Wistar albino ratlarda midenin prenatal ve postnatal gelişimi
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İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada prenatal ve postnatal gelişim sürecinde midenin geçirdiği histolojik değişiklikler incelenmeye çalışıldı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmada İnönü Üniversitesi Deney Hayvanları Araştırma Laboratuarından temin edilen 200-250 g ağırlığında 34 adet dişi Wistar albino rat kullanıldı. Prenatal 7, 10, 14, 17, 20 günlük fetüslerden, postnatal 5, 10, 15, 20 günlük yavru ratlardan ve genç erişkin ratlardan alınan mide örnekleri rutin doku takip işlemleri ile hazırlanıp ışık mikroskopisinde incelendi.
Bulgular: Prenatal dönemde 7, 10, 14 günlük ratların mideleri çok katlı prizmatik veya yalancı çok katlı prizmatik epitelle döşeliydi. Epiteli mezenşimal bir bağ dokusu kuşatmaktaydı. Prenatal 17 günlük ratlarda mezenşim içinde sirküler seyirli bir kas tabakasının oluştuğu görüldü. Prenatal 20 günlük ratlarda lümenin genişlediği, duvarın kalınlaştığı, foveola ve bez benzeri yapıların ortaya çıktığı gözlendi. Epitel yer yer tek katlı prizmatik epitele dönüştü. Bez epitelinde boyun mukus hücreleri ve kas tabakasının dışında seroza tabakası ayırt edildi. Postnatal 5. günde tübüler mide bezlerinde pariyetal ve esas hücreler tanınabildi. İki kas tabakası arasında myenterik pleksus görüldü. Postnatal 10. günde yüzeyde mukus tabakasına rastlandı. Bundan sonraki dönemlerde de midenin histolojik özelliklerinin değişerek erişkin midesinin özelliklerini kazandığı görüldü.
Sonuç: Erişkin rat midesinin histolojik özelliklerinin prenatal ve postnatal hangi dönemlerde kazanıldığı araştırıldı. Elde edilen bulgular bu konuda yapılacak olan çalışmalara yol gösterecektir.
Aim: In this study, histological changes in stomach during prenatal and postnatal development were examined. Material and Methods: In this study, 34 female Wistar Albino rats weighing 200-250 g, obtained from Inonu University Experimental Animal Research Lab were used. Stomach samples obtained from prenatal 7,10,14,17, 20 days old fetuses and from postnatal 5,10,15,20 days old newly born and young adult rats were prepared by routine tissue proceeding procedure and examined by light microscopy. Results: In prenatal period, the stomachs of 7, 10,14 days old rats were surrounded by stratified columnar or pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Mesenchymal connective tissue surrounded the epithelium. A circular oriented muscle layer was formed in mesenchyme in prenatal 17 days old rats. In prenatal 20 days old rats, extension of the lumen, thickening of the wall, appearance of the foveola and gland-like structures were observed. Epithelium was transformed into simple columnar epithelium in various places. Mucous neck cells in the gland epithelium and outermost serosa layer were identified. On postnatal 5th day, parietal and chief cells could be detected in tubular gastric glands. Myenteric plexus was observed between two muscle layers. On postnatal 10th day, mucus layer was observed on the surface. In subsequent periods, histological properties of stomach were changed and gained adult stomach’s properties. Results: It was investigated in which prenatal and postnatal periods the histological features of the stomach of an adult rat were acquired. The obtained data of this study will guide the other related studies.
Aim: In this study, histological changes in stomach during prenatal and postnatal development were examined. Material and Methods: In this study, 34 female Wistar Albino rats weighing 200-250 g, obtained from Inonu University Experimental Animal Research Lab were used. Stomach samples obtained from prenatal 7,10,14,17, 20 days old fetuses and from postnatal 5,10,15,20 days old newly born and young adult rats were prepared by routine tissue proceeding procedure and examined by light microscopy. Results: In prenatal period, the stomachs of 7, 10,14 days old rats were surrounded by stratified columnar or pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Mesenchymal connective tissue surrounded the epithelium. A circular oriented muscle layer was formed in mesenchyme in prenatal 17 days old rats. In prenatal 20 days old rats, extension of the lumen, thickening of the wall, appearance of the foveola and gland-like structures were observed. Epithelium was transformed into simple columnar epithelium in various places. Mucous neck cells in the gland epithelium and outermost serosa layer were identified. On postnatal 5th day, parietal and chief cells could be detected in tubular gastric glands. Myenteric plexus was observed between two muscle layers. On postnatal 10th day, mucus layer was observed on the surface. In subsequent periods, histological properties of stomach were changed and gained adult stomach’s properties. Results: It was investigated in which prenatal and postnatal periods the histological features of the stomach of an adult rat were acquired. The obtained data of this study will guide the other related studies.
[Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, (2014).21 (1)]
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gelişme, Mide, Prenatal, Postanatal, Stomach, Prenatal, Postnatal, Development
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çetin, A.,Eşrefoğlu, M.,(2014).Wistar albino ratlarda midenin prenatal ve postnatal gelişimi.Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 21 (1).[Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, (2014).21 (1)]4-11 ss.