Hâşim Er-Rufâî ve şiirlerinde romantizm
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İnönü Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Romantizm, klasizmin enkazı üzerine kurulmuş ve ondan doğmuş edebî bir ekoldür. Birçok etken sonucunda Avrupa'da ortaya çıkmıştır. O etkenlerden biri tüm Avrupa'yı kapsayan yıkıcı savaşlardır. Romantizm, genel prensiplerinin çoğunda klasizimden ayrılmaktadır. Romantikler aklın gücü ile mücadele ediyor ve onun yerine duygulara ve hislere yöneliyorlar. Romantizm batıda yayılmasının ardından Arap âleminde de kendini göstermiştir. Kadim Arap edebiyat tarihi incelendiğinde, Arap ruhunun romantik olduğu görülür. Arap edebiyatçıları romantizme, kendi kültürleri ile uyuşacak şekilde alametler ve özellikler tanımlamışlardır. Özellikle Arap edebiyatının batı edebiyatıyla karşılaşmasından sonra romantizm akımının etkileri bütün edebi alanlarda görülmüştür. Arap şairlerin şiirlerinde oldukça etkisini gösteren bu akım, 20. Asrın ilk yarısında kısa bir ömür geçiren şair Hâşim er-Rufâî'nin şiirlerinde de yansımıştır. Onun divanını inceleyen ve şiirlerini okuyan bir kimse, özellikle doğayı, kadını ve vatanı tasvir ettiği şiirlerinde romantizm eğilimini görür. Anahtar kelimeler: Hâşim er-Rufâî, Şiir, Romantizm, Mısır, Edebi Akım
Romanticism is an ecole founded on the ruins of the Classicism and born from its literary. It has emerged as a result of many factors in Europe. One of those factors is devastating wars across Europe. Romanticism differs from Classicism in most of its general principles. Romantics are struggling with the power of the mind and go for the emotions and feelings instead. After the spread of Romanticism in the West, it has also revealed in the Arab world. An analysis of the history of ancient Arab literature reveals that the Arab spirit is romantic. Arab literati have defined portents and characteristics to romanticism, which will be formed by their own culture. Especially after the encounter of Arab literature with western literature, the effects of romanticism were observed in all literary fields. This movement, which had a significant effect on the poems of Arab poets, was reflected in the poems of poet Haşim er-Rufâî who had a short life in the first half of the 20th century. Anyone who studies his divan and reads his poetry will see the tendency of Romanticism, especially in his poems depicting nature, woman and motherland. Key words: Haşim er-Rufâi, Poetry, Romanticism, Egypt, Literary Movement,
Romanticism is an ecole founded on the ruins of the Classicism and born from its literary. It has emerged as a result of many factors in Europe. One of those factors is devastating wars across Europe. Romanticism differs from Classicism in most of its general principles. Romantics are struggling with the power of the mind and go for the emotions and feelings instead. After the spread of Romanticism in the West, it has also revealed in the Arab world. An analysis of the history of ancient Arab literature reveals that the Arab spirit is romantic. Arab literati have defined portents and characteristics to romanticism, which will be formed by their own culture. Especially after the encounter of Arab literature with western literature, the effects of romanticism were observed in all literary fields. This movement, which had a significant effect on the poems of Arab poets, was reflected in the poems of poet Haşim er-Rufâî who had a short life in the first half of the 20th century. Anyone who studies his divan and reads his poetry will see the tendency of Romanticism, especially in his poems depicting nature, woman and motherland. Key words: Haşim er-Rufâi, Poetry, Romanticism, Egypt, Literary Movement,
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çakmak, C. (2019). Hâşim Er-Rufâî ve şiirlerinde romantizm, İnönü Üniversitesi, Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 115 ss. Malatya.