Tinea versikolor tedavisinde topikal ve topikal tedavi ile birlikte kullanılan sistemik antimikotiklerin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
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Türkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji Dergisi
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Öz: Giriş: Tinea versikolor sık olarak görülen lipofilik Malassezia türü mayalarca oluşturulan stratum korneumun yüzeyel enfeksiyonudur. Bir çok topikal ve sistemik antifungal ilaç tinea versikolor tedavisi için kullanılmakta ve sistemik ilaçların kullanımında sürekli bir artış gözlemlenmektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada tinea versikolor tedavisinde topikal antifungallerin ve topikal antifungallerle birlikte kullanılan sistemik ilaçların etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: Bu amaçla 1998-2002 yılları arasında dermatoloji kliniğine başvuran, tinea versikolor tanısı alan ve takipleri klinik gözlem ve nativ preparatla düzenli olarak yapılan, tedavi sonuçları kaydedilmiş hastaların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Çalışmaya alınan 59 hastanın 27'si (%45.8) kadın, 32'si (%54.2) erkekti. Bu değerlendirme sonunda 23 (%39.9) hastada sadece topikal tedavi uygulandığı, 19 (%32.2) hastada topikal tedavi ile birlikte itrakonazol ve 17 (%28.8) has-tada ise topikal tedavi ile birlikte oral ketokonazol kulla-nıldığı görüldü. Bulgular: Tedavi sonrasında klinik ve mikolojik iyileşmenin yalnız topikal tedavi uygulanan grupta %82.6 (19 hasta), itrakonazolle birlikte topikal tedavi kullanan grupta %89.5 (17 hasta) ve ketokonazolle birlikte topikal tedavi kullanan grupta ise %88.2 (15 hasta) olduğu görüldü. Sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildiğinde her üç tedavi yönteminin etkinlikleri arasında fark belirlenmedi. Sonuç: Tinea versikolor tedavisinde topikal antifungaller sistemik antifungaller kadar etkindir. Yan etki insidansı daha azdır ve tedavi maliyeti daha ucuzdur. Bu nedenle tinea versikolor tedavisinde ilk seçenek olarak kullanılmalarının, sistemik antifungallerin ise sık rekürrens gösteren veya yaygın lezyonları bulunan olgularda kullanıl-masının daha uygun olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.
Abstract: Background: Tinea versicolor is frequently seen superficial infection of stratum corneum by the lipophilic yeast known as malassezia species. A lot of topical and systemic antifungal drugs have been used for the treatment of tinea versicolor and the administration of systemic antifungal drugs have been steadily increasing. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of topical antifungal and topical plus systemic antifungal drugs in the treatment of tinea versicolor. Material and Method: For this purpose, the retrospective data of the patients who referred to dermatology clinic between 1998-2002 with a diagnosis of tinea versicolor, and were followed up regularly by clinical and mycological treatment results were evaluated. Of the 59 pa-tients who were enrolled to the study, 27 (45.8%) were woman and 32 (54.2%) were man. At the and of this evaluation, it is seen that, 23 (39.9%) patients were ad-ministered only topical treatment, 19 (32.2%), 17 (28.8%) of the patients were administered topical anti-fungal drug plus itraconazole and ketoconazole, respectively. Results: At the end of the treatment, the recovery ratios were 82.6% (19 patients), 89.5% (17 patients) and 88.2% (15 patients) in the topical, topical plus itraconazole, topical plus ketoconazole trreatment groups, respectively. There were not statistical significant difference between in three treatment modalities. Conclusion: Topical antifungal drugs are almost as effective as systemic antifungals in the treatment of tinea versi-color, their treatment costs are cheaper and incidence of adverse effects are lower. That's the reason why topical antifungal agents are suitable for the first line treatment in the therapy of tinea versicolor and systemic antifungal drugs may be used in the patients who have frequent re-currences or disseminated lesions.
Abstract: Background: Tinea versicolor is frequently seen superficial infection of stratum corneum by the lipophilic yeast known as malassezia species. A lot of topical and systemic antifungal drugs have been used for the treatment of tinea versicolor and the administration of systemic antifungal drugs have been steadily increasing. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of topical antifungal and topical plus systemic antifungal drugs in the treatment of tinea versicolor. Material and Method: For this purpose, the retrospective data of the patients who referred to dermatology clinic between 1998-2002 with a diagnosis of tinea versicolor, and were followed up regularly by clinical and mycological treatment results were evaluated. Of the 59 pa-tients who were enrolled to the study, 27 (45.8%) were woman and 32 (54.2%) were man. At the and of this evaluation, it is seen that, 23 (39.9%) patients were ad-ministered only topical treatment, 19 (32.2%), 17 (28.8%) of the patients were administered topical anti-fungal drug plus itraconazole and ketoconazole, respectively. Results: At the end of the treatment, the recovery ratios were 82.6% (19 patients), 89.5% (17 patients) and 88.2% (15 patients) in the topical, topical plus itraconazole, topical plus ketoconazole trreatment groups, respectively. There were not statistical significant difference between in three treatment modalities. Conclusion: Topical antifungal drugs are almost as effective as systemic antifungals in the treatment of tinea versi-color, their treatment costs are cheaper and incidence of adverse effects are lower. That's the reason why topical antifungal agents are suitable for the first line treatment in the therapy of tinea versicolor and systemic antifungal drugs may be used in the patients who have frequent re-currences or disseminated lesions.
Yıl: 2003Cilt: 13Sayı: 4ISSN: 1300-0330 / 2146-9016Sayfa Aralığı: 197 - 201Metin Dili:Türkçe
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
ÖZCAN H,KARINCAOĞLU Y,KANDİ B,EŞREFOĞLU M (2003). Tinea versikolor tedavisinde topikal ve topikal tedavi ile birlikte kullanılan sistemik antimikotiklerin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji Dergisi, 13(4), 197 - 201.