Pelvis kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde uzun dönem sonuçlarımız
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İnönü Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmamızda major pelvis kırığı olan hastalarımızın uzun dönem sonuçlarını inceleyip elde ettiğimiz verileri değerlendirdik. 2000-2012 yılları arasında kliniğimizde tedavi edilen 393 hastanın verilerine ulaşıldı. Ulaşılan hastalardan erişkin ve cerrahi tedavi uyguladığımız pelvis kırıklı hastaların sayısı 121 olarak saptandı. Hastaların demografik bilgileri, yaralanma mekanizmaları, uygulanan tedavi şekli, hastanede yatış süreleri gibi bilgileri hasta dosyalarından elde edildi. Hastaların adres ve telefon bilgilerini dosyalarından aldıktan sonra hastalar son muayeneleri için ortopedi polikliniğine davet edildi. Kontrole gelen hastaların ortopedik muayeneleri yapıldı, arşivden son kontrol filmleri toplandı. Sonrasında her hasta için önceden hazırlanan pelvis kırıklı hasta bilgi formu dolduruldu. Hannover skorlama (HS)metodu ile hastaların verileri çok iyi, iyi, orta ve kötü olarak değerlendirildi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde 121 hastadan 86' si erkek, 35'i kadın idi. En sık etyoloji trafik kazaları, ikinci sıklıkta ise yüksekten düşmelerdi. Hastaların 10'unda OTA Tip A, 96 'sında OTA Tip B, 15'inde ise OTA Tip C kırık mevcuttu. En sık kırık tipi 29 hastada (%24) OTA Tip B1-2 saptandı. Tüm hastaların tedavi metotları ayrıntılı not edilerek internal tespit, eksternal tespit, internal ve eksternal tespit olarak üç ana sınıfa ayrıldı. Uygulanan cerrahi yöntemler de ayrıntılı analiz edildi. Hannover Skorlamasına bakıldığında 52 hasta (% 43,0) çok iyi, 54 hasta (% 44,6) iyi, 15 hasta (% 12,4) makul olarak değerlendirildi. Kötü sonuç saptanmadı. Yüksek enerjili travmalar sonucu gelişen pelvis kırıklarında anotomik yapılara yakınlık nedeniyle nörovasküler ve ürogenital komplikasyonlar sık görülür. Günümüzde radyolojik ve cerrahi ekipmanların geliştirilmesiyle hastaların beklenen yaşam süresi artmıştır. Morbiditenin azaltılması hedef alındığında konservatif tedavidense cerrahi tedavi gerekli hale gelmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasında bölgemizde pelvis kırığı alanında referans sağlık merkezi olmamız nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi ettiğimiz hastalarımızın sonuçlarını paylaşmak istedik. Sonuçlarımız da göstermiştir ki cerrahi tedavinin fonksiyonel sonuçları oldukça başarılıdır. Uygun cerrahi tedavinin artık çoğu pelvis kırığında seçenek değil de ilk tedavi olduğunu düşünüyoruz.
In this study, we evaluated the data which we obtained by investigating the long-term results of our patients having pelvis fracture. The data of 393 patients whom have been treated in our clinic between 2000 and 2012 were accessed. The number of adult patients with pelvis fracture whom we implemented surgical treatment was determined to be 121. The patient information such as demographic data, injury mechanisms, and hospitalization duration were obtained from patient files. Patients were invited to the hospital for their last examinations. Orthopedic examinations of the patients coming for check-up were executed, and their last check-up films were gathered from archive. Then the information form for patients with pelvis fracture, which has been prepared prior, was filled for each of the patients. Through Hannover Scoring (HS) method, the data of the patients were assessed as very good, good, moderate and bad. Statistical analyses revealed that, of the 121 patients, 86 were male and 35 were female. The most frequent etiology was the traffic accidents, and the second one is the falls from a high. Of the patients, 10 had OTA Type A fraction, 96 had OTA Type B, and 15 had OTA Type C fraction. The most frequent type of fraction was determined to be OTA Type B1-2 in 29 (24%) of the patients. By noting the treatment methods of all the patients in details, the methods were classified under 3 main classes of internal fixation, external fixation and internal and external fixation. According the Hannover scoring, 52 (43%) patients were scored as very good, 54 (44.6%) good, and 15 (12.4%) moderate. No bad result has been detected. In pelvis fractures occurring as a result of high-energy traumas, the neurovascular and urogenital complications are observed frequently due to their nearness to anatomical structures. Nowadays, through the development of radiologic and surgical equipment, the life expectancies of the patients became longer. When it is targeted to decrease the morbidity, the surgical treatment became necessary rather than conservative treatment. In this thesis study, because we are a reference health care center for pelvis fracture in our region, we aimed to share the result of the patients whom we have treated. Our results have shown that the functional results of surgical treatment are obviously successful. We consider the appropriate surgical treatment to be the first treatment in most pelvic fractures rather than being an option.
In this study, we evaluated the data which we obtained by investigating the long-term results of our patients having pelvis fracture. The data of 393 patients whom have been treated in our clinic between 2000 and 2012 were accessed. The number of adult patients with pelvis fracture whom we implemented surgical treatment was determined to be 121. The patient information such as demographic data, injury mechanisms, and hospitalization duration were obtained from patient files. Patients were invited to the hospital for their last examinations. Orthopedic examinations of the patients coming for check-up were executed, and their last check-up films were gathered from archive. Then the information form for patients with pelvis fracture, which has been prepared prior, was filled for each of the patients. Through Hannover Scoring (HS) method, the data of the patients were assessed as very good, good, moderate and bad. Statistical analyses revealed that, of the 121 patients, 86 were male and 35 were female. The most frequent etiology was the traffic accidents, and the second one is the falls from a high. Of the patients, 10 had OTA Type A fraction, 96 had OTA Type B, and 15 had OTA Type C fraction. The most frequent type of fraction was determined to be OTA Type B1-2 in 29 (24%) of the patients. By noting the treatment methods of all the patients in details, the methods were classified under 3 main classes of internal fixation, external fixation and internal and external fixation. According the Hannover scoring, 52 (43%) patients were scored as very good, 54 (44.6%) good, and 15 (12.4%) moderate. No bad result has been detected. In pelvis fractures occurring as a result of high-energy traumas, the neurovascular and urogenital complications are observed frequently due to their nearness to anatomical structures. Nowadays, through the development of radiologic and surgical equipment, the life expectancies of the patients became longer. When it is targeted to decrease the morbidity, the surgical treatment became necessary rather than conservative treatment. In this thesis study, because we are a reference health care center for pelvis fracture in our region, we aimed to share the result of the patients whom we have treated. Our results have shown that the functional results of surgical treatment are obviously successful. We consider the appropriate surgical treatment to be the first treatment in most pelvic fractures rather than being an option.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Orthopedics and Traumatology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dağgez, C. (2014). Pelvis kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde uzun dönem sonuçlarımız. Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.