Malahit mineralinin amonyum nitrat çözeltileri ile liç edilmesi ve liçing kinetiğinin incelenmesi
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İnönü Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada malahit (CuCO3.Cu(OH)2) mineralinin amonyum nitrat çözeltilerinde liç edilmesi ve liçing kinetiği incelenmiştir. Deneylerde amonyum nitrat konsantrasyonu, tane boyutu, karıştırma hızı, katı/sıvı oranı ve reaksiyon sıcaklığı değişken parametreler olarak seçilmiştir. Deneylerin sonunda azalan tane boyutu, katı/sıvı oranı ve artan reaksiyon sıcaklığı, amonyum nitrat konsantrasyonu ve karıştırma hızı ile çözünme hızının arttığı gözlenmiştir. Malahit cevherinin amonyum nitrat çözeltilerindeki çözünme kinetiği heterojen reaksiyon modellerine göre incelenmiştir. Reaksiyonun küçülen çekirdek modeline uyduğu ve çözünme hızının kül tabakasından difüzyon kontrollü olduğu bulunmuştur. Aktivasyon enerjisi 53.68 kJ/mol olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çözünme kinetiği modeli aşağıdaki gibi gösterilebilir; t/t* = 1-3(1-x)(2/3) + 2(1-x) =1.127x10-4 (CA)1.068 (D)- 0.929 (K/S)-0.850 (v)0.185 exp(-6462.6/T ) t
In this present work, leaching and leaching kinetics of malachite (CuCO3.Cu(OH)2) mineral in ammonium nitrate solutions have been investigated. In the experiments, the ammonium nitrate concentration, the particle size, the stirring speed, the solid to liquid ratio (K/S) and the reaction temperature have been chosen as variable parameters. As a result of peresent experiments, it was observed that the decrease of the particle size, the solid to liquid ratio, and the increase of the reaction temperature, the ammonium nitrate concentration and the stirring speed increased the dissolution rate. The reaction kinetics of malachite ore in ammonium nitrate solutions according to the heterogenous reaction models were examined. It was found that the reaction was obeying the shrinking core model and the dissolution rate was controlled by diffusion from ash layer. The calculated activation energy was 53.68 kJ/mol. The model for dissolution kinetics can be expressed as; t/t* = 1-3(1-x)(2/3) + 2(1-x) =1.127x10-4(CA)1.068 (D)- 0.929 (K/S)-0.850 (v)0.185exp(-6462.6/T ) t
In this present work, leaching and leaching kinetics of malachite (CuCO3.Cu(OH)2) mineral in ammonium nitrate solutions have been investigated. In the experiments, the ammonium nitrate concentration, the particle size, the stirring speed, the solid to liquid ratio (K/S) and the reaction temperature have been chosen as variable parameters. As a result of peresent experiments, it was observed that the decrease of the particle size, the solid to liquid ratio, and the increase of the reaction temperature, the ammonium nitrate concentration and the stirring speed increased the dissolution rate. The reaction kinetics of malachite ore in ammonium nitrate solutions according to the heterogenous reaction models were examined. It was found that the reaction was obeying the shrinking core model and the dissolution rate was controlled by diffusion from ash layer. The calculated activation energy was 53.68 kJ/mol. The model for dissolution kinetics can be expressed as; t/t* = 1-3(1-x)(2/3) + 2(1-x) =1.127x10-4(CA)1.068 (D)- 0.929 (K/S)-0.850 (v)0.185exp(-6462.6/T ) t
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aktaş, E. (2008). Malahit mineralinin amonyum nitrat çözeltileri ile liç edilmesi ve liçing kinetiğinin incelenmesi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.