Sabri Divanı bağlamlı dizin ve işlevsel sözlükTEBDİZ projesi
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Bu tezde klasik Türk edebiyatı 18. yüzyıl şairlerinden Sabrî (Seyyid Mehmed Emin)'in Divânı, bağlamlı dizin ve işlevsel sözlük olarak hazırlanmıştır. TEBDİZ (Tarih ve Edebiyat Metinleri Bağlamlı Dizini ve İşlevsel Sözlüğü) klasik Türk şiirine ait eserlerin anlam dünyasını ortaya koymak üzere, sözlük formatında hazırlanmış bir elektronik veri sistemidir. Divandaki manzumelerin sistemli ve düzenli olarak bağlamlı dizinlerinin hazırlanmasında bu sistem kullanılmıştır. Söz konusu sistem sayesinde elde edilen veriler ile Sabrî Divanı'nın değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Divanda yer alan manzumeler şekil ve türlerine göre, her manzumeye numara verilerek TEBDİZ sistemine yüklenmiştir. Kelime ve kelime gurupları ek ve kök ayrımına gidilerek dönemin kültürel, siyasi ve sosyal yaşantısına uygun olarak TEBDİZ veri girişi yöntemiyle anlamlandırılmıştır. Anlamlandırılan kelime ve kelime gurupları TEBDİZ sisteminde alfabetik olarak bağlamsal dizin haline getirilmiştir. Kelimenin temel anlamının yanı sıra bağlamsal anlamı da verilerek hazırlanan bu sözlük, metin tahlili çalışmalarından farklı olarak edebî metinlerin zenginliğini gözler önüne sermesi bakımından önem arz etmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında bağlamlı dizin ve işlevsel sözlüğün yanı sıra Sabrî'nin klasik Türk edebiyatındaki önemi, hayatı ve eserleri ile ilgili bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile şairin dil ve üslubunun yanı sıra, mana zenginliğindeki özgünlüğünün ortaya konması hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sabrî, 18. yüzyıl, Sabrî Divânı, Bağlamsal Dizin, İşlevsel Sözlük
In this thesis, the Divân of Sabri (Seyyid Mehmed Emin), one of the 18th century poets of Classical Turkish literature, has been prepared as a contex tualindex and functional dictionary. TEBDİZ (Contextual Index and Functional Dictionary of Historical and Literary Texts) is an electronic data system prepared in dictionary format toreve althe semantic world of works of Classical Turkish poetry. This system wasused in the preparation of systematic and regularly contex tualized indexes of the poems in the Divan. The Sabri Court wase valuated with the data obtained through the said system. The poems in the divan were uploaded tothe TEBDIZ system by assigning numbers toeach poem, according to their shape sand types. Words and Word groups were differentiated between suffixes and roots and given meaning by TEBDIZ data entry method in accordance with the cultural, political and social life of the period. The words and Word groups that have been interpreted have been made into a contextual index alphabetically in the TEBDIZ system. This dictionary, prepared by giving the basic meaning of the word as well as its contextual meaning, is important in terms of revealing the richness of literary texts, unlike text analysis lben studies. In this thesis study, in addition to a contextual index and functional dictionary, information about Sabri's importance in Classical Turkish literature, his life and Works are included. This study aim store veal the poet's originality in his richness of meaning, as well as his language and style. Key Words: Sabri, 18th century, Sabri Divan, Contextual Index, Functional Dictionary
In this thesis, the Divân of Sabri (Seyyid Mehmed Emin), one of the 18th century poets of Classical Turkish literature, has been prepared as a contex tualindex and functional dictionary. TEBDİZ (Contextual Index and Functional Dictionary of Historical and Literary Texts) is an electronic data system prepared in dictionary format toreve althe semantic world of works of Classical Turkish poetry. This system wasused in the preparation of systematic and regularly contex tualized indexes of the poems in the Divan. The Sabri Court wase valuated with the data obtained through the said system. The poems in the divan were uploaded tothe TEBDIZ system by assigning numbers toeach poem, according to their shape sand types. Words and Word groups were differentiated between suffixes and roots and given meaning by TEBDIZ data entry method in accordance with the cultural, political and social life of the period. The words and Word groups that have been interpreted have been made into a contextual index alphabetically in the TEBDIZ system. This dictionary, prepared by giving the basic meaning of the word as well as its contextual meaning, is important in terms of revealing the richness of literary texts, unlike text analysis lben studies. In this thesis study, in addition to a contextual index and functional dictionary, information about Sabri's importance in Classical Turkish literature, his life and Works are included. This study aim store veal the poet's originality in his richness of meaning, as well as his language and style. Key Words: Sabri, 18th century, Sabri Divan, Contextual Index, Functional Dictionary
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature