Türk edebiyatında musammatlar (Bentlerden oluşan nazım biçimleri)
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Musammat, her bendi en az üç mısradan müteşekkil nazım birimlerinin ortak adıdır. Bu çalışmada klasik Türk edebiyatında yazılan musammatlar incelendi. Bir nazım şeklinin tesmiyesi için gerekli olan en az üç bent kaidesiyle hareket edildi. Fakat tasmitlerin (zemin zamime ilişkisi olan nazım şekilleri terbi, tahmis, tesdis, tesbi, tesmin, tetsi, ta'şir… için) üçten az bentli olanları da değerlendirmeye dâhil edildi. Zira bu nazım şekillerinde şiirin kaç mısraya tamamlandığı esası, kabul edildi. Taştir, Terkib-bend ve Terci-bendi "Mısra Sayısı Değişen Musammatlar" başlığı altında ele alındı. Her ana başlık beş alt başlık altında değerlendirildi. Daha önce çalışılmış olan murabba, muhammes ve müseddes çalışmada detaya girilmeden bu nazım şekillerinin kısa değerlendirmeleri yapılıp genel dökümleri verilmekle yetinildi. Bu çalışmada, ulaşılabilen bütün divanlarda yer alan musammatlar tespit edilerek nazım şekilleri, şairleri, sayıları bakımından yüzyıllara göre tasnif edildi, şekil ve muhteva özellikleri açısından incelendi. Türk Edebiyatında Musammatlar adlı çalışma ile elde edilen musammat nazım şekilleri 10 ana başlıkta (Üç Mısralık Musammatlar, Dört Mısralık Musammatlar, Beş Mısralık Musammatlar, Altı Mısralık Musammatlar, Yedi Mısralık Musammatlar, Sekiz Mısralık Musammatlar, Dokuz Mısralık Musammatlar, On Mısralık Musammatlar, Bentleri On Mısradan Uzun Gazel Tipi Musammatlar, Mısra Sayısı Değişen Musammatlar) ve bu başlıklara bağlı 30 alt başlıkta (Müselles, Teslis, Murabba, Terbi, Muhammes, Tahmis, Tardiye, Müseddes, Tesdis, Müsebba, Tesbi, Müsemmen, Tesmin, Mütessa, Tetsi, Muaşşer, Ta'şir, Onbirli, Onbirleme, Onikili, Onikileme, Onüçlü, Ondörtlü, Onbeşli, Onaltılı, Yirmili, Yirmiikili, Taştir, Terkib-Bend, Terci-bend) ele alındı. Bu başlıkların her biri de beş alt başlıkta değerlendirildi: Birinci başlık altında kafiye çeşitleri incelenerek örnekler verildi. Farklı kafiye düzeninde yazılmış dikkate şayan musammatlar nazarlara sunuldu. İkinci başlıkta musammatlarda kullanılan bütün vezinler tasnif edilip en çok kullanılan vezinler tespit edildi. Musammatlarda en çok tercih edilen vezinlerin şiir örneklerine çalışmada yer verildi. Üçüncü başlıkta musammatların bent sayısı tespit edildi. Bu başlık altında en az üç bendi olan manzumeler değerlendirmeye alındı. Fakat asgari bent sayısı olan üç bent mevzusu tasmitlerde dikkate alınmayıp bu musammatlarda tamamlandığı mısra sayısı esas alındı. Bent sayısına göre musammatlar tasnif edildi. En çok musammatın kaç mısralık bentler halinde yazıldığı tespit edildi. Dördüncü başlık altında konu tespit edildi. Musammatlarda konu tespit edilirken hâkim konu esası dikkate alındı. Zira klasik Türk edebiyatında bir şiirde birden fazla konu ele alınabiliyor. Özellikle kaside, terci-bende ve terkib-bend gibi uzun şiirlerde tevhid ile Münacaat, içtimaî mevzularda yazılan manzumelerde eleştiri ile nasihat iç içe girmiştir. Bundan dolayı konu tespit edilirken hâkim konu esası nazara alındı. Konular tasnif edildikten sonra örnekler ile desteklendi. Bunun yanında mersiye ve methiyelerin kime yazıldıkları da belirtildi. Beşinci başlık altında musammatlarda mahlasın kullanılıp kullunılmadığı tespit edildi. Mahlaslı olan ve mahlaslı olmayan musammatlar tespit edildi. Mahlas kulanmama sebepleri irdelendi. Bu beş ana başlık dışında; farklı özellikleri ile dikkat çeken musammatlar, her nazım şekli için en çok musammat yazan şair ve yazdığı musammat sayısı, zamimeli şiirlerde zemin olarak en çok tercih edilen şair, en çok tercih edilen şiir vb. hususlar tespit edilerek dikkatlere sunuldu. Her yüzyılda yazılan musammatların genel dökümü, bent sayıları ile beraber verildi. Musammatı bulunan divan şairlerinin isim, doğum ve ölüm tarihleri ile doğdukları yerler tablo halinde verildi. Bunun yanı sıra musammat sayısı, yüzyıllara göre grafikler şeklinde de gösterildi.
