Ak Parti üyelerinin parti bağlılıklarının nöropolitik analizi
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Siyasi partiler açısından parti bağlılığı kavramı bugün çok güncel ve önemli bir yerdedir. Değişen dünyanın insanlara sunduğu farklı düşünce kalıpları ve içine girilen hızlı değişim süreçleri, siyaseti yönetmeye çalışan gurupları çok daha pragmatik ve hızlı olmaya itmektedir. Bu durumun doğal sonuçlarından biri ise 2019 yılında gerçekleşen Yerel Yönetim Seçimlerinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Siyasi partilerin seçim çalışmalarının çok önemli kısmını oluşturan kamuoyu yoklamaları, anket şirketleri tarafından yapılmakta ve bu çalışmaların sonuçlarına göre siyasi partiler seçim stratejilerini kurgulayıp uygulamaktadır. Ancak son seçimde yapılan en büyük eleştirilerden biri de anket şirketlerinin seçim anketi sonuçlarının doğruluk paylarının düşük olduğu yönünde olmuştur. Önceden değindiğimiz değişim metaforunun doğal sonucu da seçmenin parti bağlılığının nasıl değiştiği ve hangi şekilde oluştuğunu sağlıklı bir şekilde öngörebilmenin zorluğudur. Bu noktada siyasi parti ve kitle arasında oluşan bağın niteliği ile ilgili yapılan araştırmaların mikro bağlamda daha derinden yapılması ihtiyaç haline gelmektedir. Siyaset bilimi, son yıllarda gelişen nörobilim yöntemlerini kullanarak mevcut eksikliği gidermek amacıyla disiplinler arası yeni bir yaklaşım benimsemeye başlamıştır. En genel ifade ile kişilerin siyasi davranışlarını daha derinden anlayabilmek ve yeni yorumlar getirmek için kullanılan bu disiplinlerarası yöntem "nöropolitika" adıyla literatüre girmiştir. Bu açıdan klasik araştırma yöntemlerinin dışına çıkılmış ve nörobilimin sunduğu teknolojik ekipmanlar kullanılarak kişilerin siyasi davranışları ile ilgili saha araştırmaları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada ise parti bağlılığı kavramı, siyasi parti ve Duverger'in militan olarak adlandırdığı partiye en yakın kitleyi temsil eden parti üyeleri arasındaki kavramlar bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Araştırma evreni, Türkiye'nin en çok parti üyesine sahip ve en uzun iktidarda kalan partisi olan Adalet Ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP) üyelerinden seçilmiştir. Nöro görüntüleme yöntemleri olan EEG ve eye tracker, verilerin sağlandığı ana yöntemler, nitel gözlem ve yapılandırılmış görüşme kılavuzu ise yardımcı yöntem olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Buna göre araştırmada en genel hatlarıyla elde edilen sonuçlar, liderlik kavramı altında din ve ekonomi kavramlarının parti bağlılığına konjonktürel olarak negatif etki yaptığını, yönetim kavramının ise bu kavramlardan etkilenerek baskılandığını göstermektedir. Beka sorunu kavramı altında olan dış politika ve milli güvenlik kavramları pozitif etki, siyasal istikrar kavramı ise zayıf bir etki oluşturmuştur. Doğrudan beka sorunu kavramı ile muhatap olunduğunda parti üyelerinin çok güçlü reaksiyon geliştirmediği görülmüştür. Başka siyasi partide var olamama kavramı altında olan alternatifsizlik kavramı pozitif etki, diğer siyasi partilere tepki kavramı zayıf, maddi gerekçeler kavramı ise pozitif etki oluşturmuştur. Özetle Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi üyelerinin hala partiye bağlı oldukları ancak dini, ekonomik konularda eleştirel tutum sergiledikleri söylenebilir. Dış politika ve milli güvenlik-savunma sanayi konularında beklentinin karşılandığı, başka siyasi partide var olamama konusunda alternatifsiz kalındığı görüşünün kısmen oluştuğu söylenebilir. Sonuç itibariyle oluşan genel kanaat, Ak Parti'nin parti üyelerinin parti bağlılıklarının zayıf olmadığı ancak geleceğe dönük tedbirlerin oluşturulması gerektiği yönündedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siyasi Parti, Parti Bağlılığı, Ak Parti, Nörogörüntüleme, Nöropolitika, EEG, Eye Tracker.
The concept of party loyalty is very up-to-date and important for political parties. The different thought patterns and rapid change processes offered by the changing world to people push the groups that try to manage politics to be much more pragmatic and faster. One of the natural consequences of this was the Local Government Elections held in 2019. Opinion polls, which constitute a very important part of the election process of political parties, are conducted by survey companies and according to the results of these studies, political parties construct and implement their election strategies. However, one of the biggest criticisms made in the last election was the low accuracy of the survey results of the survey companies. The natural consequence of the metaphor of change we have already mentioned is the difficulty of predicting how the party's commitment to the voter has changed and in what way. At this point, the researches on the quality of the bond formed between the political party and the mass become more deeply needed in the micro context. Political science has begun to adopt a new interdisciplinary approach to eliminate the current deficiency by using neuroscience methods developed in recent years. In general terms, this interdisciplinary method, which is used to understand people's political behaviors more deeply and to bring new interpretations, has entered into the literature with the name "neuropolitics". In this respect, classical research methods were excluded and field researches were conducted on the political behaviors of the people using the technological equipment provided by neuroscience. In this study, the concept of party loyalty is discussed in the context of the concepts of political party and the members of the party representing the closest audience to the party called as militant by Duverger. Research universe, and Turkey's most popular party member with the longest ruling party Justice and Development Party (AKP) was elected from its members. Neuroimaging methods, EEG and eye tracker, main methods of data acquisition, qualitative observation and structured interview guide were evaluated as auxiliary methods. Accordingly, the results obtained in the most general way in the research show that under the leadership concept, the concepts of religion and economy have a negative impact on party loyalty and the management concept is influenced by these concepts. The concepts of foreign policy and national security, which are under the concept of survivability, had a positive effect and the concept of political stability had a weak effect. It was seen that the party members did not develop a strong reaction when dealing with the concept of direct survival problem. The concept of non-existence, which is under the concept of non-existence in another political party, had a positive effect, the concept of reaction to other political parties was weak, and the concept of material reasons had a positive effect. In summary, it can be said that the members of the Justice and Development Party are still affiliated to the party, but have a critical attitude towards religious and economic issues. It can be said that the view that foreign policy and national security-defense industry is met and that there is no alternative in terms of not being present in another political party is partly formed. As a result, the general opinion is that the party loyalty of Ak Party party members is not weak but future measures should be established. Keywords: Political Party, Party Loyalty, Ak Party, Neuroimaging, Neuropolitics, EEG, Eye Tracker.
The concept of party loyalty is very up-to-date and important for political parties. The different thought patterns and rapid change processes offered by the changing world to people push the groups that try to manage politics to be much more pragmatic and faster. One of the natural consequences of this was the Local Government Elections held in 2019. Opinion polls, which constitute a very important part of the election process of political parties, are conducted by survey companies and according to the results of these studies, political parties construct and implement their election strategies. However, one of the biggest criticisms made in the last election was the low accuracy of the survey results of the survey companies. The natural consequence of the metaphor of change we have already mentioned is the difficulty of predicting how the party's commitment to the voter has changed and in what way. At this point, the researches on the quality of the bond formed between the political party and the mass become more deeply needed in the micro context. Political science has begun to adopt a new interdisciplinary approach to eliminate the current deficiency by using neuroscience methods developed in recent years. In general terms, this interdisciplinary method, which is used to understand people's political behaviors more deeply and to bring new interpretations, has entered into the literature with the name "neuropolitics". In this respect, classical research methods were excluded and field researches were conducted on the political behaviors of the people using the technological equipment provided by neuroscience. In this study, the concept of party loyalty is discussed in the context of the concepts of political party and the members of the party representing the closest audience to the party called as militant by Duverger. Research universe, and Turkey's most popular party member with the longest ruling party Justice and Development Party (AKP) was elected from its members. Neuroimaging methods, EEG and eye tracker, main methods of data acquisition, qualitative observation and structured interview guide were evaluated as auxiliary methods. Accordingly, the results obtained in the most general way in the research show that under the leadership concept, the concepts of religion and economy have a negative impact on party loyalty and the management concept is influenced by these concepts. The concepts of foreign policy and national security, which are under the concept of survivability, had a positive effect and the concept of political stability had a weak effect. It was seen that the party members did not develop a strong reaction when dealing with the concept of direct survival problem. The concept of non-existence, which is under the concept of non-existence in another political party, had a positive effect, the concept of reaction to other political parties was weak, and the concept of material reasons had a positive effect. In summary, it can be said that the members of the Justice and Development Party are still affiliated to the party, but have a critical attitude towards religious and economic issues. It can be said that the view that foreign policy and national security-defense industry is met and that there is no alternative in terms of not being present in another political party is partly formed. As a result, the general opinion is that the party loyalty of Ak Party party members is not weak but future measures should be established. Keywords: Political Party, Party Loyalty, Ak Party, Neuroimaging, Neuropolitics, EEG, Eye Tracker.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Orhan, Ertuğrul Buğra (2019). Ak Parti üyelerinin parti bağlılıklarının nöropolitik analizi. Yayımlanmış Doktora tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.1-201 ss.