Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH-?-Isomer, Lindane)’nın Zebra Balıklarının (Danio rerio) Üreme Sistemi Üzerine Etkisi
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Öz: Bu çalışmada, HCH-?-Isomer olan "Lindane" intoksikasyonu sonucu zebra balıklarının reproduktif sisteminde meydana gelen histopatolojik değişimler ile hormonal düzeyleri incelendi. Çalışmada ticari bir işletmeden temin edilen 320 adet, yaklaşık 1 yaş grubu, Zebra balığı (Danio rerio) kullanıldı. Balıklar her grupta 40 balık olacak şekilde 8 gruba ayrıldı. Gruplar 0 (Kontrol grubu), 1ml/L methanol, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg/L / gün lindane olarak oluşturuldu. Çalışmada deneme gruplarına 1 ml methanolde çözülen HCH-?-Isomeri sırasıyla 5/10/20/40/80/160 µg/L / gün dozlarında her gruba 21 gün boyunca immersiyon şeklinde uygulandı. Makroskobik olarak dişi zebra balıklarının özellikle 80/160 µg/L gruplarında yumurta sayısında azalma görüldü. Mikroskobik olarak dişi zebra balıklarında ovulasyonda azalma, biyokimyasal olarak da Estradiol (E2) seviyelerinde (40/80/160 µg/L) düşme saptandı. Çalışma sonucunda, Lindane'nın dişi zebra balıklarının reproduktif sisteminde bozukluğa ve hormonal değişimlere sebep olduğu, ovulasyon ve fertilizasyon üzerinde önemli etkilerinin bulunduğu gözlendi
Abstract: In this study, histopathological changes induced by lindane a gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane and its intoxication associated with reproductive system and hormone levels were investigated in zebrafish. In all, 320 zebrafish adults approximately 1 year in age, (Danio rerio) obtained from a commercial entity were used in the study. Zebrafish were divided into 8 groups, each one containing 40 zebrafish. Groups were organized as 0 (the control group), 1 ml/L methanol, and 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg/L/day lindane. In the study, the gamma-HCH-isomer was applied at rates of 5/10/20/40/80/160 µg/L/day as doses of immersion to each group for 21 days. Macroscopically, the drop in egg production was observed, especially in the 80 and 160 µg/L/day groups of female zebrafish. A microscopic decrease in ovulation and biochemical decreases in estradiol (E2) levels (40/80/160 µg/L) were also observed in the female zebrafish. As a result, lindane was found to cause changes in the reproductive system, and consequently, to cause hormonal disorders and to have significant effects on ovulation and fertilization in the female zebrafish
Abstract: In this study, histopathological changes induced by lindane a gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane and its intoxication associated with reproductive system and hormone levels were investigated in zebrafish. In all, 320 zebrafish adults approximately 1 year in age, (Danio rerio) obtained from a commercial entity were used in the study. Zebrafish were divided into 8 groups, each one containing 40 zebrafish. Groups were organized as 0 (the control group), 1 ml/L methanol, and 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg/L/day lindane. In the study, the gamma-HCH-isomer was applied at rates of 5/10/20/40/80/160 µg/L/day as doses of immersion to each group for 21 days. Macroscopically, the drop in egg production was observed, especially in the 80 and 160 µg/L/day groups of female zebrafish. A microscopic decrease in ovulation and biochemical decreases in estradiol (E2) levels (40/80/160 µg/L) were also observed in the female zebrafish. As a result, lindane was found to cause changes in the reproductive system, and consequently, to cause hormonal disorders and to have significant effects on ovulation and fertilization in the female zebrafish
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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Scopus Q Değeri
YÜKSEL H,İSPİR Ü,ULUCAN A,TÜRK C,TAYSI M. R (2016). Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH-γ-Isomer, Lindane)’nın Zebra Balıklarının (Danio rerio) Üreme Sistemi Üzerine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 16(4), 917 - 921.