Musammat is the common name of verse units each clause of which consists of at least three lines. In this study, the musammats written in classical Turkish literature were examined. It was acted on the principle that at least three clauses are required for the description of a verse. However, Tasmits with fewer than three clauses (for the verse forms with a base and extension relationship such as terbi, tahmis, tesdis, tesbi, tesmin, tetsi, ta'şir, etc.) were also included in the evaluation. Because in these verse forms, the basis of how many lines the poem is completed in is accepted. Taştir, Terkib-bend and Terci-bendi were discussed under the title of "Musammats with Changing Number of Verses". Each main heading was evaluated under five subheadings. Murabba, muhammes and müseddes, which were studied on before, were examined and described in general terms in this study. In this study, the musammats in all accessible divans were identified, classified according to centuries in terms of verse forms, poets, numbers, and examined in terms of form and content characteristics. The identified musammat verse forms are divided into 10 main headings (Musammats of Three Lines, Musammats of Four Lines, Musammats of Five Lines, Musammats of Six Lines, Musammats of Seven Lines, Musammats of Eight Lines, Musammats of Nine Lines, Musammats of Ten Lines, Ghazal Type with Verses Longer than Ten Lines, Musammats with Varied Numbers of Lines) and 30 subheadings related to these headings (Müselles, Teslis, Murabba, Terbi, Muhammes, Tahmis, Tardiye, Müseddes, Tesdis, Müsebba, Tesbi, Müsemmen, Tesmin, Mütessa, Tetsi, Muaşşer, Ta'şir, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-second, Taştir, Terkib-Bend, Terci-bend) were discussed. Each of these headings was evaluated under five subheadings: Under the first heading, rhyme types were examined, and examples were given. Remarkable musammats written in different rhyme schemes were presented. Under the second heading, all the meters used in musammats were classified and the most used meters were determined. Poem samples of the most preferred meters in Musammats were included in the study. In the third heading, the number of clauses (stanzas consisting of 3 or 5 lines) of musammats was determined. However, the principle of three clauses, which is the minimum number of clauses, was not taken into consideration in tasmits and the number of completed verses was taken as basis in these musammats. Musammats were classified according to the number of clauses. It was determined in which clauses the most musammat were written. The subject was identified under the fourth heading. While determining the topic in musammats, the dominant topic principle was taken into consideration. Because in classical Turkish literature, more than one subject can be discussed in a poem. Especially in long poems such as qasida, terci-bende and tekib-bend, monotheism and munacat are intertwined, and in poems written on social issues, criticism and advice are intertwined. Therefore, when determining the subject, the dominant subject matter was taken into consideration. After the topics were classified, they were supported with examples. In addition, it was also stated to whom the elegies and eulogies were written. Under the fifth heading, it was determined whether the pseudonym was used in the musammats. Pseudonymous and pseudonymous musammats were identified. The reasons for not using pseudonyms were examined. Apart from these five main headings; issues such as musammats that attract attention with their different features, the poet who wrote the most musammats for each verse form and the number of musammats he wrote, the poet most preferred as a background in poems with pronouns, the most preferred poem, etc. were identified and brought to attention. The general list of musammats written in each century is given together with the number of clauses. The names, birth and death dates, and birthplaces of the divan poets who have musammats were given in a table. In addition, the number of musammats was also shown in graphs according to centuries.
Musammat is the common name of verse units each clause of which consists of at least three lines. In this study, the musammats written in classical Turkish literature were examined. It was acted on the principle that at least three clauses are required for the description of a verse. However, Tasmits with fewer than three clauses (for the verse forms with a base and extension relationship such as terbi, tahmis, tesdis, tesbi, tesmin, tetsi, ta'şir, etc.) were also included in the evaluation. Because in these verse forms, the basis of how many lines the poem is completed in is accepted. Taştir, Terkib-bend and Terci-bendi were discussed under the title of "Musammats with Changing Number of Verses". Each main heading was evaluated under five subheadings. Murabba, muhammes and müseddes, which were studied on before, were examined and described in general terms in this study. In this study, the musammats in all accessible divans were identified, classified according to centuries in terms of verse forms, poets, numbers, and examined in terms of form and content characteristics. The identified musammat verse forms are divided into 10 main headings (Musammats of Three Lines, Musammats of Four Lines, Musammats of Five Lines, Musammats of Six Lines, Musammats of Seven Lines, Musammats of Eight Lines, Musammats of Nine Lines, Musammats of Ten Lines, Ghazal Type with Verses Longer than Ten Lines, Musammats with Varied Numbers of Lines) and 30 subheadings related to these headings (Müselles, Teslis, Murabba, Terbi, Muhammes, Tahmis, Tardiye, Müseddes, Tesdis, Müsebba, Tesbi, Müsemmen, Tesmin, Mütessa, Tetsi, Muaşşer, Ta'şir, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-second, Taştir, Terkib-Bend, Terci-bend) were discussed. Each of these headings was evaluated under five subheadings: Under the first heading, rhyme types were examined, and examples were given. Remarkable musammats written in different rhyme schemes were presented. Under the second heading, all the meters used in musammats were classified and the most used meters were determined. Poem samples of the most preferred meters in Musammats were included in the study. In the third heading, the number of clauses (stanzas consisting of 3 or 5 lines) of musammats was determined. However, the principle of three clauses, which is the minimum number of clauses, was not taken into consideration in tasmits and the number of completed verses was taken as basis in these musammats. Musammats were classified according to the number of clauses. It was determined in which clauses the most musammat were written. The subject was identified under the fourth heading. While determining the topic in musammats, the dominant topic principle was taken into consideration. Because in classical Turkish literature, more than one subject can be discussed in a poem. Especially in long poems such as qasida, terci-bende and tekib-bend, monotheism and munacat are intertwined, and in poems written on social issues, criticism and advice are intertwined. Therefore, when determining the subject, the dominant subject matter was taken into consideration. After the topics were classified, they were supported with examples. In addition, it was also stated to whom the elegies and eulogies were written. Under the fifth heading, it was determined whether the pseudonym was used in the musammats. Pseudonymous and pseudonymous musammats were identified. The reasons for not using pseudonyms were examined. Apart from these five main headings; issues such as musammats that attract attention with their different features, the poet who wrote the most musammats for each verse form and the number of musammats he wrote, the poet most preferred as a background in poems with pronouns, the most preferred poem, etc. were identified and brought to attention. The general list of musammats written in each century is given together with the number of clauses. The names, birth and death dates, and birthplaces of the divan poets who have musammats were given in a table. In addition, the number of musammats was also shown in graphs according to centuries.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı, Eski Türk Dili Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature