Plant Related Poisonings in Children: An Evaluation of 23 Cases
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Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
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Öz: Amaç: Ülkemizde pek çok bitki ve bitkisel kaynaklı ürünler erişkinlere benzer şekilde çocuklarda da zehirlenmelere sebep olmaktadır. Çalışmamızdaki amaç; İnönü üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Çocuk Acil Servisi'ne başvuran bitkisel kaynaklı zehirlenme olgularının incelenmesi, bu zehirlenmelerde sık saptanan etkenlerin ve klinik özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2010-Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında çocuk acil servisine bitkisel kaynaklı zehirlenme nedeni ile başvuran 23 çocuk hastanın dosyası geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Olgular yaş, cinsiyet, zehirlenme nedeni, başvuru sırasında gözlenen semptomlar, mevsimsel dağılım ve prognoz yönünden değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bir buçuk yıllık süre içerisinde 23 bitkisel zehirlenme olgusu, çocuk acil servisine başvuran zehirlenme nedeniyle başvuran hastaların %1,9'unu oluşturuyordu.Olguların 13'ü erkek, 10'u kızdı. Bitkisel zehirlenme olgularının %39,1'i 0-6 yaş grubunda, %34,8'i 13-17 yaş grubunda ve %26,1'i ise 5-12 yaş grubundaydı. Bitkisel zehirlenmeler arasında, en sık görülen etkenler kayısı çekirdeği ile filizlenmiş patates zehirlenmeleriydi. En az izlenen bitkisel zehirlenmenin ise 2 olgu ile sarmaşık zehirlenmesi olduğu belirlendi.Olgularımızın hiç birinde mortalite gelişmedi. Ancak morbidite açısından bakıldığında pıtrak (Xanhtium Strumarium) zehirlenmesi ile başvuran olgularımızdan birine (%4,3) karaciğer nakli yapılması gerekti. Sonuç: Çocukluk çağında tüm zehirlenmeler gibi bitkisel zehirlenmeler de önemli bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yaşanılan bölgenin bitki örtüsünün tanınması, sık rastlanan zehirli bitkilerin bilinmesi ve toplumun bilgi düzeylerini arttırılması bitkisel kaynaklı zehirlenmelere bağlı morbidite ve mortalitenin azalmasında yararlı olacaktır
Abstract: Aim: Many plants and plant originated products cause poisonings in children in Turkey. This study aims to study 23 plant-derived poisoning cases admitted to Inonu University, Turgut Ozal Medical Center, Pediatrical Emergency Service in terms of agents of toxication and the clinical features in order to decrease the number of poisonings. Materials and Methods: Twenty three patients who applied to Pediatrical Emergency Service due to plant-derived poisoning between January 2010 and May 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Cases were evaluated in accordance with their age, sex, cause of poisoning, symptoms at application, seasonal distribution, and prognosis. Results: There were 23 herbal poisoning cases, 1.9% of all cases admitted to the service due to poisoning, within eighteen months. Thirteen of these cases were males and 10 were females. Thirty-nine percent of plant originated poisoning cases were between 0-6 years of age; 34% of cases were between 13-17 years of age; and 26% of cases were between 5-12 years of age. The most common agents for plant originated poisoning were apricot seeds and sprouted potato. Mortality was not observed in our patients. However, as far as morbidity is concerned, one of our patients (4.3%) had to undergo liver transplantation due to cocklebur (Xanhti strumarium) poisoning. Conclusion: Like all the other types of poisonings, plant-derived poisonings appear as a significant problem during childhood. Preventive precautions,having a knowledge about the flora of the region and common toxic plants, and increasing the level of literacy in the community by educating the society may minimise mortality and morbidity
Abstract: Aim: Many plants and plant originated products cause poisonings in children in Turkey. This study aims to study 23 plant-derived poisoning cases admitted to Inonu University, Turgut Ozal Medical Center, Pediatrical Emergency Service in terms of agents of toxication and the clinical features in order to decrease the number of poisonings. Materials and Methods: Twenty three patients who applied to Pediatrical Emergency Service due to plant-derived poisoning between January 2010 and May 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Cases were evaluated in accordance with their age, sex, cause of poisoning, symptoms at application, seasonal distribution, and prognosis. Results: There were 23 herbal poisoning cases, 1.9% of all cases admitted to the service due to poisoning, within eighteen months. Thirteen of these cases were males and 10 were females. Thirty-nine percent of plant originated poisoning cases were between 0-6 years of age; 34% of cases were between 13-17 years of age; and 26% of cases were between 5-12 years of age. The most common agents for plant originated poisoning were apricot seeds and sprouted potato. Mortality was not observed in our patients. However, as far as morbidity is concerned, one of our patients (4.3%) had to undergo liver transplantation due to cocklebur (Xanhti strumarium) poisoning. Conclusion: Like all the other types of poisonings, plant-derived poisonings appear as a significant problem during childhood. Preventive precautions,having a knowledge about the flora of the region and common toxic plants, and increasing the level of literacy in the community by educating the society may minimise mortality and morbidity
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
ALMİŞ H,KARABİBER H,YAKINCI C (2014). Plant Related Poisonings in Children: An Evaluation of 23 Cases. İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 21(2), 126 - 129.