Tıp Fakültesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    IVF tedavisi uygulanan hastalarda dual trigger uygulanan hastalar ile standart trigger uygulanan hastaların karşılaştırılması
    (İnönü Üniversitesi, 2017) Yiğit, Fatih
    IVF tedavisi gören GnRH antagonisti protokolü ile kontrollü ovaryan stimülasyon uygulanan hastalarda OHSS riski nedeniyle dual trigger uygulanan hastaların standart hCG tetiklemesi yapılan hastaların oosit sayısı, MII oosit sayısı, gebelik ve doğum sonuçları açısından karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntemler: Çalışma için Nisan 2014-Mart 2017 tarihleri arasında İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Reprodüktif Endokrinoloji ve İnfertilite Bilim Dalına başvuran ve GnRH antagonist protokol ile standart kontrollü ovaryan stimulasyon (KOS) ve dual trigger ile final oosit maturasyonu sağlanan ve ardından ICSI prosedürü uygulanan tüm hastaların tıbbi dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı. Çalışma grubu OHSS riski nedeniyle dual trigger ile son oosit maturasyon tetiklemesi yapılan 40 hastadan oluşturulurken, kontrol grubu ise VKI, yaş (20-40) ve elde edilen oosit sayıları (5-20) açısından eşleştirilmiş standart trigger (10000 IU uhCG veya 500μgr rhCG ile) uygulanan 80 hastadan oluşturuldu. İki grup oosit sayısı, MII oosit sayısı, gebelik ve doğum sayıları açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların, yaş, kilo, boy, VKI, evlilik süresi, daha önceden gebelik varlığı, daha önceden paritesi olanların sayısı, daha önceden yaşayan çocuğu olanların sayısı, daha önceden abortus öyküsü olanların sayısı, sigara içenlerin sayısı, infertilite süresi, bazal LH, bazal E2, Prolaktin, TSH, İnfertilite sebepleri, hCG dozu, kullanılan toplam gonadotropin, hCG günü endometrium kalınlığı açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Elde edilen oosit sayısı, MII oosit sayısı OHSS riski nedeniyle dual trigger uygulanan grupta, kontrol grubuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek saptandı. Elde edilen gebelik sayısı, doğum yapan hasta sayısı açısından istatiksel olarak her iki grup arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: IVF tedavisi gören GnRH antagonisti döngüsünde OHSS riski nedeniyle dual trigger uygulanan hastalardan elde edilen oosit sayısı ve MII oosit sayısı standart hCG tetiklemesi yapılan hastalara göre fazla olmasına rağmen, elde edilen gebelik sayısı ve doğum sayısı açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarını değerlendirebilmek için geniş hasta grubu içeren prospektif çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Preterm prematür membran rüptürü hastalarında grup B streptokok kolonizasyon insidansı ve bunun perinatal sonuçlara etkisi
    (İnönü Üniversitesi, 2023) Yaycıoğlu, Nur
    Bu çalışmanın amacı 24. ve 34. haftalar arsında erken suyu gelen hastalarda vajinal ve rektal grup B streptokok insidansını saptamak ve doğum sonrası neonatal etkilerini belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 24. ve 34. haftalar arasında spontan olarak membranların rüptür olduğu PPROM tanılı 40 gebe ve ek hastalığı bulunmayan 24. ve 36. gebelik haftaları arasındaki 60 gebe dahil edildi. Bu hastalardan vajinal kültür, idrar kültürü alındı. Vajinal yayma ve rektal sürüntü alındı. Mikroskop ile vajinal yayma sonuçları analiz edildi. Bulgular: Bu çalışmaya 40 PPROM ve 60 ek hastalığı olmayan gebe gönüllü olmak üzere toplam 100 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Gebelik öncesi vajinit öyküsü, vajinal duş alışkanlığı ve disparoni şikâyeti PPROM grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çalışma popülasyonunun, çalışma için gereken örnekleri alındığı dönemdeki ultrasonografi ve doppler bulgularına bakıldığında umbilikal arter PI PPROM grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde yüksek saptanırken, beklendiği üzere AFİ daha düşük saptanmıştır. Bu hastakların doğum haftası, doğum kilosu, 1. ve 5. dakika Apgar skorları, RDS, hiperbilirubinemi, ROP, antibiyotik ve YDYBÜ ihtiyacı, PPROM grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çalışma popülasyonunun vajinal örneklerinin analizi sonucunda gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Ancak Nugent skoruna göre bakteriyel vajinozis veya ara değer olarak saptanan olgu sayısı PPROM grubunda daha fazla bulunmuştur (p=0,019). PPROM hastalarında GBS pozitifliği %17,5 olarak saptanmıştır. Tüm çalışma popülasyonu ele alındığında GBS varlığı RDS ve hiperbilirubinemi sıklığını artırıyor gibi görünmekle birlikte kontrol grubu çıkartıldığında neonatal sonuçlar açısından fark saptanmamıştır, bu da sonuçların prematürite kaynaklı olduğunu göstermektedir. Yalnızca PPROM olanlarda GBS etkisine bakıldığında ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı tek farklılık hiperbilirubinemide görülmektedir Sonuçlar: Bu çalışmada vajinal GBS kolonizasyonu pozitifliği %17,5 olarak saptanmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında PPROM olan grup ile kontrol grubu arasında GBS kolonizasyonu pozitifliği arasında fark bulunamamıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında GBS kolonizasyonu ile neonatal sonuçlar arasındaki ilişkiye bakıldığında, RDS ve hiperbilirubinemi riski GBS pozitif olan hastalarda daha yüksek saptanmıştır. Ancak kontrol grubu çıkartıldığında bu farkın tespit edilemiyor olması, farkın prematürite kaynaklı olduğunu göstermektedir.
  • Öğe
    Vajinal akıntı şikayeti olan hastalarda vajinit enfeksiyon etkenlerinin sıklığının saptanması
    (İnönü Üniversitesi, 2021) Kılıç, Sermin
    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı vajinal akıntı şikâyeti ile kliniğimize başvuran hastalardan alınan vajinal akıntı örneklerinde bakteriyel vajinozis sıklığının belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya vajinal akıntı şikâyeti olan 163 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastalardan litotomi pozisyonunda vajinal bölgeden mikrobiyolojik inceleme için iki vajinal sürüntü örneği alındı. Örneklerden biri aerop kültür için, diğeri Trikomonas PCR çalışılmak üzere transport besiyerine (HC2 DNA collectiondevicespecimen transport medium QIAGEN, Germany) alındı ve çalışmanın yapılacağı zamana kadar -20°C de saklandı. Mikroskobik inceleme için iki sürüntü örneği alındı. Preparatlardan biri Gram boyama ile boyanarak incelendi, diğeri yedek olarak muhafaza edildi. Alınan örneklerde bakteriyel vajinozis sıklığı araştırıldı. Bulgular: Bu çalışmada direkt bakı inceleme ile 59 (%36,2) hastada orta ve bol polimorfonükleer lökosit (PNL) ve 27 (%16,5) hastada Candidaspp. tespit edildi. Direk bakıda cluecell varlığı 8 hastada (%4,9) saptandı.Yapılan kültürde 94 (%57,7) hastada laktobasil izlenmemiş olup, 11 hastada (%6,7) Gardnerella ve 39 (%23,9) hastada Candida spp. üremiştir. Trikomonas PCR ile 9 (%5,5) hastada trikomonas tespit edilmiştir. Amsel kriterlerine göre 62 (%38,0), Nugent skoruna göre ise 42 (%25,8) hastada, bakteriyel vajinozis (BV) tespit edilmiştir. Nugent skoruna göre 40 (%24,5) hasta intermediate olarak saptanmıştır. Amsel kriterlerine göre 62 hasta (%53,4) BV tanısı almış olup, 26 (%22,4) hastada sadece Candida enfeksiyonu ve 7 hastada (%6) sadece Trikomoniyazis saptanmıştır. Amsel kriterlerine göre BV tanısı alan hastalarda vajinal kötü koku semptomu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulunmuş olup, geçirilmiş vajinit öyküsü olan hastalarda BV daha sık saptanmıştır. Erken doğum öyküsü açısından patojene göre dağılım incelendiğinde ise BV olan grupta erken doğum öyküsü, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmasa da herhangi bir patojen tespit edilmeyen hastalara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p=0,051). Sonuçlar: Bu çalışmada BV açısından Nugent skorlamasının, Amsel kriterlerine kıyasla toplumda daha az kişiye tanı koyduğu görülmüştür. Amsel kriterleri, Nugent skorlamasında ara değer (intermediate) olarak nitelendirilen gruptaki bir kısım hastaya da BV tanısı koymaktadır. BV olan hastalarda diğer patojenler ile karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı olarak artan tek semptom kötü koku olarak bulunmuştur. BV tespit edilen hastalarda geçirilmiş vajinit daha sık bulunmuştur bu durum da BV'in tekrarlama riskinin yüksek olması ile açıklanabilir. Class I ve üzeri obezite de BV sıklığını artırmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of relationships between novel inflammatory markers and presence and severity ofpreeclampsia: epicardial fat thickness, pentraxin-3, and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
    (Taylor & francıs ınc, 530 walnut street, ste 850, phıladelphıa, pa 19106 usa, 2017) Coskun, Ebru Inci; Erturk, Mehmet
    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation of three new inflammatory markers with presence and severity of preeclampsia and to compare the predictive values of all markers for presence of this setting.Methods: In this study, a total of 100 consecutive pregnants with a diagnosis of preeclampsia and 40 healthy pregnants between October 2014 and April 2015 were included. Epicardial fat tissue was calculated by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, and pentraxin-3 and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio were measured by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method and routine blood count analysis, respectively.Results: Epicardial fat thickness (p<0.001), pentraxin-3 (p<0.001), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p<0.001) were found to be significantly increased in the preeclampsia as compared to the healthy pregnants. Furthermore, epicardial fat thickness (p=0.002), pentraxin-3 (p<0.001), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p<0.001) were significantly elevated in the severe preeclampsia compared to mild preeclampsia. In the multivariate analysis, epicardial fat thickness (p=0.013), pentraxin-3 (p=0.04), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p<0.001) were found as significant independent predictors of presence of preeclampsia after adjusting for other risk factors.Conclusion: Epicardial fat thickness, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and pentraxin-3 are important markers that provide an additional information beyond that provided by conventional methods in predicting presence and severity of preeclampsia.
  • Öğe
    Treatment of unruptured cornual pregnancies by local injections of methotrexate or potassium chloride under transvaginal ultrasonographic guidance
    (Professıonal medıcal publıcatıons, panorama centre, rm 522, 5th floor, bldg 2, raja ghazanfar alı rd, po box 8766, saddar, karachı 00000, pakıstan, 2018) Tuncay, Görkem; Karaer, Abdullah; Coşkun, Ebru İnci; Melekoğlu, Rauf
    Objective: To demonstrate the outcome of intralesional management and show the safety of local treatment of cornual pregnancy. Methods: Eight patients were treated with local methotrexate or potassium chloride injection. All patients underwent transvaginal ultrasound examination and were diagnosed by the criteria defined by TimorTritsch. In the case of fetal heart beat observation, potassium chloride was injected; and in the case of no heart beat detection, methotrexate was used. A follicle aspiration needle was inserted directly into the gestational sac under transvaginal guidance. Results: Although it has been considered to be a risk factor, none of the patients in our study had previous ectopic pregnancy, history of infertility / in vitro fertilization, or cornual pregnancy. One of the patients had a medical history of abortion. In four cases, methotrexate was injected, and three patients received potassium chloride as a local treatment. None of the patients had any complication in the peri- or postoperative period. Conclusion: Using a local approach, the treatment agent can reach the area of the cornual pregnancy in high concentrations. Based on this case series, a local approach seems to be an effective and fertilitysparing method for treating unruptured cornual pregnancies.
  • Öğe
    Antenatal magnesium sulfate use for fetal neuroprotection: experience from a tertiary care hospitalin turkey
    (Allıed acad, 40 bloomsbury way, lower ground flr, london, wc1a 2se, england, 2017) Rauf, Melekoglu; Sevil, Eraslan; Ebru, Celik; Yavuz, Simsek; Cemil, Colak
    Aims: We aimed to demonstrate the effect of magnesium sulfate for fetal neuroprotection on maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnants delivered before 32 weeks. Materials and methods: The records of 107 patients who were delivered before 32 weeks of pregnancy were reviewed retrospectively during the period between January 2011-February 2016. Patients who were treated with MgSO4 for fetal neuroprotective effect constituted the study group, and patients who were not received MgSO4 for the fetal neuroprotection represented the control group. Results: One hundred seven women delivered before 32nd weeks of pregnancy met study criteria and of these patients, 46 were formed the magnesium sulfate group, and the remaining 61 were constituted the control group. The age (28.37 +/- 4.97 versus 29.90 +/- 5.23 respectively; p= 0.129), body mass index (BMI) (26.25 +/- 4.12 versus 26.90 +/- 5.68 respectively; p= 0.342) and gestational age at delivery (28.08 +/- 2.66 versus 28.78 +/- 2.15 respectively; p= 0.136) were similar between the groups. Intraventricular hemorrhage was more common in control group compared with the MgSO4 group [7/61 (11.4%) versus 3/46 (6.5%); p= 0.049]. For the periventricular leukomalacia [1 (2.2%) versus 0 (0%) respectively; p= 0.430], neonatal convulsion [1 (2.2%) versus 3 (4.9%) respectively; P= 0.630] and neonatal encephalopathy [0 (0%) versus 1 (1.6%) respectively; p= 0.570], no substantial differences were seen between the groups. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that MgSO4 treatment for fetal neuroprotection has a beneficial effect on intraventricular hemorrhage rate. The widespread use of prenatal MgSO4 for the purpose of fetal neuroprotection before 32 weeks of pregnancy at a standard dose protocol could improve the neonatal neurological outcomes.
  • Öğe
    Renal cell carcinoma diagnosed during pregnancy: A case report and literature review
    (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2018) Yılmaz, Ercan; Oğuz, Fatih; Tuncay, Görkem; Melekoğlu, Rauf; Beytur, Ali; Coşkun, Ebru İnci; Güneş, Ali
    Diagnosing cancer during pregnancy is uncommon. Although pregnancies with concomitant malignancies have been reported, urological tumours are possibly the most rarely identified tumours during pregnancy. Renal cell carcinoma appears to be the most common urological malignancy during pregnancy. In this case report, we discuss successful management of a patient who was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma during the antenatal period.
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    The long-term effects of endometrioma surgery on ovarian reserve: aprospective case-control study
    (Taylor & francıs ltd, 2-4 park square, mılton park, abıngdon or14 4rn, oxon, england, 2018) Turkcuoglu, Ilgin; Melekoglu, Rauf
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of endometrioma excision on ovarian reserve. This study evaluated the long-term effects of endometrioma excision on ovarian reserve. A total of 63 women were enrolled in this prospective case-control study; 21 women had histories of endometrioma surgery (study group), 21 women had diagnoses of endometrioma, and 21 healthy age-matched women served as controls. Participants were recruited from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, between January 2007 and January 2016. The mean follow-up duration after endometrioma surgery was 30.418.0months for the study group. The mean follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and estradiol levels were similar among groups, but the anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) level was significantly lower in the surgery group than in the control group (p<.001). The mean AMH level was 42% lower in the endometrioma surgery group than in the endometrioma group and 30% lower in the endometrioma group than in the control group (p=.080 and p=.160, respectively). Endometrioma has a detrimental effect on ovarian reserve, and decreased ovarian reserve compared with that in healthy fertile subjects without endometrioma is evident shortly after endometrioma excision. However, the endometrioma excision procedure does not significantly decrease the ovarian reserve in the long term.
  • Öğe
    The impact of thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in euthyroid women onintrauterine insemination outcome
    (Bıomed central ltd, 236 grays ınn rd, floor 6, london wc1x 8hl, england, 2018) Tuncay, Gorkem; Karaer, Abdullah; Coskun, Ebru Inci; Baloglu, Demet; Tecellioglu, Ayse Nihan
    Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels on intrauterine insemination (IUI) outcomes among euthyroid women. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. A total of 302 women who started their first IUI cycle in our fertility center were included in this study. The patients were categorized into two groups based on their preconception TSH values: 0.38-2.49 mIU/L and 2.50-4.99 mIU/L. The clinical pregnancy rate was the main outcome parameter. As secondary parameters, we evaluated the differences in spontaneous abortion rate, live-birth delivery rate, and perinatal outcomes according to the preconception TSH threshold (< 2.5 and < 5.00 mIU/L). Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups with respect to clinical pregnancy, miscarriage, and live-birth rates with an odds ratio of 1.67 (95% CI: 0.79-3.53), 1.08 (95% CI: 0.09-13.1), and 1.79 (95% CI: 0.77-4.2), respectively. In addition, there were no significant differences in perinatal outcomes (gestation at delivery, birth weight, and neonatal intensive care unit-administration rate) between the two groups. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that among euthyroid patients, preconception TSH values in the high-normal range (between 2.5 and 4.9 mIU/L) do not have a negative effect on IUI outcomes.
  • Öğe
    The impact of plasma socs3 levels and endometrial leukocytes onunexplained infertility
    (Tubıtak scıentıfıc & technıcal research councıl turkey, ataturk bulvarı no 221, kavaklıdere, ankara, 00000, turkey, 2018) Akpolat, Nusret; Ilhan, Fulya
    Background/aim: To investigate the possible differences in endometrial leukocyte subtype distribution between women with unexplained infertility and normal fertile women and to determine whether there is a correlation between endometrial leukocyte counts and plasma cytokine levels in unexplained infertility. Materials and methods: This case-control study involved 79 infertile and 40 fertile women. Peripheral venous blood samples and endometrial samples were obtained on day 21 of the menstrual cycle. Plasma interleukin-4 (IL4), IL6, IL10, IL17, IL35, interferongamma (IFN-g), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b), and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS3) levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Endometrial CD8, CD56, and CD163 counts were detected by immunohistochemistry. Results: CD8 and CD56 counts were significantly higher, while CD163 count was significantly lower in infertile women than in fertile women. Plasma SOCS3, IL35, and IL4 levels of the infertile group were significantly lower than those of the fertile group (P < 0.01); the remaining cytokine levels were significantly higher in the infertile group than in the fertile group (P < 0.01). Conclusion: We observed aberrant cytotoxic immune activity in infertile women. The interaction between plasma SOCS3 levels and staining degree of endometrial leukocytes may be either the reason for or result of infertility leading to unavailability of the environment for implantation.
  • Öğe
    The evaluation of the effect of vaginal delivery and aging on anal sphincteranatomy and function
    (Elsevıer masson, corporatıon offıce, 65 camılle desmoulıns cs50083 ıssy-les-moulıneaux, 92442 parıs, france, 2018) Cay, Mahmut; Cetin, Aymelek; Ates, Mustafa; Koleli, Isil; Senol, Deniz; Kose, Evren; Ozgor, Dincer; Simsek, Arife; Ozbag, Davut
    Objective. - This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of vaginal delivery and aging on anal sphincter anatomy and function. Method. - Asymptomatic thirty women were included in this prospective study. Group 1 included 10 women (age range: 18-50) who had never been pregnant. Group 2 included 10 women (age range: 18-50) who had vaginal delivery. Group 3 included 10 women over 50 who had vaginal delivery. Results. - There was no statistically significant difference between the three groups in terms of resting and squeeze pressures. It was found that sphincter thickness showed statistically significant difference between the group 1 and group 3, and also group 2 and group 3. There was not statistically significant difference between the group 1 and group 2 in terms of sphincter thickness. There was a positive correlation between the age and sphincter thickness in all groups. In terms of sphincter thickness and pressure findings there was a positive correlation between the squeeze pressure and external anal sphincter thickness only in group 3. Conclusion. - The vaginal delivery did not have a negative influence on the structure and function of the anal sphincter in asymptomatic women. However, it was found that anal sphincter thickness changed strongly in a positive manner with aging. (C) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Melatonin preserves ovarian tissues of rats exposed to chronic TCDD: An electron microscopic approach to effects of TCDD on ovarian cells
    (SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USA, 2018) Gül, Semir; Gül, Mehmet; Yiğitcan, Birgül
    2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a toxic agent and has disruptive effects on reproductive tissues in females. TCDD disrupts the hormonal regulation of the body and decreases the production of melatonin. In this study, we investigated the protective effects of melatonin supplements against the toxic effects of TCDD on ovaries of female rats. TCDD caused a significant decrease in the average number of corpora lutea and follicles per tissue section (2.1 +/- 0.7; 2.3 +/- 0.8, respectively), whereas these numbers were maintained in the melatonin supplemented group (5.0 +/- 0.8; 5.1 +/- 0.8, respectively) and were similar to the control group (5.3 +/- 1.0; 5.9 +/- 0.9, respectively). Electron microscopic analysis showed that the disruption of ultrastructure components such as cell membrane and organelles due to TCDD exposure was inhibited by melatonin supplements. This study suggested that melatonin has a protective and a possible ameliorative effect over histopathological damage of rat ovaries exposed to TCDD.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the effect of gestational diabetes on fetal cardiac tissue in streptozotocin induced in rats(1)
    (ACTA CIRURGICA BRASILEIRA, ALAMEDA RIO CLARO, 179-41, SAO PAULO, SP 01332-010, BRAZIL, 2018) Yılmaz, Ercan; Gül, Mehmet; Melekoğlu, Rauf; Türköz, Yusuf; Özyalın, Fatma; Parlakpınar, Hakan
    Purpose: To Investigate the cause of congenital anomalies resulted from gestational diabetes on fetal cardiac tissue in experimental animal study model. Methods: Totally 12 female WIstar albino rats were divided Into two groups, each consisting of 6 rats. Streptozotocln (60 mg/kg) was administered intraperltoneally to the study group by dissolving In citrate solution. The rats with a blood glucose level of 200 mg/dL and above were considered to be diabetic rats. Total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidative stress (TOS) and oxidative stress Index (OSI) values were calculated In the cardiac tissues and maternal serum samples of the fetuses delivered by cesarean section after the mating process. The cardiac tissues were also subjected to hlstopathologlcal examination. Results: TOS and OSI values In fetal cardiac tissues of the diabetic rats were found to be significantly higher than that of the control group (p=0.026 and p=0.005). Histopathological examination revealed that the mitotic Index was lower and the cell organization was found to be damaged In the fetuses of the study group rats. Conclusion: Increased levels of free oxygen radicals considered to be due to hyperglycemia may cause congenital anomalies, especially during organogenesis period, by disrupting cell homeostasis and adversely affecting mitosis.
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    Impact of serum and follicular vitamin d levels on assisted reproductive techniques outcome
    (SCI PRINTERS & PUBL INC, PO DRAWER 12425 8342 OLIVE BLVD, ST LOUIS, MO 63132 USA, 2018) Tuncay, Görkem; Taşkapan, Çağatay
    OBJECTIVE: To compare vitamin D levels in the serum and follicular fluids of in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients with regard to their pregnancy outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: This study enrolled 170 female patients (20-44 years old) who underwent intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles between February 2015 and February 2016. The serum vitamin D was isolated by centrifugation. The follicular fluid samples were centrifuged and the supernatant was evaluated after the oocyte puncture procedure. RESULTS: Fifty-six patients had clinical pregnancies and 106 did not, and we did not find any statistically significant differences between these 2 groups in their basic or cycle characteristics. The basal follicle-stimulating hormone level was significantly lower in the pregnant group (p=0.003). A significant difference was detected in the serum vitamin D, and the follicular vitamin D concentrations were higher in the pregnant group (p=0.01 and p=0.003, respectively). There was a significant linear correlation between the 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in the serum and follicular fluid (r=0.77, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: High vitamin D levels can improve the implantation rate and IVF outcome. The serum vitamin D level should be determined prior to IVF/ICSI cycles and supplemented if an insufficiency is established.
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    Immunhistochemical analysis of nuclear factor kappa beta expression in etiopathogenesis of ovariantumors
    (ACTA CIRURGICA BRASILEIRA, ALAMEDA RIO CLARO, 179-41, SAO PAULO, SP 01332-010, BRAZIL, 2018) Yılmaz, Ercan; Gül, Mehmet; Melekoğlu, Rauf; Köleli, Işıl
    Purpose: To investigate the place of the transcription factor nuclear kappa B (NF-kappa B), which is a marker of chronic inflammation, in the etiology of the ovarian carcinoma. Methods: NFkB analysis with the immunohistochemical method has been performed. To evaluate immunohistochemical NF-kappa B expression in the ovarian tissue, the H-score method. H-score = Sigma Pi (i+1), where "Pi'' is the percentage of stained cells in each intensity category (0-100%) and "i'' is the intensity indicating weak (i=1), moderate (i=2) or strong staining (i=3). Results: It has been seen that, the mean H score is statistically significantly higher in the patient group with serous and musinous adenocarcinoma diagnosis than the two other patient groups (p<0.005). Conclusions: Factor nuclear kappa B is an important mediator that acts in the chronic inflammation. The highest expression rates are determined by the immunohistochemical method in the ovarian cancer group.
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    Isolated recurrence of early-stage cervical cancer in the abdominal wall with suboptimal surgery
    (I r o g canada, ınc, 4900 cote st-luc, apt#212, montreal, quebec h3w 2h3, canada, 2018) Yilmaz, E.; Coskun, E., I; Koc, C.; Sahin, N.; Isik, B.; Ciplak, B.
    In this report, the authors present the case of a 47-year-old woman with an isolated recurrence of early-stage cervical cancer treated with suboptimal surgery of the abdominal wall and that subsequently underwent radiotherapy.
  • Öğe
    Examination of the effect of melatonin use before hysterosalpingography on ovarian follicle reservein rats
    (I r o g canada, ınc, 4900 cote st-luc, apt#212, montreal, quebec h3w 2h3, canada, 2018) Yilmaz, E. S.; Sapmaz, T.; Kazgan, H; Yildiz, S. Menziletoglu; Kocamaz, D; Akpolat, N.; Sapmaz, E.
    Objective: To examine the effects of lipiodol, melatonin, and radiation used during hysterosalpingography (HSG) on rat ovarian follicle reserve. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 Wistar rats with regular estrous cycles were randomly divided into five groups. Group 1 was the control group. The other groups, X-ray was applied (G2), 0.1 ml lipiodol was applied to each uterine horn (G3), 20 mg/kg intraperitoneal melatonin application was followed by 0.1 ml lipiodol administration to each uterine horn after 15 minutes (G4), 20 mg/kg melatonin was administered to ligamentum suspensorium ovarii, followed by 0.1 ml lipiodol application to each uterine horn after 15 minutes (G5), respectively. The rats in G2, G3, G4, and G5 were exposed three times to whole body radiation. Then, all rats were re-opened and left oophorectomy was performed. Left ovarian samples were fixed in formaldehyde. Primordial, primary, secondary, and tertiary follicles were counted in the preparations, and all were added to calculate the ovarian follicle reserve. Results: Primordial, primary, and ovarian follicle reserves were found significantly lower in G2, in comparison to other groups. Atretic follicle values were significantly higher in G2 compared to G3, and in G3 compared to the other groups. Regression of angiogenesis within corpus luteum was found significantly lower in G2, compared to G3, and in G3 compared to other groups. All values in G1, G4, and G5 were similar. Conclusion: Use of lipiodol and melatonin during HSG procedure prevents the negative effects of radiation on ovarian follicle reserve. Keywords
  • Öğe
    Early diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus during the first trimester of pregnancy based on theone-step approach of the ınternational association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups
    (Sprınger ındıa, 7th floor, vıjaya buıldıng, 17, barakhamba road, new delhı, 110 001, ındıa, 2018) Rauf, Melekoglu; Sevil, Eraslan; Cemil, Colak
    To examine the utility of the 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), conducted according to the criteria of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG), for the early diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to propose new cut-off values. A total of 350 prospectively enrolled patients were admitted to Inonu University School of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic between April 2012 and January 2015 for first-trimester screening. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during the first trimester of pregnancy (11-13 weeks) was diagnosed using the 75-g OGTT. In patients who tested negative, the OGTT was repeated at 24-28 weeks. GDM was diagnosed in 14.6% of the patients, of whom 80.3% were diagnosed during the first trimester. In these patients, there were no remarkable changes in fasting plasma glucose level when a fasting glucose cutoff of 92 mg/dl was used for the diagnosis of GDM. The sensitivity and specificity of the OGTT were 66.6% and 99.3%, respectively (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUROC] 0.892, 95% CI 0.855-0.923, p < 0.001). The cutoff value for a positive 75-g OGTT result was reduced from 180 to 173 mg/dl for the 1-h post-glucose load (AUROC 0.908, 95% CI 0.873-0.936, p < 0.001) and from 153 to 129 mg/dl for the 2-h post-glucose load (AUROC 0.861, 95% CI 0.515-0.775, p < 0.001). The 75-g OGTT based on IADPSG criteria can be used to detect 80% of GDM cases as early as the first trimester. A modification of current cutoff values would improve the sensitivity of the test but lower its specificity.
