învitro Perfüze Sıçan Kalbinde Başlangıç Solüsyonu ve Kardiyoplejiye Kaptopril ve Lisinopril îlavesinin Myokard Üzerine Etkileri+
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İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Attribution 3.0 United States
Myokard üzerine akut ve kronik olumlu etkileri bilinen Anjiyotensin Dönüştürücü Enzim (ADE) inhibitörlerinden; -SH grubu içeren kaptopril ile -SH grubu içermeyen lizinopril’in başlangıç solüsyonuna ve kardiyoplejiye ilave edilmesinin myokard üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma izole perfüze sıçan kalbinde gerçekleştirildi. Sıçanlar; kontrol grubu, lizinopril g rubu ve kaptopril grubu olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Tüm gruplarda 20 dakika perfüzyon, kardiyoplejik arrest, 30 dakika iskemi ve 30 dakika reperfüzyon yapıldı. İlaç gruplarında başlangıç solüsyonuna ve kardiyoplejiye, gruba göre lizinopril veya kaptopril eklendi. Tüm gruplarda perfüzyon ve reperfüzyon döneminde koroner kan akımı, kalbin oksijen tüketimi, CPK, LDH, AST enzim sekresyonu ölçüldü. Bulgular: Her iki ilaç da kontrol grubuna göre, perfüzyon ve reperfüzyon döneminde koroner kan akımını ve reperfuzyonun 30. dakikasında kalbin oksijen tüketimini istatistiksel olarak anlamlı arttırdı. Sonuç: ADE inhibitörlerinin koroner kan akımını arttırıcı etkileri nedeniyle; preoperatif riskli koroner arter hastalarında, oksijen ihtiyacı artmış hipertrofik myokardda v e KPB (kardiopulmoner bypass) süresi uzun sürmesi beklenen vakalarda kullanılabilecekleri kanısına vardık. Her iki ilaçla da benzer sonuçlar almamız, -SH grubunun bu etkilerde rolü olmadığını veya rolü olsa bile tek mekanizma olmadığı düşüncesine bizi ulaş tırdı.
We aimed to investigate the myocardial effects of the addition of captopril, a sulphydryl -containing angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and lisinopril, a non -sulphydryl-containing ACE inhibitor to the prime solution and cardioplegia. Material and Methods: Isolated rat heart model was used for the study. Rats were allocated into three groups: a control group, lisinopril group and captopril group. For all groups, cardioplegic arrest was achieved following 20 minutes of perfusion and 30 minutes of ischemia with con tinuous cardioplegic infusion and 30 min of reperfusion following ischemia were performed. According to study group, lisinopril or captopril were added to the prime solution and cardioplegic solution. Coronary blood £low, cardiac oxygen consumption, CPK, L DH, AST secretions were measured in perfusion and reperfusion periods. Results: Both drugs, compared to the plasebo group, caused statistically significant increase in coronary blood flow during perfusion and reperfusion phases and cardiac oxygen consumpt ion at minute 30 of reperfusion. Conclusions: We concluded that, as ACE inhibitors have an increasing effect on coronary blood flow, they may be used in coronary artery disease cases with high preoperative risk, in hyperthropic myocardium with increased oxygen demand and cases with expected long CPB (cardiopulmonary bypass) durations. We obtained similar results with both drugs, therefore we assume that —SH groups don’t play a major role in these effects.
We aimed to investigate the myocardial effects of the addition of captopril, a sulphydryl -containing angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and lisinopril, a non -sulphydryl-containing ACE inhibitor to the prime solution and cardioplegia. Material and Methods: Isolated rat heart model was used for the study. Rats were allocated into three groups: a control group, lisinopril group and captopril group. For all groups, cardioplegic arrest was achieved following 20 minutes of perfusion and 30 minutes of ischemia with con tinuous cardioplegic infusion and 30 min of reperfusion following ischemia were performed. According to study group, lisinopril or captopril were added to the prime solution and cardioplegic solution. Coronary blood £low, cardiac oxygen consumption, CPK, L DH, AST secretions were measured in perfusion and reperfusion periods. Results: Both drugs, compared to the plasebo group, caused statistically significant increase in coronary blood flow during perfusion and reperfusion phases and cardiac oxygen consumpt ion at minute 30 of reperfusion. Conclusions: We concluded that, as ACE inhibitors have an increasing effect on coronary blood flow, they may be used in coronary artery disease cases with high preoperative risk, in hyperthropic myocardium with increased oxygen demand and cases with expected long CPB (cardiopulmonary bypass) durations. We obtained similar results with both drugs, therefore we assume that —SH groups don’t play a major role in these effects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
ADE inhibitörü, İzole sıçan kalbi, Koroner akım, ACE inhibitors, Isolated rat heart, Coronary flow
İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
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