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Öz: Bu çalışmada, Samim Kocagöz'ün kişisel ve orijinal üslup döneminin romanlarından Bir Karış Toprak, yapısalcı bir yaklaşımla metin merkezli olarak çözümlenmektedir. Bir Karış Toprak, Tahtacı ve dağ Yörükleri adlarıyla da bilinen Türkmenlerin romanıdır. Yörüklerin kendi istekleri ile yerleşik hayata geçmeleri, topraklanmaları konusu ele alınır. Eserde, Yörüklerin özellikleri, gelenek ve görenekleri masal, destan havasında, canlı, değişik bir anlatımla sergilenir. Göçebe kültür ve töreleri ile yerleşik düzen arasındaki farklılık, hâkim bakış açısı ve yazar anlatıcı tekniği ile sergilenir. Eserde, insantabiat ve insan- insan çatışması söz konusudur. Olay zamanı, 1894'lü yıllara denk düşer. On bir aylık bir süreyi konu alan eserde, II. Abdülhamit dönemi, yani Cumhuriyet öncesi anlatılır. Olay ile zaman arasında derin bir münasebet vardır. Göçebe kültür, atasözlerinden deyimlere, ikilemelerden halk söyleyişlerine uzanan destansı bir anlatım tarzı ile yerleşik hayat ise durgunluk ve çaresizlik yüklü yalın bir dille verilir. Bu da dağlara dönerken Söke ovasına "Yörük Tımarı" adını armağan eden Yörüklerin yerleşik hayata geçişte yaşadığı bocalama ve durgunluğu hissettirmesi bakımından önemlidir.
Abstract: In this study the novel named "Bir Karış Toprak" (A Span of Land) which is one of the personal and original style period novels of Samim Kocagöz was resolved with a structuralist approach and based on text. Bir Karış Toprak, is a novel of Turkmens which are known as Tahtaci or mountain Yuruks. In the novel the plot is about the intentional switching of Yuruks to settled life and their land acquisition. In the novel, the features of Yuruks and their traditions are portrayed with a vital, unique and epic narration. The difference between nomadic culture & traditions and permanent settlement, dominant point of view were portrayed by author narrator technique. The events in the novel are dated back to 1894's. In the novel which is about a period of 11 months, Abdulhamid II. Era, namely pre-republican era is narrated. There is a deep relation between event and time. Nomadic culture is narrated with an epic style from proverbs to idioms, from reduplications to public articulations while permanent settlement is narrated with a plain style filled with stagnation and desperation. This is important in terms of evoking the stagnancy and floundering that Yuruks (who awarded the name Yuruk Timar" to Soke plain on the way back to the mountains) faced in switching to settled lifestyle.
Abstract: In this study the novel named "Bir Karış Toprak" (A Span of Land) which is one of the personal and original style period novels of Samim Kocagöz was resolved with a structuralist approach and based on text. Bir Karış Toprak, is a novel of Turkmens which are known as Tahtaci or mountain Yuruks. In the novel the plot is about the intentional switching of Yuruks to settled life and their land acquisition. In the novel, the features of Yuruks and their traditions are portrayed with a vital, unique and epic narration. The difference between nomadic culture & traditions and permanent settlement, dominant point of view were portrayed by author narrator technique. The events in the novel are dated back to 1894's. In the novel which is about a period of 11 months, Abdulhamid II. Era, namely pre-republican era is narrated. There is a deep relation between event and time. Nomadic culture is narrated with an epic style from proverbs to idioms, from reduplications to public articulations while permanent settlement is narrated with a plain style filled with stagnation and desperation. This is important in terms of evoking the stagnancy and floundering that Yuruks (who awarded the name Yuruk Timar" to Soke plain on the way back to the mountains) faced in switching to settled lifestyle.
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TAŞ S (2016). DOĞUMUNUN 100. YILI İÇİN SAMİM KOCAGÖZ'ÜN ROMANINDA YÖRÜKLER. Folklor/Edebiyat, 22(87), 93 - 110.