da böbrek naklinin hastaların %44.4'ünde (yaş-uyumlu zorunlu eğitim alanların %71.4'ü) yarım kalan eğitimin devam ettirilmesine katkı sağladığı izlendi. Alternatif eğitim sunumu (p: 0.008, OR: 7.104 (%95 CI:1.672-30.188) ve 'çevredeki insanların okula gitmeme yönündeki telkinleri' (p: 0.068,OR: 0.266 (%95 CI: 0.064-1.102) zorunlu eğitim alabilme ile ilişkili bulundu. Hastalar arasında okul devamına ilişkin görüş farkı bulunmasa da, böbrek nakli yapılanlar okul ortamının sağlıklarını bozacağını düşünmekteydi. Hastaların talep ettikleri eğitim şekli tedavi yöntemlerine ve/veya zorunlu eğitime devam etme durumuna göre farklılık göstermezken, en çok geleneksel 'yüz yüze eğitim' (%51.1) talep edildi. Sonuç:Böbrek nakli çocukların eğitimini olumlu yönde etkileyebilir. Bu çocukların okul devamına ilişkin toplumdaki olumsuz tutum, renal replasman tedavileri hakkında yapılacak bilinçlendirilme ile ortadan kaldırabilir. Hastaların durumlarına uygun alternatif eğitim olanakları geliştirilirken, sağlıklı çocuklarla birlikte mümkün olan 'en normal' ortamda eğitim alabilmeleri de sağlanmalıdır.
Aim:To investigate the influence of KT on children's school attendance and to explore the children's own views on their schooling. Material and Method: This was a qualitative study, and data were obtained via structured telephone interviews. Patients, who, from childhood, had been receiving RRT since January 2001 and were being followed up at a tertiary center were included in the study. Results: Forty-five patients with a mean age of 20.04 ± 5.65 years (20 female and 25 male) were included in the study. Of them, 17 received dialysis, 10 underwent KT, 18 received both modalities. Of the patients, 15.6% had never started school, and 17.8% had delayed entry to school. Eight patients(17.8%) had stayed apart for at least a trainig schedule.Twenty-six patients (57.8%) had dropped out of school. Of patients, 62.2% were able to receive age-matched compulsory education. There was no significant difference between the RRT modalities in terms of school attendance. However, KT enabled 44.4% of patients to continue their education, which constituted 71.4% of those, who had received compulsory education. Alternative education provision (p: 0.008, OR: 7.104 (95% CI: 1.672-30.188)) and 'people's suggestions that patients not attend school' (p: 0.068, OR: 0.266 (95% CI: 0.064-1.102)) were significantly associated with attendance at compulsory education. Patients' opinions showed no significant difference between RRT modalities, though KT patients were more concerned that their health would deteriorate if they attended school. While the forms of education requested by the patients did not differ according to RRT modalities or attendance at compulsory education, traditional face-toface education was the preferred option (51.1%). Conclusions:Kidney transplantation may increase school attendance in children with ESKD. The alternative education option, which can be adapted to the individual circumstances of patients, should be able to avail of the necessary development resources. An awareness-raising campaign in relation to both ESKD and RRT would serve to counter society's negative judgments in relation to the school attendance of children receiving RRT; especially KT. They should be educated with healthy children in the 'most normal' of possible settings.
Aim:To investigate the influence of KT on children's school attendance and to explore the children's own views on their schooling. Material and Method: This was a qualitative study, and data were obtained via structured telephone interviews. Patients, who, from childhood, had been receiving RRT since January 2001 and were being followed up at a tertiary center were included in the study. Results: Forty-five patients with a mean age of 20.04 ± 5.65 years (20 female and 25 male) were included in the study. Of them, 17 received dialysis, 10 underwent KT, 18 received both modalities. Of the patients, 15.6% had never started school, and 17.8% had delayed entry to school. Eight patients(17.8%) had stayed apart for at least a trainig schedule.Twenty-six patients (57.8%) had dropped out of school. Of patients, 62.2% were able to receive age-matched compulsory education. There was no significant difference between the RRT modalities in terms of school attendance. However, KT enabled 44.4% of patients to continue their education, which constituted 71.4% of those, who had received compulsory education. Alternative education provision (p: 0.008, OR: 7.104 (95% CI: 1.672-30.188)) and 'people's suggestions that patients not attend school' (p: 0.068, OR: 0.266 (95% CI: 0.064-1.102)) were significantly associated with attendance at compulsory education. Patients' opinions showed no significant difference between RRT modalities, though KT patients were more concerned that their health would deteriorate if they attended school. While the forms of education requested by the patients did not differ according to RRT modalities or attendance at compulsory education, traditional face-toface education was the preferred option (51.1%). Conclusions:Kidney transplantation may increase school attendance in children with ESKD. The alternative education option, which can be adapted to the individual circumstances of patients, should be able to avail of the necessary development resources. An awareness-raising campaign in relation to both ESKD and RRT would serve to counter society's negative judgments in relation to the school attendance of children receiving RRT; especially KT. They should be educated with healthy children in the 'most normal' of possible settings.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nefroloji, Nephrology