Yüksek fırın cürufu bağlayıcılı geopolimer betonun sülfat dayanıklılığına cam tozunun etkisi
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Bu çalışmada, geopolimer betonların sülfat etkilerine karşı gösterdiği dayanıklılık üzerine bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında, bağlayıcı olarak YFC (YFC) ve cam tozu kullanılarak geopolimer beton üretilmiştir. Altı farklı grup oluşturulmuş ve YFC'nin yerine ağırlıkça %0, %10, %20, %30, %40 ve %50 oranlarında cam tozu eklenmiştir. Geopolimer beton numuneleri, 28 günlük kür süresini tamamladıktan sonra %3 konsantrasyonundaki magnezyum sülfat ve sodyum sülfat çözeltilerine 12 hafta süreyle maruz bırakılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, numunelerin basınç dayanımları, eğilme dayanımları, kılcal geçirimlilik, ağırlık ve pH değerleri değişimleri izlenmiş ve görsel değişimler incelenmiştir. Deney sonuçları, kontrol numunelerinin 28 gün laboratuvar ortamında kür edilmiş sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgulara göre, geopolimer betonların basınç ve eğilme dayanımları açısından en yüksek değerler, cam tozu oranı %0 olan C0 grubundaki numunelerde elde edilmiştir. Cam tozu oranının artmasıyla birlikte basınç ve eğilme dayanımı değerlerinde bir azalma gözlenmiştir. Sülfat çözeltilerinde bekletilen numunelerin basınç ve eğilme dayanım değerleri azalmış, kılcal geçirimlilik katsayıları ise artmıştır. Görsel olarak incelendiğinde, sülfat çözeltilerinde bekletilen numunelerde herhangi bir bozulma gözlenmemiştir Anahtar Kelimeler: Geopolimer beton, YFC, cam tozu, sülfat direnci
In this study, research has been conducted on the durability of geopolymers against sulfate effects. Within the scope of the research, geopolymer concretes were produced using blast furnace slag (YFS) and glass powder as binders. Six different groups were created, and glass powder was added in weights of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% instead of YFS. Geopolymer concrete samples were exposed to 3% concentrations of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate solutions for 12 weeks after completing the 28-day curing period. During the study, changes in compressive strengths, flexural strengths, capillary permeability, weight, and pH values of the samples were monitored, and visual changes were examined. The experimental results were evaluated by comparing them with the results of the control samples cured for 28 days in a laboratory environment. According to the findings, the highest compressive and flexural strengths of geopolymers were obtained in the C0 group with a 0% glass powder ratio. An decrease in compressive and flexural strength values was observed as the glass powder ratio increased. Samples immersed in sulfate solutions showed a decrease in compressive and flexural strength values, while capillary permeability coefficients increased. Visual examination revealed no deterioration in samples immersed in sulfate solutions.. Keywords: Geopolymer concrete, blast furnace slag, glass powder, sulfate resistance
In this study, research has been conducted on the durability of geopolymers against sulfate effects. Within the scope of the research, geopolymer concretes were produced using blast furnace slag (YFS) and glass powder as binders. Six different groups were created, and glass powder was added in weights of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% instead of YFS. Geopolymer concrete samples were exposed to 3% concentrations of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate solutions for 12 weeks after completing the 28-day curing period. During the study, changes in compressive strengths, flexural strengths, capillary permeability, weight, and pH values of the samples were monitored, and visual changes were examined. The experimental results were evaluated by comparing them with the results of the control samples cured for 28 days in a laboratory environment. According to the findings, the highest compressive and flexural strengths of geopolymers were obtained in the C0 group with a 0% glass powder ratio. An decrease in compressive and flexural strength values was observed as the glass powder ratio increased. Samples immersed in sulfate solutions showed a decrease in compressive and flexural strength values, while capillary permeability coefficients increased. Visual examination revealed no deterioration in samples immersed in sulfate solutions.. Keywords: Geopolymer concrete, blast furnace slag, glass powder, sulfate resistance
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering