Malatyalı âşıklar Abuzer Kaplan ve Kenan Kaplan'ın biyografileri ve eserleri
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Bu çalışmada halk müziğinin temelini oluşturan âşıklık geleneğinden ve tarihi sürecindeki etkileşimlerinden bahsedilerek, bu gelenekte zengin bir geçmişi olan Malatya' nın âşıklık geleneğini içindeki yerini tanımak, teknolojinin gelişmesi ile sayıca azalan âşıklarımızı ve eserlerini gün yüzüne çıkarmak hedeflenmiştir. Âşıkların deneyimlerini, duygularını, fikirlerini, dünya görüşlerini ve diğer kültürel faaliyetlerini gözlemlemek ve âşıklık geleneğinin usta-çırak ilişkisi içinde aktarım süreçlerini anlamaya çalışmak için yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türk kültürü bakımından önemli yere sahip olan ve büyük emek isteyen âşıklık geleneğini, günümüzde hâlâ sürdüren, bu değeri kuşaktan kuşağa aktaran, üreten baba-oğul (usta-çırak ) iki âşığımızın hayat hikâyeleri ve eserleri hakkında bilgi vermek amacı ile yazılmıştır. Abuzer KAPLAN ( Âşık Kaplani )' nin ve Kenan KAPLAN (Sükûti)' nin yazmış oldukları şiirlerin bir bölümünün sunulması ayrıca âşıklarımızın çok sayıda bestelenmiş eserlerinden 15 tanesinin notaya alınmış halinin THM repertuvarına kazandırılması hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Biyografi, Ozanlık, Âşıklık Geleneği, Âşık Kaplani, Abuzer KAPLAN, Kenan KAPLAN, Sükûti
In this study, what is aimed is to make mention of the Âşıklık (minstrelsy) Tradition and bards of the Malatya region, which has a rich history in this tradition, by talking about the minstrelsy tradition that forms the basis of folk music and their interactions in its historical process and to bring forth our bards and their works,which are decreasing in number with the advancement in technology.It is conducted in order to observe the backgrounds,feelings,opinions,worldviews and other cultural activities of minstrels (âşıks) and bards and to try to find out the transmission precesses of Minstrelsy Tradition within the master-apprentice relationship. This study is written with the aim of providing information about two productive father son (master-aprentice) poets who still continue the tradition of minstrelsy, which has a significant place in terms of Turkish culture and requires great effort and who pass down this value from one generation to another. It is aimed to present a part of the poems written by Abuzer KAPLAN (Bard Kaplani) and Kenan Kaplan (Sükûti) as well as to present the notated versions of 15 of the numerous composed works to the THM. Key Words: Biography, Tradition of Minstrelsy, Bard Kaplani, Kenan Kaplan, Abuzer Kaplan, Sükûti
In this study, what is aimed is to make mention of the Âşıklık (minstrelsy) Tradition and bards of the Malatya region, which has a rich history in this tradition, by talking about the minstrelsy tradition that forms the basis of folk music and their interactions in its historical process and to bring forth our bards and their works,which are decreasing in number with the advancement in technology.It is conducted in order to observe the backgrounds,feelings,opinions,worldviews and other cultural activities of minstrels (âşıks) and bards and to try to find out the transmission precesses of Minstrelsy Tradition within the master-apprentice relationship. This study is written with the aim of providing information about two productive father son (master-aprentice) poets who still continue the tradition of minstrelsy, which has a significant place in terms of Turkish culture and requires great effort and who pass down this value from one generation to another. It is aimed to present a part of the poems written by Abuzer KAPLAN (Bard Kaplani) and Kenan Kaplan (Sükûti) as well as to present the notated versions of 15 of the numerous composed works to the THM. Key Words: Biography, Tradition of Minstrelsy, Bard Kaplani, Kenan Kaplan, Abuzer Kaplan, Sükûti
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Müziği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Müzik, Music