One-Step Reconstruction of Severe Burn Injury on the Face of Child by Using the Collagen-Elastin Matrix
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Abstract: Bu olgu sunumunda; yanığının 4. gününde, aynı anda kolajen-elastin matriks uygulaması ve üzerine deri greftlemesi yapılan çok ağır total yüz yanıklı 10 aylık kız hastayı sunuyoruz. Toplam yanık alanı tüm vücudun %SO'si olup neredeyse tüm alanlar 3. dereceydi. Bu yöntemle yapılan tüm greftler canlı kaldı. Erken sonuçlara gore, greft kalitesi; elastisite, pliabilite, doku kalitesi ve renk bakımından normale yakındı, Hastamızda yara kontürleri güzeldi ve yara bölgesinde hipertrofik skar yoktu. Dermis eşdeğeri olarak kolajen--elastin matriks, ağır yanık sonrası yüz rekonstrüksiyonunda yararlı bir yardımcı olabilir ve hızlı iyileşmeyi sağlamaya izin verebilir. Burada sunulan hasta kolajen--elastin matriksin (Matriderm®), bu türk yanıklarda greft olarak kullanıldığı ilk hastadır.
Abstract: We present 10 months--old girl patient with severe facial burns which include total face treated with using the collagen--elastin matrix and simultaneously an unmeshed split--thickness skin graft on the 4th day of admittance. Total surface burn area was 50% and all burned area was almost 3rd degree. Graft survival was 100% in this technique. In regard to early results, graft quality was close to normal skin in terms of elasticity, pliability, texture and the color. Good contour was also achieved and no hypertrophic scar occurred. Aesthetic and functional results have been encouraging. The collagen--elastin matrix as dermal substitute can be useful adjunct to severe post burn facial reconstruction and may permit to obtain quick healing. This is the first case of using the collagen-elastin matrix (Matriderm®).
Abstract: We present 10 months--old girl patient with severe facial burns which include total face treated with using the collagen--elastin matrix and simultaneously an unmeshed split--thickness skin graft on the 4th day of admittance. Total surface burn area was 50% and all burned area was almost 3rd degree. Graft survival was 100% in this technique. In regard to early results, graft quality was close to normal skin in terms of elasticity, pliability, texture and the color. Good contour was also achieved and no hypertrophic scar occurred. Aesthetic and functional results have been encouraging. The collagen--elastin matrix as dermal substitute can be useful adjunct to severe post burn facial reconstruction and may permit to obtain quick healing. This is the first case of using the collagen-elastin matrix (Matriderm®).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
DEMİRCAN M,ÇİÇEK T,YETİŞ İ (2013). One-Step Reconstruction of Severe Burn Injury on the Face of Child by Using the Collagen-Elastin Matrix. İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 20(4), 341 - 343.