Kırsal alanların korunmasında değer tabanlı bütünleşik peyzaj planlama modelinin geliştirilmesi; Malatya örneği
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Kendine özgü karakteri olan kırsal alanlar doğa ve insan arasındaki nesiller boyunca süregelen etkileşimle şekillenmektedir. Temelde gıda ve hammadde kaynağı üretimini sağlayan kırsal alanlar ekolojik dengenin, doğal kaynakların ve biyo-kültürel çeşitliliğin korunmasında da belirleyici role sahip oldukları için bu alanların planlanması ve yönetimi son yıllarda daha da önemsenmektedir. Ancak, kırsal alanlar özellikle planlama konusunda giderek derinleşen sorunlarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Sorunların çözümsüzlük aşamasına ulaştığı kırsal alanlar terk edilmekte ve değersizleştirilmektedir. Son yıllarda gelişmiş ülkelerde; sürdürülebilirlik ve kalkınma söylemlerinin etkisiyle, kırsala yönelik ilgi artmakta ve kırsal planlama pratikleri ve kırsal alanların yeniden yapılanması gündeme gelmiştir. Planlama pratiklerinin uygulanmasında peyzaj sürdürülebilirliği ve kalkınma yaklaşımları arasındaki farklılıklara dikkat çekilmekte ve kırsal peyzaj değerlerinin planlamaya nasıl entegre edileceği önemsenmektedir. Peyzaj değerlerinin planlamaya entegrasyonu sosyal, ekonomik ve ekolojik boyutların bütünselliğine odaklanan bütünleşik peyzaj yaklaşımları ile mümkündür. Bütünleşik peyzaj planlama yaklaşımından hareketle, bu tezde yerel bağlam ve değerlere ilişkin bilgisini temel alan kavramsal bir değer tabanlı bütünleşik kırsal peyzaj planlama model önerisi geliştirilmiştir. Model çerçevesi alan çalışmasına ve çeşitli araştırma tekniklerinin sentezlenmesine dayanmaktadır. Alan analizi süreci Malatya İli kırsal alanında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kırsal alan yakın kırsal bölge, orta kırsal bölge ve uzak kırsal bölge olarak sınıflandırılmış ve her bir bölgedeki affedilen ve atanan değerler ile değerlerin kategorisini belirleyen sorunlar tespit edilmiştir. Değer-sorun etkileşim matrisleri Malatya kırsal peyzajlarının karmaşık işleyişinin anlaşılmasını sağlamıştır. Tez kapsamında geliştirilen kırsal alanların korunmasında değer tabanlı bütünleşik peyzaj planlama modelinin ülkemiz ve henüz kırsal alan peyzaj planlama yaklaşımını geliştirememiş ya da geliştirme çabasında olan ülkeler için rehber olarak katkı sunması beklenmektedir.
The distinctive character of rural areas is the result of the long-term interaction between the natural environment and human activity. Given the pivotal role that rural areas play in food and raw material production, as well as in the maintenance of ecological balance, natural resources, and biocultural diversity, the planning and management of these areas has become a matter of increasing importance in recent years. Nevertheless, rural areas are confronted with increasingly complex challenges, particularly in the domain of planning. Rural areas that have reached a point of intractability are abandoned and devalued. In recent years, the influence of sustainability and development discourses in developed countries has led to a notable increase in interest in rural areas, with rural planning practices and the restructuring of rural areas now occupying a prominent position on the policy agenda. In the implementation of planning practices, attention is drawn to the differences between landscape sustainability and development approaches, as well as the integration of rural landscape values into planning. The integration of landscape values into planning is feasible through the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that prioritize a holistic consideration of the social, economic, and ecological dimensions. In light of the integrated landscape planning approach, this thesis puts forth a conceptual value-based integrated rural landscape planning model founded upon an understanding of the local context and values. The model framework is based on a synthesis of findings from field studies and various research techniques. The field analysis process was conducted in the rural area of Malatya Province. The rural area was classified into three categories: near rural, middle rural, and far rural. The forgiven and assigned values in each region, as well as the determining factors for each category of values, were identified. The value-problem interaction matrices provided insight into the complex functioning of rural landscapes in Malatya. It is expected that the value-based integrated landscape planning model developed within the scope of the thesis will serve as a reference for our country and other countries that have not yet developed or are attempting to develop a rural landscape planning approach.
The distinctive character of rural areas is the result of the long-term interaction between the natural environment and human activity. Given the pivotal role that rural areas play in food and raw material production, as well as in the maintenance of ecological balance, natural resources, and biocultural diversity, the planning and management of these areas has become a matter of increasing importance in recent years. Nevertheless, rural areas are confronted with increasingly complex challenges, particularly in the domain of planning. Rural areas that have reached a point of intractability are abandoned and devalued. In recent years, the influence of sustainability and development discourses in developed countries has led to a notable increase in interest in rural areas, with rural planning practices and the restructuring of rural areas now occupying a prominent position on the policy agenda. In the implementation of planning practices, attention is drawn to the differences between landscape sustainability and development approaches, as well as the integration of rural landscape values into planning. The integration of landscape values into planning is feasible through the implementation of integrated landscape approaches that prioritize a holistic consideration of the social, economic, and ecological dimensions. In light of the integrated landscape planning approach, this thesis puts forth a conceptual value-based integrated rural landscape planning model founded upon an understanding of the local context and values. The model framework is based on a synthesis of findings from field studies and various research techniques. The field analysis process was conducted in the rural area of Malatya Province. The rural area was classified into three categories: near rural, middle rural, and far rural. The forgiven and assigned values in each region, as well as the determining factors for each category of values, were identified. The value-problem interaction matrices provided insight into the complex functioning of rural landscapes in Malatya. It is expected that the value-based integrated landscape planning model developed within the scope of the thesis will serve as a reference for our country and other countries that have not yet developed or are attempting to develop a rural landscape planning approach.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture