Famotidin Ve Ranitidinin Non-Ülser Dispepsili Hastalarda İkili Antibiyotik Kombinasyonu İle Birlikte Kullanılmasının Hp Eradikasyonuna Etkileri Arasında Fark Var Mıdır?
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Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution 3.0 United States
Bilindiği gibi gastrik ülser, duodenal ülser ve norı-ülser dispepsilerde H2 blokerler uzun yıllar kullanılmış, günümüzde de Helicobacter pylori (Hp) eradikasyonu sonrası idame tedavisinde tek başlarına ya da antasidlerle kombine olarak kullanılmaktadır. Biz bu çalışmamızda amoksisilir+klaritromisir kombinasyonuna ranitidin 300 mg veya famotidin 40 mg ekleyerek non-ülser dispepsilerde Hp eradikasyonundaki etkilerini araştırdık.
Çalışmaya dispeptik yakınmalarla başvuran, endoskopilerinde ülser tesbit edilmeyen ve endoskopik biyopsilerinde Hp (+) bulunan gastrit yada bulbit tesbit edilen ve non-ülser dispepsi kabul edilen yaş ortalalaması 36.4 olan 47 hasta (31 erkek 16 kadın) alınarak hastalar rastgele iki guruba ayrıldı. Birinci gruptaki 24 hastaya bir hafta süre ile amoksisilin 2x1 gr + klaritromisin 2x500 mg'a ilave olarak dört hafta süre ile ranitidin 1x300 mg, ikinci gruptaki 23 hastaya ise bir hafta süre ile amoksisilin 2x1 gr + klaritromisin 2x500 mg + famotidin 40 mg 4 hafta süre ile uygulandı. Olguların endoskopileri başlangıçta ve altıncı haftada tekrarlandı. Birinci gruptaki 24 hastada Hp eradikasyon oranı %83.3 (20/24), ikinci gurptaki Hp eradikasyon oranı ise %82.6 (19/23) idi. Her iki gruptaki olgularda da gastrik histolojide düzelme izlendi. Sonuç olarak Hp pozitif non-ülser dispepsi olgularında ikili antibiyotikle hem ranitidin hem de famotidin kombinasyonu ile yüksek kür oranları elde edilmektedir. Aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi.
H2 blockers have been used in gastric and duodenal ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsia for years. Nowadays these drugs are used for maintenance therapy after Helicobacter pyolori (Hp) eradication. Aim of this study was to evaluate the effcacy and differences of ranitidin and famotidin plus dual antibiotic therapy in Hp positive non-ulcer dyspepsia patients. Hp positive patients with documented non-ulcer dyspepsia were randomised into two groups. First group was given amoxicillin 1gr bid, clarithromycin 500 mg bid for one week plus ranitidin 300 mg one a day for one month and second group was given amoxicillin 1 gr bid, clarithromycine 500 mg bid for one week plus famotidin 40 mg one a day for one month. Endoscopy with a biopsy was performed at enrollement and at 6 weeks. Hp infection was cured % 83,3 of those treated with ranitidin plus dual antibiotics (RAC) and in % 82.6 of those treated with famotidin plus dual antibiotics (FAC). Sypmptoms disappeared in % 87.5 of those treated with ranitidin plus dual antibiotics and in % 86.95 of those treated with famotidin and dual antibiotics. There were not any statistically significant differences between famotidin or ranitidin plus dual antibiotics combinations in patients with Hp positive non-ulcer dyspepsia.
H2 blockers have been used in gastric and duodenal ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsia for years. Nowadays these drugs are used for maintenance therapy after Helicobacter pyolori (Hp) eradication. Aim of this study was to evaluate the effcacy and differences of ranitidin and famotidin plus dual antibiotic therapy in Hp positive non-ulcer dyspepsia patients. Hp positive patients with documented non-ulcer dyspepsia were randomised into two groups. First group was given amoxicillin 1gr bid, clarithromycin 500 mg bid for one week plus ranitidin 300 mg one a day for one month and second group was given amoxicillin 1 gr bid, clarithromycine 500 mg bid for one week plus famotidin 40 mg one a day for one month. Endoscopy with a biopsy was performed at enrollement and at 6 weeks. Hp infection was cured % 83,3 of those treated with ranitidin plus dual antibiotics (RAC) and in % 82.6 of those treated with famotidin plus dual antibiotics (FAC). Sypmptoms disappeared in % 87.5 of those treated with ranitidin plus dual antibiotics and in % 86.95 of those treated with famotidin and dual antibiotics. There were not any statistically significant differences between famotidin or ranitidin plus dual antibiotics combinations in patients with Hp positive non-ulcer dyspepsia.
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi.6 (2) :1999. İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.
Anahtar Kelimeler
H2 blokerler, Amoksisilin, Klaritromisin, Helicobacter pylori eradikasyonu, H2 blockers, amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Helicobacter Pylori Eradication
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aladağ, Murat , Karıncaoğlu, Melih , Kantarçeken, Bülent ,Seçkin, Yüksel ,Doğan, İbrahim ,Bahçeci, Funda , Yıldırım, Bülent , Hilmioğlu, Fatih ,Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi.6 (2) :1999. İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.