  • Öğe
    Beneficial effects of curcumin and capsaicin on cyclophosphamide-induced premature ovarian failure in a rat model
    (BMC, CAMPUS, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND, 2018) Melekoğlu, Rauf; Çiftçi, Osman; Çetin, Aslı; Başak, Neşe
    Background: In recent years, cancer rates have been rising among reproductive-age women. Thus, chemotherapy exposure has become an important cause of premature ovarian failure (POF). There has been growing interest regarding the preservation and restoration of ovarian function before and after oncological treatment because of the reproductive risk of chemotherapeutics and improved long-term survival of cancer patients. In this study, we sought to analyze the effects of curcumin (CRC) and capsaicin (CPS) on cyclophosphamide-induced POF in a rat model. Methods: POF in rats was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 200 mg/kg cyclophosphamide on day 1 and then 8 mg/kg/day for the following 14 days. After 14 days of cyclophosphamide administration, rats were randomly divided into three groups as follows (n = 10/group): POF, POF + CRC (100 mg/kg/day), and POF + CPS (0.5 mg/kg/day) to determine the effects of CRC and CPS on the cyclophosphamide-induced POF rat model. Biochemical, hormonal, and histopathological evaluations were performed on blood and tissue samples 14 days after the CRC and CPS treatments. Results: Malonaldehyde levels were significantly reduced, and glutathione levels and superoxide dismutase activity were significantly increased, in ovarian tissues in the POF + CRC and POF + CPS groups compared with the POF group. In the POF group, we observed hemorrhage and prominent mononuclear cell infiltration beneath the germinative epithelium, vascular congestion in ovarian stroma, hemorrhage around the corpus luteum, and atresia in ovarian follicles. This histopathological damage was significantly improved by treatment with CRC and CPS. There was a significant reduction in serum follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels in rats treated with CRC and CPS compared with the POF group. Moreover, the levels of estradiol and anti-mullerian hormone in rats treated with CRC and CPS were significantly increased compared with the control group. Conclusions: In conclusion, CRC and CPS treatment of rats with cyclophosphamide-induced POF had a beneficial effect on reducing ovarian damage by improving tissue oxidative stress marker levels, ovarian reserve marker levels, and histopathological parameters. The significant improvements in ovarian tissue histopathological damage and hormonal levels detected in this study indicate that treatment with CRC or CPS might be a conservative treatment approach for cyclophosphamide-induced POF.
  • Öğe
    Associations between serum levels of adiponectin and resistin and metabolic parameters in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus
    (7847050 CANADA INC, 4900 COTE ST-LUC, APT#212, MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3W 2H3, CANADA, 2018) Melekoğlu, R.
    Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as a glucose intolerance firstly diagnosed during pregnancy. In this study, the authors aimed to investigate the association between serum adiponectin, and resistin levels with insulin resistance and metabolic parameters in patients with GDM. Material and Methods: A total of 80 patients: 40 healthy pregnant women (control group) and 40 pregnant women diagnosed with GDM (study group) were included in this study. Serum adiponectin, resistin, glucose, insulin, HbA1c levels, and lipid parameters were measured. Insulin resistance index HOMA-IR values were calculated. Results: Serum adiponectin levels were detected to be significantly lower (p < 0.001), whereas serum resistin levels were found to be significantly higher (p = 0.004) in GDM group compared with the control group. Levels of HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, and triglycerides were similar in both groups, but the total cholesterol level was significantly higher in the GDM group (p = 0.013). In the GDM group, adiponectin levels were negatively correlated with HbA1c levels (r = -0.368; p = 0.010) but were not correlated with any other parameter. A significant positive correlation was evident between resistin levels and both total cholesterol (r = 0.476, p = 0.001), and LDL-cholesterol (r = 0.293; p = 0.033). Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that serum resistin levels were significantly higher and serum adiponectin levels were significantly lower in pregnant women with GDM patients compared with normoglycemic pregnants. Also, it was detected that there was no correlation between serum adiponectin and resistin levels and insulin resistance in GDM patients.