Saponin temelli poliüretan yapıların sentezi ve uygulama alanlarının belirlenmesi
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Günümüzde, başta medikal ve biyomedikal teknolojiler olmak üzere pek çok endüstri alanında, doğal yapılı bileşiklerin polimerik yapılarda kullanımı önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında doğal, bol ve ucuz bir kimyasal olan saponinin poliüretan yapısında monomer olarak kullanımı planlandı. Özellikle bu kapsamda, saponin temelli polimerik yapılar, biyouyumlu polimerik film, sensör ve ilaç salım sistemi olarak sentezlendi. Saponin temelli poliüretan yapıların sentezi dört temel aşamada gerçekleştirildi. Birinci aşamada, poliüretan sentezinde hegzametilen diizosiyanat ve etilen glikol monomerlerinin yanında farklı oranlarda saponin kullanılarak saponinin yapıya ve poliüretan özelliklerine katkısı belirlendi. Bu aşamada saponin oranı %1, %5 ve %10 oranlarında çalışıldı. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında poliüretan yapınsının esnekliğinin arttırılması için poli(etilen glikol) yapıları ile saponin monomerleri poliol olarak kullanıldı. Bu aşamada saponin oranı artırılarak yapının özelliklerindeki değişim belirlendi. Çalışmanın üçüncü aşamasında yapıya ?-siklodektrin monomer olarak eklendi ve elde edilen yapının biyosensör uygulamalarında elektrot modifikasyonda kullanımı araştırıldı. Bu aşamada voltametrik ölçümler kullanılarak trazodon ölçümleri gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmanın son aşamasında ise saponin ve lignin bir arada poliol olarak kullanılarak hegzametilen diizosiyanat izosiyanatlar ile poliüretan sentezleri gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmanın her aşamasında elde edilen saponin temelli polimerik yapılar FTIR spektroskopisi ile yapısal olarak doğrulandı, termal özellikleri termogravimetrik analiz, diferansiyel termal analiz ve diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetre ile belirlendi. Saponin temelli polimerik yapıların morfolojik özellikleri ve yüzey özellikleri SEM analizleri ile araştırıldı. Elde edilen saponin temelli poliüretanlar, metotreksat ve asitretin salım sistemlerinde ilaç taşıyıcı olarak kullanıldı. Sonuç olarak saponin yapısı sayesinde düzenli ve uzun süreli (metotreksat için 70 saat ve asitretin için 48 saat) ilaç salımı sağlandı. Bu sayede saponinin özellikle biyomedikal uygulamalarda poliüretan yapısına ve temel özelliklerine olumlu katkısı olduğu belinlendi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Saponin, Poliüretan, Sensör, Polimerik film, İlaç salım sistemi.
Nowadays, the use of natural compounds in polymeric structures is important in many industrial fields, especially in medical and biomedical technologies. In this study, the use of saponin, a natural, abundant and cheap chemical, as a monomer in polyurethane structure was planned. In this context, saponin-based polymeric structures were synthesized as biocompatible polymeric film, sensor and drug delivery system. The synthesis of saponin-based polyurethane structures was carried out in four basic stages. In the first stage, saponin was used in different ratios in addition to hexamethylene diisocyanate and ethylene glycol monomers in polyurethane synthesis and the contribution of saponin to the structure and polyurethane properties was determined. In this stage, saponin ratio was studied at 1%, 5% and 10% ratios. In the second stage of the study, poly(ethylene glycol) structures and saponin monomers were used as polyols to increase the flexibility of the polyurethane structure. In this stage, the change in the properties of the structure was determined by increasing the saponin ratio. In the third stage of the study, -cyclodextrin was added to the structure as a monomer and the use of the obtained structure in electrode modification in biosensor applications was investigated. In this stage, trazodone measurements were performed using voltammetric measurements. In the last stage of the study, polyurethane syntheses were performed with hexamethylene diisocyanate isocyanates using saponin and lignin together as polyols. The saponin-based polymeric structures obtained in each stage of the study were structurally verified by FTIR spectroscopy, and their thermal properties were determined by thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The morphological properties and surface properties of saponin-based polymeric structures were investigated by SEM analyses. The obtained saponin-based polyurethanes were used as drug carriers in methotrexate and acitretin delivery systems. As a result, regular and long-term (70 hours for methotrexate and 48 hours for acitretin) drug release was achieved thanks to the saponin structure. In this way, it was determined that saponin has a positive contribution to the structure and basic properties of polyurethane, especially in biomedical applications. Keywords: Saponin, Polyurethane, Sensor, Polymeric film, Drug delivey system.
Nowadays, the use of natural compounds in polymeric structures is important in many industrial fields, especially in medical and biomedical technologies. In this study, the use of saponin, a natural, abundant and cheap chemical, as a monomer in polyurethane structure was planned. In this context, saponin-based polymeric structures were synthesized as biocompatible polymeric film, sensor and drug delivery system. The synthesis of saponin-based polyurethane structures was carried out in four basic stages. In the first stage, saponin was used in different ratios in addition to hexamethylene diisocyanate and ethylene glycol monomers in polyurethane synthesis and the contribution of saponin to the structure and polyurethane properties was determined. In this stage, saponin ratio was studied at 1%, 5% and 10% ratios. In the second stage of the study, poly(ethylene glycol) structures and saponin monomers were used as polyols to increase the flexibility of the polyurethane structure. In this stage, the change in the properties of the structure was determined by increasing the saponin ratio. In the third stage of the study, -cyclodextrin was added to the structure as a monomer and the use of the obtained structure in electrode modification in biosensor applications was investigated. In this stage, trazodone measurements were performed using voltammetric measurements. In the last stage of the study, polyurethane syntheses were performed with hexamethylene diisocyanate isocyanates using saponin and lignin together as polyols. The saponin-based polymeric structures obtained in each stage of the study were structurally verified by FTIR spectroscopy, and their thermal properties were determined by thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The morphological properties and surface properties of saponin-based polymeric structures were investigated by SEM analyses. The obtained saponin-based polyurethanes were used as drug carriers in methotrexate and acitretin delivery systems. As a result, regular and long-term (70 hours for methotrexate and 48 hours for acitretin) drug release was achieved thanks to the saponin structure. In this way, it was determined that saponin has a positive contribution to the structure and basic properties of polyurethane, especially in biomedical applications. Keywords: Saponin, Polyurethane, Sensor, Polymeric film, Drug delivey system.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry